02-01-2010 PRCEM MINUTES Parks, Recreation & Community Education Advisory Board February 1, 2010 Members present were Deane Dietel, Mike Retterath, Mary Christensen, Lora Muilenberg, Jay Bartholomew and Chad Czmowski. Also present were Dolf Moon and Karen McKay. The meeting was called to order at 5:15 pm. A motion was made by Deane Dietel and seconded by Mary Christensen to approve the minutes dated December 7, 2009. The board unanimously agreed. OLD BUSINESS Luce Line Trail Update Î There was a trail hearing with eight local people in attendance. Senator Dille and Representative Shimanski will author a bill requesting $2.375 million for trail improvements to the th Luce Line Trail that will hopefully be voted on February 15. $39 million is typically requested through the process, and $10 million is generally approved. NEW BUSINESS Community Education Legislation Î The group is not asking for money, but to raise awareness that Community Education is vital to communities. ABE and GED are programs for retraining adult citizens. Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) plays a huge role in children ages three, four and five providing parenting skills and preparation for kindergarten and after school enrichment programs. Dolf will be serving a three-year term with the group. Program Report Î.The board received a report showing the current numbers of registered participants in Community Education and recreation activities and team leagues. Several programs will have increased numbers as the programs begin in April and May. City/School Advisory Committee Î Applications from the community are being accepted for the City/School Advisory Committee. The function of the committee will be to review the city/school partnership to see if resources could be better shared. The committee will consist of the School Superintendent, City Administrator, CFOÓs from city and school, Brian Mohr and Dolf, City Council Representative; Chad Czmowski and Mayor Steve Cook, School Board representatives, Brian th Pollmann and Mike McGraw and six community members. The first meeting will be March 17. Annual Report March Î The PRCE staff will attend the March meeting to review each of their areas. The report will be mailed prior to the meeting. BOARD MEMBER ITEMS Jay inquired about the landscape projects coming up in 2010. Dolf told the board of two projects, the first with a community leadership group organized through the Chamber in Masonic/West River Park and Gopher Campfire Sanctuary. ThereÓs $25,000 funding to landscape the trail spur, the design is being developed at this time. The second project will be on Hutchinson Public Utilities property at MINUTES PRCE Advisory Board February 1, 2010 Page two Hwy. 7 and 15. The vendor that got the bid in 2009 went out of business and Hutch Utilities asked if the city was interested in the planting project, they would pay for materials and city staff labor. Chad talked to Carl at the Country Club; he was told that there would be a ski groomer machine for the 2010/11 season. Dolf told the board that he would be taking a group of students snowshoeing as part of the High School cabin fever event. Ten pair of snowshoes will be provided by REI through their outreach program. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 5:50 pm by a motion made by Lora Muilenberg and seconded by Mike Retterath. The Board unanimously agreed.