Parks, Recreation & Community Education Advisory Board
August 3, 2009
Members present were Jim Waldron, Chad Czmowski, Deane Dietel, and Jay Bartholomew.
Also present were Dolf Moon and Karen McKay.
The meeting was called to order at 5:19 pm.
A motion was made by Chad Czmowski and seconded by Jay Bartholomew to approve the
minutes dated June 1, 2009. The board unanimously agreed.
Budget Update – The city is experiencing an $860,000 reduction in aid from the state. The City
will be hiring two park maintenance positions as well as two police officers. The school’s
budget has ended for the fiscal year.
Outdoor Ice – Discussions continue regarding the outdoor ice rink. The City Council would like
to accommodate the hockey players. There were safety concerns and issues with the neighbors
with the rink proposal west of the west rink. A group of individuals will get together to establish
goals, gather facts and determine how to move forward. Dolf told the board that Northwoods
Park would be suitable location, with a warming house and outdoor lighting in place.
Summer Projects
Little Crow Statue – The first of three quotes is in at $7,500. Included in the quote is
installing the foundation, pedestal, mortar and rocks. Little Crow descendents have not returned
any phone calls. Jim Waldron inquired about the time line for completion of the statue
installation. Dolf said he would like it done by Labor Day.
Boy Scout Statue – The Boy Scout Pack #246 has received a Boy Scout Statue valued at
$20,000 commemorating 100 years of scouting. The statue is scheduled to be placed in Boy
Scout Park by September 26. A 15,000 pound granite stone from St. Cloud will be set as a
Les Kouba Parkway - The Public Works Committee is working on the project along Third
Avenue Northwest. The current road way will be vacated as it is not an actual road. The
property will be 33,000 square feet combined.
The city will advertise for bids to improve the parkway. The city may have to bond up to
$200,000. It could be ten years before the parkway along the sanctuary is surfaced with
Park Elementary School – The restoration company hired is acid washing the face and tuck
pointing Park Elementary School, the progress is looking good.
Tobacco Free Parks – The proposal for tobacco free parks has been on the city council agenda
for two meetings. It will likely be a policy not an ordinance, therefore being self-enforcing.
PRCE Advisory Board
August 3, 2009
Page two
Tournament Information Results – There were 28 teams participating at the Girls 14U softball
tournament $6,300 was grossed including gate admissions at $4 each, concessions and T-shirt
sales. The Hutch Pentacular softball tournament is coming up, as well as a 26-30 team modified
tournament. Other tournaments held in Hutchinson include hockey, baseball, state broomball,
softball and volleyball.
Stimulus Impact – There were two retirements in the Parks Department in June.
Ten students working through the T.A.P. Program helped with park maintenance projects four
days a week, three hours a day from June 15th to August 20th. Projects included spreading
wood chips, weeding, planing and staining 35 picnic tables. The have their own supervisors and
parks staff coordinate the projects.
Correspondence – Dolf received a letter requesting that the indoor pre-school playground
program that meets Monday, Wednesday and Friday from Labor Day through April be expanded
to Monday through Friday and include Saturdays. John and Marv will look into the matter.
Deane reported that the Crow River Cleanup project went well.
Jay had a parent request that the parent/child swim lessons for children five and under be more
Chad requested that the Parks Department consider installing canoe holders along the river
perhaps near Glen Street down from the School District Office. They are popular in the metro
area and could promote activities along the river and downtown.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:20 pm with a motion made by Jim Waldron and seconded by
Deane Dietel. The Board unanimously agreed.