08-01-2005 PRCEM
Parks, Recreation & Community Education Advisory Board
August 1,2005
Members present were: Deane Dietel, Bill Arndt, Mike Cannon, Beth Hepola, Ralph Johnson,
Kirk Kosel, Lora Muilenburg, Kathy Kalenberg and Mike Schiesl. Also present was DolfMoon.
The meeting was called to order at 5: 19 pm.
A motion made by Bill Arndt and seconded by Deane Dietel approved the minutes dated June 6,
2005. The board unanimously agreed.
Summer Proj ects
- Rotary Park: Dolfreported on the Rotary Park project which is nearing completion. The
project will be finalized in October to receive $45,000 in grant funding.
- Library Square is right on target for the statue installation. The unveiling of the statues will
be held September 11th.
- The Harrington/Merrill House was given a big boost for visibility during the
Sesquicentennial event. Grant money is being sought. The goal this year is to winterize the
west end.
- VMF is set to go for the three-weekend Amateur Baseball tournament. With new lights,
batters eye, backstop padding and fresh paint, the field is in excellent shape. Improvement
to parking signage and new entrance has been well received. It is estimated 13-15,000
spectators will take in a ball game.
Hwv 7 Underpass - We have been informed that $800,000 has been appropriated for this project.
Representative Collin Peterson has really advocated for this project.
Dam Replacement - Funds for this project have not been allocated. However, it is on the
funding list for 2007.
Grant Updates - The Department received a $19,500 DNR Grant for the Phase II Miller Woods
proj ect. We were denied funding for the Island View Heights Park proj ect, 13 out of 87
applications received funding.
Budget - The budget process is beginning, more information will be provided at our October
PRCE Advisory Board
August 1,2005
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Deane Dietel mentioned the river clean up on the weekend of Arts & Crafts.
Bill Arndt encouraged Advisory Board members to attend the city appreciation dinner that will
be held in September.
There will be no September meeting due to the Labor Day Observance. The next meeting will
be Monday, October 3rd at 5:15 pm.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:22 pm