09-08-2003 PRCEM
Parks, Recreation & Community Education Advisory Board
September 8, 2003
Members Present: Rev. Todd Ertsgaard, Mike Cannon, Mike Schiesl, Jay Beytien, Ralph Johnson and
Bill Arndt. Also present were DolfMoon and Karen McKay.
The meeting was called to order at 5 :23 pm
A motion made by Bill Arndt and seconded by Mike Cannon approved the minutes dated August 7,
2003. The motion passed unanimously
Middle School Activities - The School Board approved an activity fee increase. The fees ($10,000)
will be used to hire additional coaches. School staff have been filling in the coach's positions. The
increased fee has not deterred the number of participants. Soccer is getting a slow start.
Grant Update Reports - The low head dam is in place in the Crow River. Juul Contracting installed
the riffles; there is a three-terrace affect. Funds were available from the veterans and 3M groups.
The prairie was seeded in the Riverside Park area. With the dry summer, it didn't thrive. Prairie
Restorations will be back to reseed it in the fall. The cost was $11,500. The seeding will complete the
project. Bill Arndt questioned ifthere would be fencing in the area. Dolftold the board that Prairie
Restorations recommends wire with fencing behind it.
More riffles will be added in the area from Bluff Street to the 5th Avenue bridge to stabilize the bank
and provide a fish habitat. The National Guard will assist, DNR funding of $25,000 plus additional
money from 3M Cares Committee will be used. The trail area along the river north of 2nd Avenue will
be prairie.
Rotary Park Grant - The grant was submitted early for review and then resubmitted with suggestions.
The Rotary members may be helping with the project as well as the high school residential
construction class.
Summer Wrap Up - The workload has been the same with less staff. There were a record number of
weekend tournaments at Roberts Park. One ball field for practice was eliminated at the High School.
Mowing ended in mid July due to dry weather. The budget may rebound some. The pool closed one
week earlier than last year. Most of the park shelters/restrooms are closed now. Due to the high cost
of maintenance, there will be no outdoor ice rinks this year. The ice will go in at the Civic Arena and
it will open Sunday, October 5th.
Roberts Park has a new parking lot with a 10 foot paved walkway to the concession stand. The
outfield fencing will be replaced; it's nearly 25 years old.
Picnic table refurbishing will be done as a high school community service project.
PRCE Advisory Board
September 8, 2003
Page two
New Business Cont.
Fall Opportunities - Adult volleyball team registrations have remained consistent, there are two
additional adult touch football teams. Youth soccer participant numbers are up, while youth football is
down. Middle school fall sports numbers have also increased.
2004 Park & Recreation Budget - The budget took a heavy hit in April. The state budget is not
looking too bright. Dolf is expecting an 11 % decrease in net expenses for 2004, but feels it's
manageable. The Board received the PRCE 2004 proposed budget. Jay questioned why the decrease
in the Senior Center revenue budget. Dolf told the Board that it was due to the loss of the noon meals
at Evergreen and that the figure was more realistic.
Dolf told the Board that other communities were raising their fees to cover budget short falls, which
would be a last resort for Hutchinson PRCE. Dolf is waiting for recommendations regarding the Civic
Arena, options include: 1. Do nothing. 2. Close one rink, which would save $50,000 or 3. Buy down
the remaining debt owed for the west rink ($250,000). As a result, the Hockey Association would be
paying the city ice rent rather than the loan. The city is 5 years into the 10 year loan.
The Event Center produced $70,000 revenue for the first year. There were 26 weddings. The
Ambassadors are sponsoring a new canopy at the Event Center. The parking lot bid came in too high
and will be rebid next year.
River Award - Hutchinson was awarded with a plague as a river friendly community for work done in
and along the south fork of the Crow River through Hutchinson. Other communities are doing work
up stream.
Fairgrounds - Bill Arndt questioned if the city could help co-schedule certain things to keep events
coming to Hutchinson. There were 700 participants for the pedal pull. Bill also told the Board that the
Fair Board is considering setting up a campground on the fairground property.
Relay For Life - Ralph Johnson wanted to thank everyone who helped make the Relay For Life a
success. There were 6,000 luminaries in the park.
Dolfthanked Chairman, Rev. Todd Ertsgaard who completed six years serving on the PRCE Board.
The meeting was adjourned at 6: 12pm by a motion made by Jay Beytien, seconded by Bill Arndt. The
Board unanimously agreed.