08-27-2003 POLM
The Hutchinson Police Commission held a meeting on August 27,2003, at the Hutchinson
Police Department. Present at the meeting were Bob Bowen, Donna Baysinger, Barry
Anderson, Lt. Dave Erlandson - Interim Chief. The meeting was called to order.
Lt. Erlandson informed the commission that he had sent a memorandum to City
Administrator Gary Plotz regarding personnel issues at the police department. He stated
that there was an opening for a full-time position due to the retirement of Sgt. Chuck Jones
and that Aaron Berry, who is currently a part-time officer licensed for full-time had been
moved up into the opening. Erlandson also stated that the city council and Gary Plotz had
authorized reinstatement of the part-time position and that Brian Beffert, who was on the
eligibility roster, had been offered the position, which he accepted.
The commission was then informed by Lt. Erlandson that with the retirement of Chuck
Jones there was now a sergeant's position that needed to be filled. This position would not
be filled until after January 151 due to the fact that Jones would remain on the payroll until
that time. In order to fill the opening individuals eligible for the position would need to apply
and the promotional process would continue. Bob Bowen made a motion, seconded by
Barry Anderson, to proceed with the promotional process. Motion carried.
Lt. Erlandson stated that the eligibility roster for police officer was now exhausted. He
stated that the department had received approximately half a dozen applications last year,
through the recruitment process. A motion was made by Bob Bowen, seconded by Donna
Baysinger, to advertise for a police officer position if required. Motion carried.
A discussion was then held regarding the Community Service Officers for the hospital.
With one of the CSO's finding employment as a full-time officer there was a gap in fulfilling
the shifts needed to comply with the contract at the hospital. Lt. Erlandson stated that he
would be utilizing Jesse Mathwig, who is a current temporary employee, to fill some of the
shifts. His salary would be paid out of the monies the hospital pays to the city.
With there being no further business to discuss a motion was made by Barry Anderson,
seconded by Donna Baysinger, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.
Time of adjournment was 8:00 a.m.
Donna Baysinger