08-02-2004 PRCEM
Parks, Recreation & Community Education Advisory Board
August 2, 2004
Members Present: Mike Schiesl, Kirk Kosel, Lora Muilenburg, Deane Dietel, Mary Inglis, Ralph
Johnson, Bernie Miner, and Mike Cannon. Also present were DolfMoon, and Karen McKay.
The meeting was called to order at 5: 15 pm
Introductions: Dolf introduced the new PRCE Board members Deane Dietel and Lora Muilenburg.
Bernie Miner, Jay Beytien and Mike Cannon are retiring.
A motion made by Mary Inglis and seconded by Kirk Kosel approved the minutes dated June 7,
2004. The motion passed unanimously.
Summer Projects:
*Roberts Park - Dolfhas received many positive comments with the addition of the canopies in the
park. They provide spectators protection from the sun and foul balls. The lighting in the park will
have to be addressed in the next five to seven years. The current lighting is 20 years old. Kirk
suggested enlarging the concession area. Dolf told the board the vinyl counters will all be removed
and stainless steel counters will be installed next year.
*Second Avenue Bridge - The first phase of the shoreline stabilization project is complete. Many
trees and a prairie bed were planted. Deane invited the board to the city-wide river clean-up project
in September probably the 18th. The last time the river was picked up was in '93. Ralph Johnson
suggested contacting the Middle School and High School science teachers to get some classes
*Millers Woods - The prairie has been planted; it rained right after the planting. A wood chip path
winds through the park. The Buckthorn is still present.
*School Campus - Trees are planted in front of the Middle School and near the High School tennis
courts. A $15,000 software program will be purchased that High School and West Elementary
students will use to categorize trees and chart their growth.
*Library Square -The fountain is complete and has been running for eight straight days. The
sculptor has been hired to work on the bronze statues of the three Hutchinson brothers for the 150th
Celebration. The statues are scheduled to be complete by September 11 th or Labor Day, 2005.
There will be eight to 10 additional light poles installed in the park.
*Hwy. 15 South - The trees are planted from Super 8 to Airport Road. Land developers escrow
tree planting money in their projects.
*Rotary Park - The concrete slab for the shelter is poured. $10,000 of trees and shrubs will
hopefully be planted before winter.
*Harrington/Merrill House - The property has been mowed and the main structure is primed. The
fire-damaged area on the west side was not painted in hopes that donations will be received to repair
the damage. The paver walkway was exposed. A cost analysis continues to be worked on. A grant
application is in with 3M. Neighbors and people interested in history have been volunteering at the
PRCE Advisory Board
August 2, 2004
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*Recreation Center - The gym is being painted and the new lighting is being installed. The flooring
will be installed during the last two weeks of August.
*Event Center - For the past two months, the Event Center has generated $14,000 per month.
Weekends are busy making the change over from one event to another somewhat difficult at times.
150th Celebration - Seven to eight people are meeting to plan the activities. The kick off event will
be held at the Event Center featuring elected people from the past and present. Three days of
activities will be held in July such as a teen dance at the Arena, family swim at the Rec Center and
other activities at West River Park, Roberts Park and Library Square. The group is trying to get the
trollies from Stillwater for the weekend.
A gala banquet will be scheduled at the Event Center in October. Financing will done by selling
banners for $500 each with the City logo and "your name" printed on them. Up to $62,000 could be
generated from the fundraiser. Any additional funds would be donated to the Hutchinson
Endowment Fund.
Summer Wrap Up - The number of adult sports teams was up from last year along with athletic
camp participants. Youth baseball and softball numbers were good. There was a slight decrease in
number of participants in swim lessons and greater decrease in the number participants at open
swimming. The pool season may be extended to August 21 st because of the number of cool days. It
is important to get going on the half-penny sales tax because of the pool situation.
2005 Budget - The full budget will be presented at the September meeting. Dolf plans to add an
additional full-time maintenance position in the parks that would allow the outdoor ice rinks to open
again this winter. He also plans to increase a % position at the Event Center to full-time. The
budget will look more like it did in 2002.
The Arena buyout is proceeding. Beginning this season, the Hockey Association will pay their
entire ice bill to the city. Citizens Bank will retire the $100,000 debt on the ice rink for the naming
rights to the building. There were six weeks of ice during the summer this year compared with
2003 in which there were four.
September Meeting - The September meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 13th rather than
September, 6th, Labor Day. Mary will be unable to attend as the School Board meets that evening.
Ralph Johnson reported to the Board that next year the Class C & D State Amateur Baseball
Tournament will be held in Dassel and Hutchinson during the two weeks prior to Labor Day. There
will be no games played on the field after July 30 in preparation for the tournament.
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August 2, 2004
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Mary Inglis reported to the Board that there were 47 children enrolled in the Ridgewater Daycare
program during the summer at Park Elementary and that they are interested in running a program
before and after school.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:15 by a motion made by Kirk Kosel and seconded by Bernie
Miner. The Board unanimously agreed.