04-18-2006 POLM
Hutchinson Police Commission Minutes
The Hutchinson Police Commission held a meeting on Tuesday, April 18, 2006, at the
Hutchinson Emergency Operation Center. Present at the meeting were Barry
Anderson, Donna Baysinger, Tom Schwartz, Chief Daniel Hatten, Human Resource
Director Brenda Ewing, and City Attorney Marc Sebora.
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. Chairperson Barry Anderson asked if
there were any changes to the minutes from the last meeting. With there being none, a
motion was then made by Donna Baysinger, seconded by Tom Schwartz, to approve
the minutes. Motion carried.
Discussion was then directed to the draft of the police chief hiring process. The
question was raised if it would be beneficial to include a time line with the steps taken.
It would not need to be a hard line but used as a guideline to keep the process moving.
Chief Hatten stated that he would work with Brenda Ewing to get estimated times
placed on the various steps. The next discussion focused on the list of questions that
would be asked. It was stated that the questions would be reviewed prior to the hiring
process and updated to reflect current issues and events. A motion was made by Tom
Schwartz, seconded by Barry Anderson, to approve the police chief hiring process with
changes in the wording that was discussed. (2 ayes, 1 opposed) Motion carried.
Chief Hatten then directed the commissioners' attention to the draft of the hiring process
for community service officer, communication specialist and records specialist. Barry
Anderson suggested that the wording in steps 16 and 18 be changed in all three
positions. The changes agreed upon will be made and provided for the next meeting.
Chief Hatten then updated the commission with regard to the hiring of the new officer.
He stated that Sgt. Dobratz was in the process of conducting the background on Adam
Huot. Adam had completed the physical fitness program and the defensive tactics
program. He is scheduled to have a psychological exam and go through the weapons
course with a tentative hire date of May 21st.
Chairperson Barry Anderson then asked if there were any items from the floor. Chief
Hatten was asked how the department would be effected by the upcoming sheriff's
election. He responded that the change of leadership at the county level was a non-
issue and that the department would be able to work together with whom ever was
elected. Chief Hatten then provided a copy of the police department's year-end report
to each commissioner for the information.
With there being no further business to discuss, a motion was made by Tom Schwartz
to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Barry Anderson. Motion carried.
Time of adjournment was 8:30 p.m.
Donna Baysinger