02-03-2013 PRCEMMINUTES Parks, Recreation & Community Education Advisory Board February 3, 2013 Members present were Jay Bartholomew, Elizabeth Hanninen, Mary Christensen, Lori Hornick- Lindell, Troy Scotting, Betsy Czmowski, and Eric Opland. Also present were Mary Haugen, Sara Witte, Mike Bahe, John McRaith, Sharon Armstrong, Kelly Schmitt, September Jacobsen, and Karen McKay. The meeting was called to order at 5:15 pm. A motion was made by Mary Christensen and seconded by Jay Bartholomew to approve the minutes dated December 3, 2012. The board unanimously agreed. NEW BUSINESS — ANNUAL REPORTS Recreation: John McRaith, Recreation Services Coordinator • Profit margin on concessions in 2012 was 15 %. The goal was 25 %. • A cash register will be used in the future at the concession stands to aid in inventory control. • A new vendor for screen printing has been contracted at no extra cost for set -up. The previous vendor moved out -of state. • Volunteer coaches will be required to complete online concussion training. After passing the test, a certificate will be issued and their child's participant fees will be waived. The certificate is valid for three years. • The feasibility of a web -based registration process will be explored in 2013. • Recreation participation among adults has dropped significantly in the last 10 years while youth participation has remained about the same. • Balancing the recreation budget is a goal for 2013. Community Education: Sharon Armstrong, Program Coordinator • After school and weekend activities in the four public school buildings are booked through the Community Education office. Sharon is exploring the possibility of obtaining a web -based facility scheduler program. • There are 240 people who began the GED /ABE program over the years but have not completed the testing process. Efforts are going to be made in 2013 to contact and encourage them to complete this. • Crow River Area Youth Orchestra (CRAYO) would like to increase their membership in 2013. • Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) would like to maintain their membership numbers in 2013. • Since taking over Middle School sports nine years ago, participation has increased. Participation fees increased $5 over the previous year to offset increasing costs. PRCE Advisory Board February 3, 2013 Page two Parks: Sara Witte, Parks Supervisor • Repairs, repainting, replacement, removal etc. were completed on the playground equipment and shelters in the city parks. • 2000 plantings were added to Millers Woods entrance with a 3M environmental grant. • The Harrington - Merrill property was cleaned up. • The bandshell canopy in West River Park will be completed in 2013. • There will be continued safety additions to playground equipment in 2013. • Signs will be added in 2013 in city parks to identify plants. • The Kiwanis shelter will be resided in 2013. Parks /Forestry: Mike Bahe, Natural Resource Coordinator • 132 energy trees were planted on private property in 2012. The costs of this planting project were paid for by funds from Hutchinson Utilities. • The annual Arbor Day celebration was held with 3rd graders and a 3M planting. • The tree board was reorganized in 2012. • In 2013, with a DNR grant, 133 boulevard trees will be planted on parkland and school properties. • Mature Burr Oak trees in the community may be inoculated for blight in 2013. • Efforts will be made in 2013 to be proactive in the fight against the Emerald Ash Borer with the removal of some boulevard trees on Craig Avenue SW. Event Center /Senior Center: September Jacobsen, Event Center Coordinator • Adaptive Recreation for mentally and physically handicapped individuals meets weekly September through May. • Senior activities included tours, dances, exercise, cards, bingo, and special events. Beginning in 2013, the senior center will be open again on Fridays. • The Event Center has been open for 10 years. In 2012, the roof and a roof air handling unit were replaced. The road and parking area on the north side of the building were also replaced. • In 2013, there are 24 weddings and 7 other events on Saturdays scheduled. This is an increase from 2012. Recreation Center and Burich Arenas: Mary Haugen, Facilities and Operations Manager • In 2012, the Facility Improvement Committee for the City of Hutchinson identified and prioritized projects, repairs, and replacements which included the Event Center, the Recreation Center gym and pool, and the Burich Arenas. • In the near future, monies will be received from Hutchinson Health that is earmarked for health and recreation type projects. A family aquatic center may be considered for use of some of these monies. • In the ice arenas, the two Zamboni resurfacers have been converted to electric to meet air quality standards. • In 2013, the roof on the east ice arena and the main air handler on the Recreation Center will be replaced. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:50 pm by a motion made by Eric Opland and seconded by Jay Bartholomew. The Board unanimously agreed.