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07-27-2009 TBMHUTCHINSON TREE BOARD [ meet at City Hall ] Monday, Juli- 27, 2009 5:00 p.m. City Center Main Conference Room Agenda Members present: q_Corey Steams, _q Dale Redetzke,_Laura Poser, _q_New ton Potter, Steve Cook, Mai -or: Members absent Others Present: Mark SclmobriclL CitA- Forester: Others present:John Olson, Public Works Supen-isor Meeting called to order at _5 :15 p.m. There was a quorum of members present: _�_ Y _N l.) Revision of Removal Request for Mall Sign ( Gus Wurdell has revised his request for tree removal by changing which trees he wants removed from around his sign ) The Tree Board discussed the request and proposed another scenario. Staff was requested to contact Miles Seppelt to pursue the possibility of a joint effort in establishing a monument sign at the entrance to the mall thus allowing the trees to remain. The topic of precedence in approving this tree removal request for sign clearance was also discussed and standards were requested to be drafted by staff for future use in such incidences. If the joint sign venture does not work out with EDA then the Tree Board approved the removal of the four trees adjacent to the mall entrance off of Hwy 15 South. 2.) Emerald Ash borer ( Review of recommended procedures the City of Hutchinson should take in dealing with Emerald Ash borer, EAB ) John Olson presented the staffs recommended procedures in dealing with Emerald Ash Borer when it appears in Hutchinson. In summation staff will reconfirm the cities ability to legally tag and require homeowners to remove their trees as per our Tree Disease standards listed in the city ordinances. The procedure for handling infested ash trees will go through levels one and two. Level one will be that all trees when initially found to have Emerald Ash Borer, whether public or private, will be required to be rendered pest free by being hauled to Creek Side and chipped according to state MDA and DNR standards. Level two will be implemented when such time that EAB has reached a level of infestation in the community that wood movement would be restricted to only the State of Minnesota's mandated quarantine and the wood could be utilized as lumber or firewood within the quarantine area. 3.) Other Business The Tree Board did discuss the next meeting and it was determined that a field trip reviewing forestry projects would be organized. The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 P.M. Respectfully submitted Mark Schnobrich