08-21-2006 SAM Senior Advisory Board Minutes August 21, 2006 Present: John Lyman, June Lyman, Liz Tokarczyk, Robert Cogley, Julie Jensen Phyllis Birkholz, Randy Bullert City Staff: September Jacobsen, John McRaith, Kathy Hemmah Absent: None I. The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Chairman John Lyman II. Secretary's Report: The July 24th minutes were examined. Julie made a motion to approve and June seconded the motion. Motion approved. III. Treasurer's Report: The current balance is $9050.69 along with a $10,000 CD. Payments included $2400 for the recent room renovation. A deposit for cards, Christmas Angels, and a dance amounted to $379.39. Liz made a motion to approve the report with a second from June. Motion approved. IV. Old Business A. Tours- Julie is wondering if an Orchestra Hall Jazz Festival tour would draw enough participants. The board felt that it may be a little to narrow of an interest to draw a bus full. Julie reported that the boat historical tour worked out well because it was a very hot day and the replacement boat was air- conditioned. Body World sold out and was very good although it was crowded at the exhibit. The St. Cloud trip did not sell out with 28 people on hand, but it went very well. Upcoming trips to the State Fair, Old Log Theater, and the play "Church Basement Ladies" are all sold out. The Mystic Lake Senior Expo trip is just about full and the Terry Redlin tour has fifteen openings. A tour to the new Guthrie theater to check out the building and a mystery tour are being planned. B. Update on Programs- Kathy reported that upcoming programs include an activity on preparing dog and cat treats, a fellowship dinner, and bingo for grandparents. Another event with a Pirate theme is also being planned. Christmas Angels are making and selling brownies. Healthy Eating will be studying how to bake healthy for the holidays. She also reported that Home Source has a stove for a little over $600 that would work well for the Center. She will continue to check with other sources. C. LCD Update - The cost on a new LCD will be between $750 to $1000 and the upper end has more gadgets. Tom Kloss is looking into it. The north wall of the activity room will be left blank to project onto when using the LCD. D. United Way Update- United Way informed the Center that they will be fully funding our 2007 request. This was good news as they were considering not funding government-operated programs. E. TV Offer- September would like the board to considering buying a 25" TV along with DVD to go with our LCD proj ector. $500 has been offered for the old TV that is too big for the newly remodeled room. Randy made a motion that we sell the old TV and purchase a new 25-inch model to be wall-mounted. Bob seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. V. New Business A. Group Picture of Advisory Board- Remaining pictures of board members were taken so we can let our senior population know who is representing them. A group shot was also taken. B. Other- September was wondering about doing silent auctions for raising funds. She would ask for high quality donations through the newsletter and then decide which ones to offer at auction. The board felt that this might be a good way to get rid of some excess items that currently reside at the Center including the stove and pool table. Randy made a motion to sell the pool table with a minimum price of $500. Phyllis seconded the motion. The motion passed. September requested that the October meeting be held on the fourth Monday, which was okay with all in attendance. Randy was wondering if there would be any interest in a sports show tour such as the sportsman's show or an auto show. September will put in something in the newsletter and ask interested persons to call with their thoughts. VI. Adjournment: June made a motion to adjourn at 11 :09am with a second from Phyllis. The motion passed. Next Meeting: Monday, September 18th at 10:00 a.m. John McRaith, Secretary