12-06-2004 PRCEM MINUTES Parks, Recreation & Community Education Advisory Board December 6, 2004 Members present were: Bill Arndt, Mike Schiesl, Lora Muilenburg, and Mayor-elect Steve Cook. Also present were DolfMoon and Karen McKay. The meeting was called to order at 5: 15 pm. Board members were introduced to Mayor-elect Steve Cook, along with a brief history of the board's responsibilities. A motion made by Bill Arndt and seconded by Lora Muilenburg approved the minutes dated November 1,2004. The board unanimously agreed. OLD BUSINESS 150th Celebration - $35,000 has been raised for funding the yearlong celebration through the sale of banners. The $500 banners are sold out while one-third of the $300 banners for Highway 15 south are sold. The total cost of the banners is $7,000. Sponsors will receive their banners when the holiday decorations go up. No city funds will be used to finance the activities. Any funds remaining at the end of the year will be given to the foundation. Some of the activities scheduled are tours of historical Hutchinson, including businesses, educational and religious institutions and highlights of past elected leaders. The theme for the event is focusing on the past, present and future of Hutchinson. 2005 Budget - The board received a copy of the 2005 amended budget with a comparison to 2004. There has been a 1.5% increase in the budget over the past three years. One person will be added back in to the parks department. The Event Center Coordinator position, which is % full time, will be full time in '05. The budget serves as a guide. It may be approved at the December 14th or 28th City Council meeting. NEW BUSINESS Capital Improvement 2005 - Improvements scheduled for 2005 include: Roberts Park prairie plantings, tennis court upgrades to the Washington Avenue site, VMF backstop and relighting in time for the state amateur baseball tournament in '05. The Rec Center shower valves are wearing out, replacement costs may be eligible for an energy fund with Hutchinson Utilities. The pool/ballfield project talks will resume in '05; a ballfield will be eliminated in Linden Park to provide space for a storm water retention pond. Minutes PRCE Advisory Board December 6, 2004 Page two Millers Woods - John Miller sent a letter to the City Council, Mark Schnobrich and Dolf expressing disappointment with what is happening in Miller Woods with regard to the neighbors using park property for personal use. There is one structure, three forts and additional trees that have been planted, and he would like them removed by December 31 st. John would like a split rail fence installed along the property line. A cost estimate for the fence is $15,000. High school ecology students, Sentence-to-Serve and Cub Scout groups have been working in the park to clean up unwanted vegetation. Dolf has met with John three times during the year; he will hold a conference call on December 7th to address John's concerns. "For Profit" Activities In The Brochure - In the past, the PRCE's winter/spring brochure included a "for profit" karate business. The city receives a $1,000 donation to publish the booklet three times a year from Mid Country Bank. The cost to publish the brochure is $7,500 per issue. The board agreed that the karate business should be eliminated from the booklet. BOARD MEMBER ITEMS Steve Cook asked about the BMX bike trail. Dolf told the board he recommended the fairgrounds as a possible site and suggested an active association be formed to provided leadership to set supervision and liability provisions. Jim Lobeck and his son were interested, but nothing materialized. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 pm by a motion made by Bill Arndt and seconded by Lora Muilenburg. The board unanimously agreed. klm