Parks, Recreation & Community Education Advisory Board
August 6, 2007
Members present were: Bill Arndt, Keith Kamrath, Mike Retterath, Beth Hepola, Deane Dietel
and Lora Muilenburg. Also present were Dolf Moon and Karen McKay.
The meeting was called to order at 5:15 pm.
A motion was made by Bill Arndt and seconded by Deane Dietel to approve the minutes dated
June 4, 2007. The board unanimously agreed.
Tour – In July the board met and toured the summer projects at five or six sites. In October the
board will meet and see the wrap up of these projects.
Dam Update – The contract has been let for the dam replacement. Contractor will begin work
September 10 or 17. The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will drain the river two
weeks prior to the start date. The project could be completed as soon as Thanksgiving.
Underpass – There’s a large hole where the new underpass will be constructed on Highway 7
near School Road. The landscape around the underpass will be completed in the spring of ’08.
The School Road intersection with Highway 7 will be open when school starts in September.
2008 Park & Recreation Budget – The budget was submitted to the City Council for initial
review. An additional $93,000 is in the Parks division for new employees to help maintain the
MNDOT landscape project. There will be seven more miles of highway right-of-way to
maintain. Three full-time positions were cut in 2003.
Project Updates – Eight of the fourteen seasonal employees will be done the end of this week.
There was less mowing this year due to the lack of rain. The Rolling Meadows playground
structure is installed. The topsoil is being ground off in Drift Riders Park in Island View
Heights. The Cupola has been repainted, the stonework around the WPA pond is done and the
waterfall is in. Brian Mohr has established safe routes to school from Island View Heights to
School Road which have been submitted to the Police Department. Millers Woods has been
mowed three times. The buffer between the park and neighboring homeowners will be installed
this fall. National Night Out is scheduled for Tuesday, August 7. The Disc Golf Course is
nearly done as there has been a number of contributors to the course. Vandalism is down in the
park with the added traffic on the course. The park turf is stressed with the drought so it will be
seeded this fall. The cooling tower replacement at the arena is almost done with the electrical
and plumbing work needing to be finished.
Fall Registration – The fall PRCE Brochure will mailed the week of August 13. Registration
for fall soccer and football is taking place now.
PRCE Advisory Board
August 6, 2007
Page Two
No September Meeting – The PRCE Advisory Board will not meet in September due to the
Labor Day Holiday. There will be a tour of the completed projects in October.
Relay For Life – There was a good turnout to the annual Relay For Life August 3 and 4.
Half Penny Sales Tax - Presentations were submitted to the study group which then were
forwarded to the City Council for discussion. If the government approves the request it would
take up to three years to be implemented.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 pm by a motion made by Beth Hepola, seconded by Lora
Muilenburg. The board unanimously agreed.