04-05-2010 TBMHUTCHINSON TREE BOARD at City Hall Monday, April 5, 2010 5:00 p.m. Agenda Members present: __Corey Stearns, _� Dale Redetzke, _� Laura Poser, _� Newton Potter, _� Steve Cook, Mayor; Members absent Others Present: Mark Schnobrich, City Forester; Others present: Meeting called to order at _5 _p.m. There was a quorum of members present: _� Y N 1.) University of Minnesota /Gravel Bed Grant Update The project is proceeding with the University assisting the city in establishing a new semi - permanent storage system for bare root tree stock. The beds will now be located behind the waste water treatment plant and all water used in the beds will be effluent water destined for the river. This will eliminate us having to use city treated water out of the hydrant. Cory Stearns stated that Stearnswood of Hutchinson would be willing to assemble and treat the lumber frames that will be used for the gravel beds. There will be 4 beds 12ft by 12ft in size. The Tree Board was very receptive and thanked Mr. Stearns. It is anticipated that the bare root trees will be delivered next week. The tree identification classes that the U is conducting for volunteers will be held May 6, 7, and 8 and will include 16 hours of instruction. So far 12 volunteers will be participating in the project. 2.) Adams Street Improvement project Landscape Plan 22 trees will be on the bid to remove and transplant to other city locations. Bids will be received this Friday the 9th with moving of the trees to follow in the next week or so. All the replanting of the Adams St project will be with 2" or larger B &B stock and that replanting will take place in the spring of 2011. 3.) Energy Tree Program 2010 Update 18 applications have been received to date for trees to be planted on private property for energy conservation. This is a decrease from last year. Planting of energy trees will start in May and June. These trees are again being made available through the Hutchinson Utilities Commission tree planting grant. 4.) 9Th Ave NE Project The Tree Board discussed the once rejected 2006 petition that a majority of 9th Ave NE residents filed with the board to have all the ash trees removed due to the trees causing dead limbs and seeds to become a problem. At that time the board rejected the petition stating the loss to the tree canopied street would be too extensive and there was no reason that healthy trees should be removed due to a few seeds and limbs. Since 2006 the occurrence of the Emerald Ash Borer [ EAB ] infestation into Minnesota has caused the board to reevaluate the petition. The management of the EAB includes removal of ash trees in an effort to reduce the sudden burden that can arise due to heavy tree losses over a short time period. A planned removal of ash trees along with an immediate replanting of the street can be an effective way to manage the impact EAB will have on the community forest. A letter requesting their thoughts on the project will be sent to all the 91h Ave NE residents. If the residents are still in favor of removal of ash trees on their block the project of removal and replanting would take place over the 2010 summer period. The meeting was adjourned at 6:10 PM. Respectively submitted, Mark Schnobrich City Forester