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[ meet at City Hall ]
Monday, September 28th 2009
5:00 p.m.
Members present: __Corey Steams, Dale Redetzke, _Laura Poser, -4-Newton Potter,
Steve Cook, Mai -or:
Members absent Steve Cook, Laura Poser
Others Present: Mark SclmobriclL CitA- Forester:
Others present:
Meeting called to order at _5:15_p.m.
There was a quorum of members present: 4 Y _N
l.) Tree Removal Request for Americ Inn Sign
Dave Sevesta of Americ Inn has requested trees be removed along Hwy 7 East to
further expose their motel sign. The Tree Board reviewed the site and suggested
that alternatives be presented to the Americ Inn in lieu of removing trees. Also
Schnobrich was to confer with Julie Jensen the resident adjacent to the Americ
Inn as it is her boulevard that would be affected by a tree removal. It was agreed
that some blockage of the sign is occurring as you drive east on Hwy 7 but the
board also felt that there was certainly some visibility even from the west without
tree removal. Schnobrich will report back with recommendations the tree can
2.) Emerald Ash borer, Update of proposal to Council
The Tree Board was given the updated report that John Olson and Mark
Schnobrich will present to the City Council on the EAB policy recommendations.
The report basically states that 1.) the city has within its existing tree ordinance
the ability to enforce regulations governing the management of EAB. 2.) the city
will manage EAB by initiating two levels of management. One will be initiated at
the time of first detection of EAB in Hutchinson and the other will pertain to
when EAB reaches a level of infestation where less restrictive requirements will
be demanded of Hutchinson's citizens.
The policy also states that close cooperation with both the Minnesota Department
of Agriculture and the Minnesota Dept. of Natural Resources will be undertaken
during the following years leading up to and after EAB is found in our area.
3.) Other Business
Field Trip/Tour of Tree Projects was undertaken with nine stops made by the Tree
Board . The Tree Board looked at the Americ Inn sign blockage then proceeded to
review three newer developments where Mark highlighted the tree planting
projects that went on in those developments. It was noted that the outcome of the
tree plantings in each of the developments was the result of dollars escrowed by
the developers for trees to be planted on the boulevards in their prospective
development. The outcome has been that some of the neighborhoods now have all
their boulevards planted and some have the neighborhood parks also planted with
these tree dollars.
The Tree Board then proceeded to review developments where discussion
occurred in regards to poor soil conditions resulting from previous development
practices. A program originating in the state of Washington deals with such
problem soils by requiring developers to amend the soils at the end the
constriction process resulting in better storm water control and better landscapes.
The Tree Board reviewed these practices and will discuss the possibility of
recommending these policies here in Hutchinson.
The meeting / tree tour ended at 6:30 pm.