Parks, Recreation & Community Education Advisory Board
June 1, 2009
Members present were Chad Czmowski, Scott Scholl, Deane Dietel, Mary Christensen, Mike
Retterath, Jim Waldron, and Jay Bartholomew. Also present were Dolf Moon and Karen
The meeting was called to order at 5:20 pm.
A motion was made by Deane Dietel and seconded by Jim Waldron to approve the minutes dated
April 6, 2009. The board unanimously agreed.
Budget Update – It’s the end of Community Education’s fiscal year. The city has offered
retirement incentives to employees that will pay them through December ‘09. Two staff
members in the Parks Department have accepted the incentive and will be retiring June 30th. In
2002 there were 11 parks employees and July 1 there will be four.
With the cuts that the Governor will be making there would be an $866,000 reduction in aid to
the city. Directors are trying to find ways to reduce expenses.
Tobacco Free Parks – Jean Johnson with McLeod County Public Health along with a student
representative were present to talk about the benefits of smoke/tobacco free parks, and explain to
board members the difference in a policy and an ordinance against smoking in the parks.
The goal is to have parks free of tobacco, have designated smoke areas or have no smoking in
the parks. The State of Minnesota’s settlement with the tobacco companies will be used pay for
signage in the parks if the City adopts a policy or ordinance. A policy would create a shared
responsibility in the community suggesting no tobacco use on city owned land. An ordinance
would prohibit the use of tobacco.
In addition to smoking being hazardous to one’s health the litter it creates is also a problem along
with the increased risk of fires.
Chad will bring the Tobacco Free Parks issue to the City Council and would like to Jean to
present it to them as well.
LCMR Grant – The Parks, Recreation and Community Education has been invited to partner
with the Minnesota Recreation and Park Association for grant money available for two prairie
projects. With the flooding that took place in Moorhead in the spring they weren’t able to get it
together and Hutchinson has been invited to apply for a $15,000 project. Students would be tied
into the project.
PRCE Advisory Board
June 1, 2009
Page two
Summer Projects
Little Crow Statue: The statue will be placed on the north side of the river in the platform
area that is visible from the intersection. The old chimney will be reutilized. Funding sources
have been identified, including money from MNDOT. Little Crow descendants have been
contacted, they may have some money to help fund the placement of the statue. Jim Fahey
suggested that the Southwest Foundation may also have funds available
Boy Scout Statue: Troop #246 has been chosen to receive a statue of a boy scout to
commemorate 100 years of scouting. The platform area will be redone and the flag pole will be
removed to accommodate the statue.
Vinyl Paint: Riverside Shelter will be painted with vinyl paint by a business in town that
would like to do a project. It will be painted beige with dark brown trim and will have a 20-year
guarantee. There will be a sign identifying the business as a donor.
Volunteerism – Charter School students picked up litter along the river from Oddfellows Park up
the Fifth Avenue Bridge. Volunteers are very beneficial, but need people to organize the
projects. The Women’s Club has planted the garden at School Road and Dale Street in addition
to a financial contribution. There was also a $500 donation for the community garden plots
along Adams Street SE.
July Tour – There will not formal meeting in July, but a tour of the parks to view summer
projects is planned.
Deane Dietel invited the board to the South Fork Canoe Run from Roberts Park to County Road
15 on June 10.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:28 pm by a motion made by Scott Scholl and seconded by Mike
Retterath. The Board unanimously agreed.