01-22-2007 SAM Senior Advisory Board Minutes January 22, 2007 Present: John Lyman, June Lyman, Robert Cogley, Phyllis Birkholz, Cliff Swanson, Randy Bullert, Julie Jensen City Staff: September Jacobsen, John McRaith, Kathy Hemmah Absent: None I. The meeting was called to order at 10:05 a.m. by Chairman John Lyman th II.Secretary’s Report: The December 19 minutes were examined. June made a motion to approve and Bob seconded the motion. Motion was approved. III. Treasurer’s Report: Randy reported a January deposit of $1254.12 for a current balance of $9474.73 in the checking account. Fundraising efforts in 2006 included $1330 for staffing the concessions stand at the pool, a rummage sale net of $392, Christmas Angels earned over $600, the card makers brought in $2300, dance floor rentals amounted to $1000, dances turned an $833 profit, while tours led the way with a net surplus of $2797. The fundraising total topped the $6500 mark, excluding tours, which are operated out of a city fund. Phyllis made a motion to accept the report with a second from Bob. Motion was approved. IV. Old Business A.Tours- The Lakeville Country Christmas Celebration twin tours were sold out. Three trips are planned for 2007 at this time. The January 23rd “Gangster” tour th to St. Paul has 34 people, an Old Log theater trip on February 7 has 41 participants and a trip to the Chanhassen Dinner Theater to see “Easter Parade” thth on March 7is sold out. A Mystery Tour will be planned for April 25. In May a group will be going to Harmony for an Amish tour. Several other tours are in the works for this summer and fall. B.Update on Programs- The quilters have begun their project. A second sewing machine has been donated to the cause. A Texas Hold ‘Em card tournament was dropped due to lack of interest.The price for the Fellowship dinner has been raised to $7. The Elementary school is looking for more seniors who can take the time to listen while children read to them. A Red Hat tea scheduled in February. Another week of movies has also been scheduled. The Christmas Angels group will be making Valentine candy this next month. C.Newsletter Sponsorship- September indicated that Hometown Realty has agreed to sponsor the newsletter for six months, while MidCountry Bank and an independent realtor in town have agree to do three months each. The sponsors pay $100 for each month they sponsor. D.New Advisory Board Member- Cliff Swanson was introduced as the new member to the board replacing Liz Tokarczyk. E.Annual Internet and Coffee Fees- The cost for coffee this past year was approximately $400. Cable TV costs were $382.80, while the internet fees were $251.40. V. New Business A.SR Bay- Seven green ornate goblets were donated to Center. These will be offered for sale this next month. B.Pool Table- Someone checked out the pool table and it was also mentioned at the teen pool league. The price has been set at $500. C.3M Craft Booth- The Senior Center may join the 3M craft fair in order to sell Christmas angel projects. D.Senior Offers for Fundraisers- September reported she has had requests to use Center funds to assist in fundraisers. Any projects involving the use of Advisory Board funds must be pre-approved by board. VI. Adjournment: June made a motion to adjourn at 11:00am with a second from Julie. The motion passed. th Next Meeting: Monday, February 26 at 10:00 a.m. John McRaith, Secretary