08-04-2008 PRCEMMINUTES Parks, Recreation & Community Education Advisory Board August 4, 2008 Members present were: Beth Hepola, Bill Arndt, Mike Cannon, Lora Muilenburg, Kirk Kosel and Deane Dietel. Also present were Dolf Moon and Karen McKay. The meeting was called to order at 5:20 pm. A motion was made by Bill Arndt and seconded by Beth Hepola to approve the minutes dated June 2, 2008. The board unanimously agreed. OLD BUSINESS Aquatic Center – The City Council was presented with a couple of $2 million projects for discussion. The Council will to set levels of priority and discuss how to fund the projects. Included in the requests are paving and grading Les Kouba Road and a walking/biking trail along South Grade Road west of School Road. Another project for consideration is a pool upgrade and ballfield addition. The Council th will meet August 8 to discuss and identify the needs of the community. Summer Projects – The Dam project is complete, a portion of it is six inches lower that the previous dam. What remains near the dam is the maintenance of the landscape materials. All Seasons are required to replace trees along Highway 7/22 for two years according to the MNDOT specifications. 76 plant materials have already been replaced near the bridge and underpass. The under pass at School Road and Highway 7/22 is done. Pavers under the park benches are installed.Drift Riders shelter is complete. The Highway 7 planting will continue under the supervision of the Parks Department. The new entrance to Veteran’s Memorial Field is complete with wooden baseball bats; memorial money was used to finance that project. Kiwanis Park has room for additional trees. Work on the High School baseball field continues; it will be a nice addition. The fences are the same depth as VMF Field. The field will be seeded this year and won’t be available for use until 2010. NEW BUSINESS Budget ‘09 – The PRCE 2008 adopted budget is $1,283,294. The ’09 preliminary amount was $1,373,533 and the proposed figure is $1,256,909. The park maintenance position was cut. Maintaining the additional landscape along the Hwy. 7/22 project will be a challenge for the parks crew. Fees collected cover utility and fuel costs, but not staff. Dam/Underpass – The ceremony following the completion of the Dam/Bridge and the Underpass at School Road and Highway 7/22 has been set for Thursday, August 28 5:00 pm at the Underpass and at 6:00 pm at the Bridge/Dam on Highway 15. Highway 15 Roundabout – The Roundabout on Highway 15 north of Highway 7/22 is going to be open around August 15-20 rather than September 15-20 as was originally expected. MISCELLANEOUS Dolf thanked Mike Cannon and Kirk Kosel as they completed their second term on the PRCE Advisory Board. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 pm by a motion made by Mike Cannon and seconded by Bill Arndt. The board unanimously agreed.