03-19-2007 SAMSenior Advisory Board Minutes
March 19, 2007
Present: John Lyman, June Lyman, Robert Cogley, Cliff Swanson, Phyllis Birkholz
City Staff: September Jacobsen, John McRaith, Kathy Hemmah
Absent: Julie Jensen, Randy Bullert
I. The meeting was called to order at 10:10 a.m. by Chairman John Lyman
II.Secretary’s Report: The February 26 minutes were examined. June
made a motion to approve and Bob seconded the motion. Motion was approved.
III. Treasurer’s Report: September reported that the balance at the beginning of March
was $7475.82. Deposits in March so far were mostly reimbursements from the City
for senior trips paid for through the Advisory Board. The current balance on our CD
is $10,290.83. Card sales were down for this past month mostly for lack of a major
holiday. Phyllis made a motion to accept the report with a second from Cliff. Motion
was approved.
IV. Old Business
A.Tours- With Julie off to Australia, September reported that “Easter Parade” at
the Chanhassen turned out to be a fabulous presentation. Upcoming tours are
all sold out including the Mystery tour, the Amish tour, and the St. Croix river
trip which isn’t scheduled until June. Tours to the Guthrie and the State Fair
will be advertised soon. Julie is thinking about putting together an overnight
tour with more information forthcoming.
B.Update on Programs- Kathy reported that the Christmas Angels group made
flower arrangements and that many of them have already been sold. Two
movies were shown this past month, “Babel” and “Man of the Year”. The book
club was snowed in this past month so they read books from the Center library.
The quilt is now framed in the art room and is looking great. An ironing board
and tarp will be purchased for the quilting project. Parts for one sewing
machine are needed. The volunteer luncheon is coming up on April 23. This
year’s theme is “Growth”. Culver’s will cater the event. Duplicate Bridge is
going to start next month. It will meet the second Friday of the month. New
balls for the bingo game were ordered as the old ones had begun to fade.
V. New Business
A.Awning for North Entrance- September is checking into the cost of an awning
on the north entrance. More and more people are using that entrance. John also
reported that the signage on the west side of the Center should be lit.
B.Dishwasher, China, and Flatware for Rentals- A big project that the Senior
Center could maybe participate in would be purchasing dishes, silverware, and a
dishwasher for the Event Center. While the initial expense is high at an
estimated $35,000, the payback period is relatively short and this would also
make these items available for Senior Center events. John McRaith and
September will meet with Dolf Moon to gather more details.
VI. Adjournment: Bob made a motion to adjourn at 11:10am with a second from Cliff.
The motion passed.
Next Meeting: Monday, April 16 at 10:00 a.m.
John McRaith, Secretary