Parks, Recreation & Community Education Advisory Board
August 6, 2012
Members present were Jim Waldron, John Rodeberg and Jay Bartholomew. Also present were Dolf
Moon and Karen McKay.
The meeting was called to order at 5:15 pm.
A motion was made by John Rodeberg and seconded by Jim Waldron to approve the minutes dated June
4, 2012. The board unanimously agreed.
Facility Improvements — The Facility Improvement Committee has identified $750,000 worth of repair
projects to be completed annually. Included in the projects is the replacement of the east rink roof the
rink systems and dehumidifiers. The projects may be bid out separately or bundled if it can save money.
Summer Program — Registration numbers for summer youth programs were level. Adult softball and sand
volleyball teams registered was down. Fees have remained the same for adult sports; participants are too
busy to participate. The Greenway and USA Soccer Camps are not run through the PRCE Department.
Church/Theatre — The Hutchinson Theatre Company production of Smoke on the Mountain had five sell
out performances in the Church. It generated $5,000 in rental revenue. There may to two more Smoke on
the Mountain follow -up performances, one in January and another in the fall of 2013.
Depot Update — The Depot sewer lines need to be relocated before the Depot is relocated prior to winter.
Arts Grant — The Arts Center received a $4,500 grant for a "River Walk" scheduled for September 8 . A
drum circle will take place where a person will lead citizens to the beat of a drum along the Crow River
beginning at the Little Crow Statue to Stearnswood. There will be children's activities such as chalk art
on the sidewalk. This is a cooperative effort between the Public Arts Commission and the Center for the
Arts. Burich Arena is the rain location
School Fields — The new fields at the school are in full use after three years of grooming. They will
continue to be improved with fertilizing and over seeding.
Linden Park Status — Storm water management information gathering continues and discussions will
begin regarding the ball field improvement or pool improvement. The current pool expenses for the
summer are around $15,000 as the pumps and heaters age and need replacement and repairs. Discussions
continue with the hospital privatization and the money that would be used for family wellness.
Comp Plan/Downtown Plan — The City's Comprehensive Plan process began 14 months ago. All
departments are included. The engineering firm, SEH will pull together the information and present
graphics. The Downtown Plan in 2001 included the cornerstone commons building. A focus group will
meet to discuss the vision of downtown Hutchinson in the future. One site under consideration is the
corner of Third Avenue NE and Franklin Street, the property is on the flood fringe.
September Meeting — The first Monday in September is Labor Day; the board will not meet. The next
regular meeting will be Monday, October 1 st.
PRCE Advisory Board
August 6, 2012
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John told the board that attendance at River Song was greater than 2,000; an increase over last year's
number. Vendor sales were good. The permanent stage worked out well. The group will seek a grant to
provide a permanent roof over the stage next year.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 pm by a motion made by John Rodeberg and seconded by Jay
Bartholomew. The Board unanimously agreed.