09-20-2004 POLM
The Hutchinson Police Commission held a meeting on September 20, 2004, at the
Hutchinson Police Department Emergency Operations Center. Present at the meeting
were Barry Anderson, Donna Baysinger, Tom Schwartz, Human Resource Director Brenda
Ewing and Chief Daniel Hatten.
Chief Hatten called the meeting to order. Barry Anderson made a motion, seconded by
Tom Schwartz, to approve the minutes from the July 14, 2004 meeting. Motion carried.
Chief Hatten then updated the commission with regard to the status of the communication
specialist opening. Chief Hatten stated that there had been 72 applications, with 47 of
those being interviewed. He stated that this was to fill the full time vacancy created when
Robin Shoen left the department. Hatten stated that if the commission approved the roster
he would then have a one-on-one interview with the top three candidates on the list. A
conditional offer could then be made with the background, physical and psychological to
follow. A motion was made by Barry Anderson, seconded by Donna Baysinger, to accept
the eligibility roster for communication specialist as presented. Motion carried.
Chief Hatten informed the Police Commission that Officer Travis Heinrich had resigned his
position with the department and would be joining the Minnetonka Police Department. This
resignation opened up a full-time police officer position. He stated that Jesse Mathwig had
been hired as a part-time officer and was currently in the process of field training. He
requested that the department be allowed to move Officer Mathwig from the part-time
position to the open full-time position. A motion was made by Barry Anderson, seconded
by Donna Baysinger, to change the status of Jesse Mathwig from part-time to full-time.
Motion carried.
Chief Hatten then updated the commission on recent events. He stated that the garage
facility project was near conclusion and that he planned on having an open house for the
facility. The Arts and Crafts festival had been held with great success. He stated he did
not have any numbers yet on the events attendance. Chief Hatten had met with Ron
Johnson, the new principal of the high school and the two had attended the most recent
school board meeting. This was done to address the school liaison program and look at
what is being done and anything issues that need to be addressed. He then addressed the
issue of the policy and procedure manual. He stated that the update process has begun
and that the entire manual will be reviewed and updated as needed. Chief Hatten stated
that he had attended the McLeod county fair on most days and that the public safety booth,
which includes both police and fire, won a blue ribbon for the display. The last item the
chief addressed was regarding having a separate meeting which would include Marc
Sebora who would discuss with the commissioners the role the commission plays and the
responsibilities placed upon it.
Police Commission
September 20,2004
Page 2
With there being no further business to discuss, a motion was made by Donna Baysinger,
seconded by Tom Schwartz, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.
Time of adjournment was 7:40 am.
Donna Baysinger