11-03-2008 PRCEMMINUTES Parks, Recreation & Community Education Advisory Board November 3, 2008 Members present were: Lenore Flinn, Beth Hepola, Bill Arndt and Mike Retterath. Also present were Dolf Moon and Karen McKay. The meeting was called to order at 5:17 pm. A motion was made by Lenore Flinn and seconded by Beth Hepola to approve the minutes dated August 4, 2008. The board unanimously agreed. OLD BUSINESS Budget ‘09 – City staff is still working on the ’09 budget. Fuel and utility expenses have been increased based on figures from earlier this year. There will be workshops before the budget is finalized. Dolf told the board that one of the biggest issues is the status of the state’s Local Government Aid for Hutchinson. The state could see 4 billion shortfall that could result in cuts to LGA.. Summer Projects – The cedar shelter in Drift Rider’s Park (Island View) is complete. It overlooks the natural rock playground structures. The trail from Lakewood Drive to School Road is complete with paving. A majority of the paved portion of the Luce Line Trail was seal coated. The fence around the sanctuary was replaced. Improvements will continue to be made in the sanctuary concluding in 2010 with Gopher Campfire’s Anniversary. The posts for the banners on Hwy. 15/22 were removed for sandblasting and repainting due to pitting of the original paint. The sidewalk by the dam was also redone. NEW BUSINESS Dog Park Survey – Three University of Mankato students volunteered to conduct a survey and gather information regarding a potential Dog Park in Hutchinson. 650 surveys were mailed out to area residents of Hutchinson, 75 came back undeliverable and, 270 responses were received. The data will be helpful if a park is considered. Girl’s Softball Survey – A survey was sent out to the parents of last summer’s girls softball participants ages 12 to 18. Questions asked included team selection, equal playing time, everyone plays and affordability of the program. The PRCE Department has been affiliated with the Girls Softball Association for a number of years, in that time the number of participants has grow by more than 50 girls. If the parents want a competitive program, the Association will run it without the PRCE Department’s administrative support. They will also need to purchase liability insurance. Youth Summit – PRCE staff, the Assistant Principals of the High School and Middle School, and the Athletic Director will facilitate a workshop in January. The purpose is to reach youth that may be underserved in the community. Schools involved include District #423, Charter, and possibly Maplewood Academy. Minutes PRCE Advisory Board November 3, 2008 Page two Outdoor Rink/Garden Plots – Due to budget reductions, primarily the new full-time maintenance position that was cut, the outdoor ice rink will not be flooded this winter. The City of Hutchinson has a great park system including 37 parks with five full time maintenance positions that maintain it. Staff was considering cutting the garden plot program. However, a way was found to help make it happen by raising the user fee and requiring the tenants to help with the site preparation. Narcotics Anonymous Request for gym rent fee waived – Tim Wartman with Narcotics Anonymous, was present requesting that the rental fee be adjusted for his organization that will be using the Recreation Center Gym Saturday, February 21, 2009 from 8:00 am to 12 midnight. Narcotics Anonymous is a sister program of Alcoholics Anonymous, they’re hosting a regional convention and are holding a volleyball tournament and dance. If required to pay the entire rental fee plus 15% of concession profits, ¾ of their budget would be spent. Bill Arndt suggested that a Narcotics Anonymous representative approach the local Drift Rider snowmobile club. They could donate charitable gambling funds directly to the Recreation Center for the rental fee. Tim told the Board that the philosophy of the organization is to be self-supporting. Dolf suggested that the regular rental fee of $30/hour could be halved for this rental. Mike Retterath made a motion that the Parks, Recreation and Community Education Department charge Narcotics Anonymous a rental fee half of the regular rate of $30/hour for a total of $240 for their upcoming rental of the Recreation Center Gym. Bill Arndt seconded the motion, the Board unanimously agreed. BOARD MEMBER ITEMS Board members received many compliments regarding the downtown flowers. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:26 pm by a motion made by Bill Arndt and seconded by Mike Retterath. The board unanimously agreed. klm