02-07-2005 PRCEM MINUTES Parks, Recreation & Community Education Advisory Board February 7, 2005 Members present were: Ralph Johnson, Mike Cannon and Lenore Flinn. Also present were Dolf Moon, Lawrence Winter, Mark Schnobrich, Sara Witte and Karen McKay. The meeting was called to order at 5: 15 pm. A motion made by Ralph Johnson and seconded by Mike Cannon approved the minutes dated December 6,2004. The board unanimously agreed. OLD BUSINESS 150th Celebration - The kick off was well received. Approximately 1,700 to 1,800 people walked through the history of Hutchinson display at the Event Center. Summer activities are being planned with an emphasis on family friendly and affordable. 2005 Budget - The 2005 PRCE Budget will be reviewed at the next monthly meeting scheduled for March ih. NEW BUSINESS Introductions - Sara Witte was introduced to the board as the Natural Resource Coordinator. She worked part-time in the Parks Division and part-time at Creekside compost facility prior to 2003 and is now full-time in the Parks Division. Some of her responsibilities in 2004 included pruning, transplanting and re-mulching at the school properties, and organizing the Rolling Meadows neighborhood residents for a planting project. She also worked on the prairie planting along the Second Avenue extension. F orestrv Presentation - Mark Schnobrich, the City Forester, presented a slide show of proj ects from 2004 including: Boulevard plantings in large developments. Developers are now required to escrow money for boulevard tree plantings. The Highway 15 South planting was completed. By a ratio of3 to 1, more trees were planted in 2004 than were removed due to disease and damage. Volunteer groups from Sentence To Serve, the Boy Scouts and the High School Ecology class worked in Miller Woods eradicating foreign plant material from the Oak savannah. Mark had a controlled burn at the Middle School near the water retention pond to promote new growth. When the Highway 7 project begins, there will be some boulevard trees lost due to the widening of the highway. MNDOT generally will allocate money for landscaping on projects such as this. Dolf told the board that the city is responsible for the maintenance of water retention ponds and that PRCE staff will be involved in the planning process. Minutes PRCE Advisory Board February 7, 2005 Page two Parks Presentation - Lawrence Winter, Park Resource Coordinator, summarized park projects from 2004 including the installation of a shelter and restroom in Rotary Park. Community development long-range and short-range planning includes seeking sources for funding development, such as grants and donations from service groups and individuals, and to continue to utilize volunteers groups. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 pm by a motion made by Lenore Flinn and seconded by Ralph Johnson. The board unanimously agreed. klm