07-23-2007 SAMSenior Advisory Board Minutes
July 23, 2007
Present: John Lyman, June Lyman, Cliff Swanson, Julie Jensen, Randy Bullert , Robert
City Staff: John McRaith, Septembert Jacobsen, Kathy Hemmah
Absent: Phyllis Birkholz
I. The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Chairman John Lyman
II.Secretary’s Report: The June 18 minutes were examined. Randy
made a motion to approve and Bob seconded the motion. Motion was approved.
III. Treasurer’s Report: Randy reported a current balance of $8627.81. Income from
card sales and Christmas Angels was $230.70. This month’s dance was a rare
expense item on the ledger showing a $53 loss. Julie made a motion to accept the
report with a second from June. Motion was approved.
IV. Old Business
A.Tours- The St. Croix boat and winery trip was full with a waiting list. Just a
couple minor difficulties but all went well. This Wednesday there will be a trip
to the Guthrie to see “1776”. The tour is sold out with 21 on waiting list. The
State Fair trip, which is a full 12 hour event from 7:30a-7:30p is at capacity. In
September, a group will be traveling to the St. James Hotel in Red Wing with a
great noon luncheon, a pottery demonstration, and a tour of the city. Also this
fall, a group will be traveling to Brainerd to see a vaudeville show. That tour
currently has 18 on the wait list. Julie approached the board with a possible
November tour to the Science Museum to see “Pompeii” which includes an
Omni theater presentation. The board felt that this would make for a wonderful
event. Julie reported that the bus company is doing a good job for us.
B.Update on Programs- Kathy reported that they had a whole week of movies
last week with varying attendance. Bingo is on opposite days from Bridge so
that they don’t have conflicts. Grandparent day is coming up in September.
The movie next month is “Sweet Land” so she may have Black Cows for the
grandparent treat. The Book club going out for lunch as part of their Civil War
outing in Litchfield. “Pals without Secrets” are going to see the play “Bye Bye
Birdie” and go out to eat.
C.Dishwasher- September reported that different suppliers are sending out
samples of dishes for her to view as part of the plan to install a dishwasher and
provide dishes for events at the Center.
V. New Business
A.Scenic Wonders of America- There will be a showing on August 13, 14, & 15
from 1-2pm of the beautifully made “Scenic Wonders of America” in a quarter
great room. This is an armchair tour of great scenery across America.
B.Other- John Lyman expressed the board’s appreciation to the staff and,
specifically, the outstanding job Julie Jensen has done as tour coordinator.
Running tours can be very stressful, but Julie has done an incredible job of
creating and leading tours that have consistently sold out. With the newsletter
coming out shortly, the board suggested including an invitation for seniors to
volunteer to join the advisory board. The selection process occurs in the fall.
VI. Adjournment: Cliff made a motion to adjourn at 10:52am with a second from Julie.
The motion passed.
Next Meeting: Monday, August 20 at 10:00 a.m.
John McRaith, Secretary