09-17-2007 SAMSenior Advisory Board Minutes September 17, 2007 Present: John Lyman, June Lyman, Cliff Swanson, Julie Jensen, Randy Bullert , Phyllis Birkholz City Staff: September Jacobsen, Kathy Hemmah, John McRaith Absent: Robert Cogley I. The meeting was called to order at 10:10 a.m. by Chairman John Lyman th II.Secretary’s Report: The August 20 minutes were examined. Julie made a motion to approve and Randy seconded the motion. Motion was approved. III. Treasurer’s Report: Randy reported a current balance of $8860.08. Income from card sales and Christmas Angels was $269.20. This month’s dance brought in $95. Phyllis made a motion to accept the report with a second from June. Motion was approved. IV. Old Business A.Tours- Julie reported that the experiment of taking a twelve hour tour to the State Fair was popular and will be duplicated next year. Last week a group toured Red Wing and ate at the St. James Hotel. They also saw a pottery th exhibit. The October 9 trip to Brainerd to see a vaudeville show is full. The th tour on November 7 to the Science Museum to see “Pompeii”, which includes th an Omni theater presentation, currently has six openings. A December 13 trip to Orchestra Hall for a holiday concert and dinner at the Hilton is also full. A trip is being planned to Crown College for a Christmas concert. Julie is also th planning a January 16 trip to Chanhassen for their rendition of “Joseph and the Amazing, Technicolored Dream Coat”. February brings a tour to the Bloomington Arts Center for their rendition of “On Golden Pond” and an opportunity to dine at Bakers Square. Julie also shared with the board that bus fees will be rising, but we hope to maintain our good working relationship with R & J Tours. B.Update on Programs- Knitting for the Troops is a group that is making caps for soldiers to wear under their helmets. Five knitters currently are on board and they are already knitting. These hats are sent along in care packages. The board approved spending $100 to help with the purchasing of wool for the hats. Grandparent bingo went over well. Kathy tried doing two movies this month. They were “The Ultimate Gift” and “Wild Hogs”. She plans on providing two th choices again next month. The Senior Expo is slated for September 25. A Memory Tree sponsored by the advisory board will be part of the Expo. A th quilting expert is the keynote. A stroke seminar will be held on September 27 at 1:00. The advisory board agreed to sponsor a healthy snack for the seminar. Healthier Eating will be sampling different treats for the holidays at their next meeting. The Book Club is going to read representative Dean Urdahl’s book titled “Uprising” in October and Mr. Urdahl has agreed to meet with the group. Christmas Angels most recent project involved creating glass blocks which are lit and decorated. D. Dinnerware- September will work up final costs for dishes and present them to the board next month. The board looked at different samples of dinnerware that the Center is considering to purchase and made some selections. The Seniors will be assisting in the purchase of these items and in return will receive a share of the profits from their rental. V. New Business A.Pool Concessions- September reported that the pool volunteers earned $1500 this past summer working the concession stand at the Recreation Center. VI. Adjournment: Randy made a motion to adjourn at 11:35am with a second from June. The motion passed. nd Next Meeting: Monday, October 22 at 10:00 a.m. John McRaith, Secretary