Parks, Recreation & Community Education Advisory Board
June 4, 2012
Members present were Jim Waldron, John Rodeberg, Elizabeth Hanninen, Troy Scotting, Jay
Bartholomew, Mary Christensen and Eric Opland. Also present were Dolf Moon and Karen McKay.
The meeting was called to order at 5:15 pm.
A motion was made by John Rodeberg and seconded by Mary Christensen to approve the minutes dated
April 2, 2012. The board unanimously agreed.
Public Art/Art Center — The Public Art Commission is working on a police memorial for the 25th
Anniversary of the Mike Hogan fatality. The group is also working on a river walk art display along the
Luce Line Trail. Art pieces would be on display for eight to 12 months at a time four to six times a year.
Some of the art would be available for sale. The display will not take place this year.
The Art Center will be moving to the back portion of the old Hutchinson Leader Office along Washington
Avenue West. The space is double the size of the current location. It will be a good location for
performing artist. The Director, Kathy Wnoroski will be leaving in September.
Trail Updates — The head of the Department of Natural Resources will be in Hutchinson June 14th to talk
about the Luce Line Trail and Dakota Rail from Lester Prairie to Hutchinson.
Facility Improvements — The Facility Improvement Committee is looking at a variety of projects that
could be completed with a budget of $750,000 annually. Projects included: the roof and entrance doors at
the arena, roofs at the Library, Liquor Store, Event Center and Parks Maintenance Facility. City and
hospital discussions continue regarding the Event Center at the Plaza. Proceeds could go toward an
aquatic upgrade at the Recreation Center. The pump in the wading pool and the heater in the large pool
would not start up this spring. The system is 25 years old and starting to fail. The cost of repairs and
improvements to the pool has gone up by nearly a half a million in 10 years.
Registration — Dolf thanked the PRCE Advisory Board for the volunteer help at the Early Summer
Registration in May.
Fores — The Mayor and City Council will determine if the Tree Board will continue to meet two to
three times a year or become a function of the PRCE Advisory Board. The Emerald Ash Bore is a threat
that could impact Hutchinson on a large scale. The City has received a $15,000 grant to be used tree
planting in public spaces. The Energy Tree Planting Program has $30,000 available from Hutchinson
Utilities. A spring and fall planting program are scheduled in the community for a $15 application fee.
Harrington Merrill /Church — The community Leadership Group had a clean-up morning with 20
individuals attending at the Harrington Merrill House. The Church is the location for the Hutchinson
Theatre Company production; they received a grant which will cover the rent.
Depot Project — Miles Seppelt is getting prices for work to construct a new foundation and rotate the
Depot east /west; parallel to Adams Street. The rail road, EDA, City and Downtown Association are
involved in the project.
PRCE Advisory Board
June 4, 2012
Page two
Student Activity Fees — The Board received a copy of Wright County Conference Participation fees from
2011 -12. A $5 increase per person per activity with the family cap increasing $25 from $425 to $450 is
proposed. The last increase was four years ago. The new revenue could offset the increased cost of
transportation and officials fees due to more contests. The Board had no objections to the proposed
July Meeting — The next meeting is scheduled for July 2" d. A tour of the summer projects is planned with
stops at the Church, Miller Woods, Riverside and Park Elementary.
BOARD MEMBER ITEMS Elizabeth inquired about the status of gymnastics in Hutchinson, Dolf will
check into this.
John told the Board that River Song is scheduled in West River Park July 20/21. A temporary roof will
be in place over the stage and electrical work will be done soon.
ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:10 pm by a motion made by Troy Scotting and
seconded by John Rodeberg. The Board unanimously agreed.