08-15-2006 POLM
Hutchinson Police Commission Minutes
The Hutchinson Police Commission held a meeting on Tuesday, August 15,2006, at the
Hutchinson Emergency Operation Center. Present at the meeting were Barry Anderson, Mark
Jelkin, Tom Schwartz, City Administrator Gary Plotz and Chief Daniel Hatten.
The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. Chairperson Barry Anderson asked if there were
any changes to the minutes from the last meeting. With there being none, a motion was then
made by Mark Jelkin, seconded by Tom Schwartz, to approve the minutes. Motion carried.
Chief Hatten then asked to deviate from the agenda and take an item from the floor. Hatten
stated that he, Gary Plotz and Marc Sebora had met at different times to attain a resolution with
regard to Cindy Bock's position. The Commission was informed that a resolution had been
reached in which Ms. Bock would move back to the police department full-time but that the
timing of this was unknown. It was stated that a half-time employee would be hired for the city
attorney's office to perform the duties currently done by Ms. Bock. Chief Hatten stated that this
position was originally set up in 2002 to be half-time police department duties and half-time city
attorney duties with the salary to be split by each department. He further stated that although
that was the intention for this position the police department has always paid the full salary with
the majority of the duties performed relating to the city attorney. Hatten stated that the funding
for the new half-time individual in 2007 would be from the police department's permanent part-
time budget. Gary Plotz stated that when Ms. Bock started with the police department Marc
Sebora and Steve Madson determined that she would be based out of the police building. Chief
Hatten stated that Ms. Bock had been informed of the resolution but that rest of the police
department staff did not have this information.
Chief Hatten then updated the Commission with regard to the Communication Specialist
opening. He stated that he had offered Amanda Alsleben the position and she had accepted
the job. It was asked why she had to go through the process when she was already employed
as a part-time employee with the department. Chief Hatten said that it was to ensure that all city
hiring practices were followed and that she had never gone through the process for the full-time
communications position. Her start date is anticipated to be in September however some time
will be needed to accommodate her student teaching that is needed in order for her to complete
her schooling.
The review of the rules and regulations was then continued beginning at Section 5 -
Requirements for Promotion. Chief Hatten presented the Commission with an initial draft of the
steps taken with regard to promotion for a sergeant position. He stated that he followed the
same format used in the procedures for new hires. Tom Schwartz stated he did not see
anything listed with regard to practical skills required for the position. Hatten stated that the
testing process would ask questions that dealt with knowledge and skills. He said the piece he
felt the department was lacking is information for officers starting out on what they need to do to
gain the skills and attributes that would be needed to succeed in the promotional process. Mark
Jelkin stated that this would be essentially an employee development plan. Tom Schwartz
inquired to any probation period once an individual is promoted. Chief Hatten stated that there
is a probationary period of one year. It was determined that approval of this process would be
tabled until the revisions discussed were made and human resources had an opportunity to
review the document. It was also requested that a draft be done for promotion to lieutenant.
Police Commission Meeting
August 15, 2006
Page 2
The Commission then went on to review Sections 6 through 10 of the Rules and Regulations. It
was decided that all changes discussed would be made to the document by strike through and
redlining and presented to the commission.
With there being no further business to discuss, a motion was made by Mark Jelkin, seconded
by Tom Schwartz, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.
Time of adjournment was 7:08 p.m.