09-27-2006 POLM Hutchinson Police Commission Minutes The Hutchinson Police Commission held a meeting on Wednesday, September27,2006, at the Hutchinson Emergency Operation Center. Present at the meeting were Barry Anderson, Mark Jelkin, Tom Schwartz, and Chief Daniel Hatten. The meeting was called to order at 5:33 p.m. Chairperson Barry Anderson asked if there were any changes to the minutes from the last meeting. With there being none, a motion was then made by Tom Schwartz, seconded by Mark Jelkin, to approve the minutes. Motion carried. Chief Hatten then updated the Commission with regard to the Communication Specialist staffing. He stated that at the end of the summer an eligibility roster with three names had been approved by the commission. Amanda Alsleben was selected for the full-time position thus creating a vacancy for a part-time position. During this time Communication Specialist Sheryl Delaney-Smith was placed on restrictive duty by her physician and limited to the number of hours she could work. She put in a written request to move to part-time due to the amount of hours she was able to work. Chief Hatten stated that he granted her request however, this created a vacancy for a full-time position. Hatten then informed the Commission that two applications had been submitted since the list was certified. Both applicants were contacted and only one was still interested in employment; that being Jayne Suemnick. Ms. Suemnick was interviewed in the beginning of September and achieved a score that would allow her to be placed on the roster. A motion was made by Mark Jelkin, seconded by Tom Schwartz, to place Jayne Suemnick on the eligibility roster. Motion carried. Chief Hatten stated that he will set up a date and time in which Ms. Suemnick may be interviewed by the final panel. The procedures for promotion to sergeant and lieutenant were then reviewed. Discussion was then held on each and changes were requested with regard to the order of the steps. A motion was then made by Barry Anderson, seconded by Tom Schwartz, to accept the "Procedures for Promotion to Sergeant" with the changes as discussed. Motion carried. A motion was then made by Mark Jelkin, seconded by Barry Anderson, to accept the "Procedures for Promotion to Lieutenant" with the changes as discussed. Motion carried. The next item on the agenda was the various letters that have been sent out to applicants once they have been placed on the eligibility roster. It was agreed that the letters should simply state that the applicant has been placed on the roster and to include a statement asking the individual to contact the department should they wish to be removed at any time from the list. The Commission requested that a sample letter be prepared and presented at the next meeting. Barry Anderson then asked Chief Hatten for a clarification with regard to Cindy Bock's position with the department and why this positions full salary was paid out of the police budget. Chief Hatten stated that the position was to be split between the police department and the city attorney's office. He stated that instead of giving her position a line item in the city attorney's budget the allocated money was placed in the police department's budget under an existing line item and paid. With there being no further business to discuss, a motion was made by Tom Schwartz, seconded by Mark Jelkin, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. Time of adjournment was 6:30 p.m.