05-15-2006 SAM
Senior Advisory Board Minutes
May 15, 2006
Present: John Lyman, June Lyman, Liz Tokarczyk, Phyllis Birkholz, Julie Jensen
City Staff: September Jacobsen, John McRaith, Kathy Hemmah
Absent: Randy Bullert, Robert Cogley
I. The meeting was called to order at 10:03 a.m. by Chairman John Lyman
II. Secretary's Report: The April 24th minutes were examined. Phyllis
made the motion to approve and June seconded the motion. Motion approved.
III. Treasurer's Report: $280 for card sales in April which was great. The April dance
had 91 in attendance with a profit of $125. Liz made a motion to approve the report
with a second from Julie. Motion approved.
IV. Old Business
A. Tours- Julie reported that on April 6th a group went to the Minnesota Showboat
and on Aprillih they went to see the play "Midlife Crisis" at the Chanhassen
Dinner Theater. The upcoming play "Church Basement Ladies" was so
popular that two buses have now been scheduled, one for May 1 ih and one for
June ih. This play is at the Plymouth Playhouse. The trip to Como Park on
June 20th is sold out. Upcoming trips include a July 11th trip to Ikea, a July 25th
trip to ride a Street Car boat and dine at Famous Dave's, an excursion to St.
John's on August 15th to see the St. John's Bible, and the state fair trip on
August 31 st. A potential upcoming trip would be a visit to the "Body World"
exhibit at the Science Museum.
B. Update on Programs- Kathy reported that "Healthy Eating" is still going well.
This program was intended to be a short series but has turned into a regularly
scheduled activity. In June the talk will be about healthy eating on a picnic.
Next week Jerry Brown will be talking on gardening myths at 10:00am. Bingo
for Mom brought in 52 people. As part of the program, moms had their pictures
taken and cupcakes were made. This week is movie week- "Last Holiday" is
on Monday, "Dreamer" is on Tuesday, "Proof' is on Wednesday, "Rumor Has
It" on Thursday and Friday. Volunteers have been helping to cut materials for
teachers at the local schools.
C. Update on Wall Renovation - September reported that she has three contractors
putting in bids at this point. Space is at a premium and we may have to do some
rearranging involving the pool table.
D. Food Processor for Kathy- The staff reported that they have chosen a quality
food processor to purchase for the Center. This will be a great addition with all
the food that is prepared internally at the Center.
E. Microsoft Word for Senior Center Computers- It is ordered and should be under
$100, It will be installed as soon as it arrives. The computers available at the
Senior Center currently have internet access only so this will be a welcome
addition to the available software.
V. New Business
A. Picture of the Board- With the addition of two new members, the staff felt it
would be appropriate to get an updated picture of the board for publication.
B. Back Entrance Improvement- September felt that we may have to make the
back doors look more like an entrance to the Senior Center in the future when
events necessitate using those doors. The board felt we should wait to see how
often using the back doors is necessary before developing a plan for a possible
VI. Adjournment: Liz made a motion to adjourn at 10:54am with a second from June.
The motion passed.
Next Meeting: Monday, June 19th at 10:00 a.m.
John McRaith, Secretary