05-10-2004 POLM
The Hutchinson Police Commission held a meeting on Mayl0,2004, at the Hutchinson
Police Department Emergency Operations Center. Present at the meeting were Bob
Bowen, Barry Anderson, Donna Baysinger, Tom Schwartz, Human Resource Director
Brenda Ewing, City Attorney Marc Sebora, Council Member Casey Stotts, and Sgt. Tom
Gifferson. Also in attendance were Sgt. Joe Nagel, Officers Andy Erlandson and Amanda
Alsleben. The meeting was called to order.
Bob Bowen stated that the special meeting of the commission was called to discuss the
recommendation to the city council for the position of Director of Police I Emergency
Management Services. Commissioner Anderson stated that he wanted to change his vote
that had been taken at the April 28th meeting. He stated that after the meeting he was
uncomfortable with his vote supporting Michael Carey. A discussion was held with
comments from Barry Anderson and Donna Baysinger. Once the discussion was complete
the commissioners stated their recommendation that is as follows: Bowen - Daniel Hatten,
Baysinger - Michael Carey, Anderson - Daniel Hatten.
A suggestion was made that either Marc Sebora or Brenda Ewing attend future commission
meetings to insure that the civil service rules are followed. It was also requested that
written agendas be sent out so that everyone may come prepared. Casey Stotts
questioned Bob Bowen calling the meeting and he was informed that his term did not end
until May 31 st.
With there being no further business to discuss a motion was made by Barry Anderson,
seconded by Donna Baysinger, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.
Time of adjournment was 7:25 am.
Donna Baysinger