12-03-2007 PRCEMMINUTES Parks, Recreation & Community Education Advisory Board December 3, 2007 Members present were: Deane Dietel, Kirk Kosel, Lora Muilenburg, Mike Retterath and Keith Kamrath. Dolf Moon, Marv Haugen and Karen McKay were also present. The meeting was called to order at 5:15 pm. A motion was made by Lora Muilenburg and seconded by Deane Dietel to approve the minutes dated October 1 2007. The board unanimously agreed. OLD BUSINESS Tour - The Board toured completed park projects in October. A tour in the spring and fall will give the Board an opportunity to see the progress in the parks. NEW BUSINESS Dam Update - Dolf told the Board that a lot of work has been done on the dam. The project is about a week behind. The rock portion of the dam should be complete around the middle of December; work will then be done until next spring. The placement of the three to four diameter boulders is yet to be determined, they will create the rapids. The Department of Natural Resources will be checking the water flow. The bridge height is at the 100 year flood stage. Girl Scout and Eheim Parks will be reconstructed next year. Underpass - The bituminous and turf are complete and the top soil is seeded at the Highway 7 W underpass site. The railing and landscaping will be installed in the spring. The underpass is 14 feet wide and 12 feet high. 2008 Park & Recreation Budget - The net increase for 2008 is $61,500 which includes a full time person to be hired in July. Dolf told the Board that they will be looking for a person with a horticulture certificate to help with the care of the additional trees, shrubs and landscaping incurred with the Highway 7 Project. Aquatic Center Discussion - The Mayor and City Council appointed a group to study a half penny sales tax and projects that could benefit from such funds. He also issued a challenge to move forward with the pool proposal provided it would not impact homeowner’s taxes. There were two pool referendums before it passed and the pool was opened in ’86. Funds included $400,000 from the sale of the Old Armory. The same architects that designed the original pool developed the pool concept plan in 2000. At that time, the estimate to renovate the pool was $1.6 million; it could possibly be $2 million by now. The concept plan includes updating existing equipment and adding water features (slides MINUTES PRCE Advisory Board December 3, 2007 Page two Aquatic Center Discussion Cont. and fountains) and a zero depth area. The attendance at the pool has dropped significantly. A survey of school age children indicated that the kids wanted a upgraded facility. Deane suggested the pool facility have a roof over it. Dolf stated that expense and usage could be factors in that suggestion. Silver Lake renovated their pool with funding from private donations. Crystal’s pool needed updates, the city had $600,000 and citizens voted yes for a levy of $15/year for a $100,000 home. Options to finance the pool renovation will be discussed at the January meeting. Looking to the future with the expected increase in the population of the city and with the age of the current pool facilities and equipment, Dolf told the board that now is the time to look at upgrades. Fifth Avenue Rail Trestle – A structural engineer was hired to review the trestle bridge. It was determined that none of the support legs should be removed due to the condition of the current bridge. ADJOURNEMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:36 pm by a motion made by Mike Retterath and seconded by Kirk Kosel. The board unanimously agreed. klm