11-03-2003 POLM HUTCHINSON POLICE COMMISSION MINUTES The Hutchinson Police Commission held a meeting on November 3, 2003, at the Hutchinson Police Department Emergency Operations Center. Present at the meeting were Bob Bowen, Barry Anderson, Mayor Marlin Torgerson, City Attorney Marc Sebora, City Administrator Gary Plotz, Human Resources Brenda Ewing, and Lt. Dave Erlandson- Interim Chief. The meeting was called to order. Lt. Erlandson updated the commission that Brian Beffert had been hired as a part-time officer to fill the reinstated vacancy; that Aaron Barry had been moved to full-time status; and, that Jesse Mathwig's temporary position had been extended in order to aide in scheduling for out at the hospital. Erlandson also stated that the promotional process for sergeant was underway. There were four total applicants - two internal, one from Robbinsdale and one from Glencoe. The commission was then informed that the hospital had sent a letter stating that they would be terminating their contract for security at their facility at the end of the year. With this development Erlandson stated he revised his budget request. He dropped the request for a third Community Service Officer (CSO) and the reinstatement of a full-time officer. Instead he is asking that the department be able to retain the two current CSO's and handed out a list of duties that they would perform. He stated that by having the CSO's carrying out the duties listed it would enable licensed officers to remain out on patrol performing enforcement. Bob Bowen, seconded by Barry Anderson, made a motion that with the approval of the proposed budget the department should maintain the two current CSO's on staff. Motion carried. Lt. Erlandson then excused himself from the meeting and discussion was then held regarding the chief of police position. Brenda Ewing distributed copies of the proposed changes to the job description for the position. Marc Sebora stated that he had reviewed the commissions rules and regulation and the policy and procedures manual due to some concern regarding if it was within the commissions realm to change the description. Sebora stated that any changes to the by-laws would need to have a unanimous vote by the commission. He also stated that any changes to the policy and procedures, such as job descriptions, would require a majority vote by the commission. A question was then asked as to the time line for advertising and hiring. Brenda Ewing stated that the city generally set a 1 a-day time frame internally but felt due to the position that a 3 - 4 week posting would be appropriate. All in attendance agreed that it would be best if the position were filled as soon after the first of the year as possible. Discussion was then held dealing with the wording located in the "Required Qualifications" area of the job description. A motion was Bob Bowen, seconded by Barry Anderson, to accept the changes proposed in the job description with the word "preferably" being added in the first sentence after the word agency and before the word comparable. Motion carried. Police Commission November 3, 2003 Page 2 Marc Sebora stated that the police department's policy and procedures had not been gone through in its entirety since 1998 and suggested that this should be done. After a short discussion it was determined that police personnel should review the policy and procedures and submit them to the commission prior to December 1,2004, for the commissions review and approval. Bob Bowen, seconded by Barry Anderson, made a motion to have a committee form of policy personnel to review the policy and procedures. Motion carried. With there being no further business to discuss a motion was made by Bob Bowen, seconded by Barry Anderson, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. Time of adjournment was 7:50 a.m. Donna Baysinger