09-18-2006 SAM Senior Advisory Board Minutes September 18, 2006 Present: John Lyman, June Lyman, Liz Tokarczyk, Robert Cogley, Phyllis Birkholz, City Staff: September Jacobsen, John McRaith, Kathy Hemmah Absent: Randy Bullert, Julie Jensen I. The meeting was called to order at 10:03 a.m. by Chairman John Lyman II. Secretary's Report: The August 21st minutes were examined. June made a motion to approve and Bob seconded the motion. Motion approved. III. Treasurer's Report: The current balance is $9452.13 along with a $10,000 CD. The current CD is coming due in October. A motion was made by Liz to take out a new CD for a one-year period. June seconded the motion. Motion was approved. The monthly deposit for cards, Christmas Angels, and dance floor rentals amounted to $1092.85. The expenses for the month were $695.20. Liz made a motion to approve the report with a second from June. Motion approved. IV. Old Business A. Tours- Julie reported via e-mail that the tour group has had two successful trifs recently. On August 31 st the group went to the State fair and on September 6t they attended the play "Don't Dress for Dinner". Six tours remain for this year. The Plymouth Playhouse tour on October 24th and the Mystic Lake trip on September 26th are both sold out. The Redlin Art Center on October 3rd has a few seats left. The Mystery Tour on October 31 st , the GuthrieIMurray's trip on November 28th, and Country Christmas on December 16th were just advertised. Julie is already making preparations for 2007 with some new venues in mind. B. Update on Programs- Kathy reported that the fellowship dinners are averaging about 80 people each time. The Oaks volunteered to bring treats to various programs including the card-making group and Halloween bingo in October. Grandparent bingo went over well with over 50 people attending. The additional space was very helpful for this large group. The Book Club now has 19 members. This Friday there will be a dog biscuit-making activity. Next month Kathy is planning a movie week. October will also include some classes in how to play various card games. The Hutchinson Senior Expo is planned for the same day that a tour is planned for Mystic Lake so a few seniors will have conflicts. C. LCD Update - The new LCD projector should be delivered today. The Center ended up with a high-end projector at a very reasonable cost. D. New Television- The new television has been installed in the Activity room. The old set was sold for $500 and the proceeds were used to help purchase the new set. E. Stove- Kathy has been checking Home Source, Menard's, and Sears. At this point she is leaning toward a nice May tag double oven at Menard's. She will pursue this further and try for the best deal. V. New Business A. City Appreciation Dinner- Board members were reminded to turn in slips if they intend to attend the appreciation dinner this week at the Center. B. Holiday Party- December 15th is the date of the annual Holiday party. Kathy plans to have students come over to provide entertainment again this year. C. Deposit Stamp- September needs a Senior Center stamp so that Randy doesn't have to endorse all the checks before depositing. The board directed her to take care of it. D. New Program Ideas- September reminded board members that we are always looking for new activities and that members should keep their ears open for suggesti ons. VI. Adjournment: Liz made a motion to adjourn at 11 :24am with a second from June. The motion passed. Next Meeting: Monday, October 23rd at 10:00 a.m. John McRaith, Secretary