01-28-2008 TBM HUTCHINSON TREE BOARD Monday, January 28, 2008 5:00 p.m. Council Chambers, City Center Minutes Members present: __Corey Stearns, __Dale Redetzke, __Laura Poser, __Newton Potter __Steve Cook, Council Representative Others Present: __Mark Schnobrich, City Forester; __John Olson; Others present: ___________________________________________________ Meeting called to order at _5:15 p.m. There was a quorum of members present: ___Y ___N 1.Approve Minutes of November 26,2008 meeting Motion made by _______ Motion second by _________ 2.2008 Tree Planting Update Mark spoke briefly on how the planning for 2008 tree planting was going. He stated that by utilizing the tree inventory he was able to plan for replacement of most of the trees that were removed by the location of the removals. This came to a total of 140 sites for trees to be replaced at the locations the trees were lost in 2007. Energy tree locations on private property are still pending as applications to private property owners are still being distributed. Trees planned for developments came to a total of only 28 for 2008 as fewer new homes have become available for tree planting due to the slow home market. Mark stated he will still be planning for more tree planting sites as the winter progresses and hopes to reach a total of 250 to 300 trees to be planted in 2008. 3.Forestry Master Plan The board agreed to dedicate an entire meeting in March to the soul purpose of the Forestry Master Plan. st The date set is March 31. In the mean time Mark will be sending out support documentation for the board to review to assist them in their decision making. 4.2008 Arbor Day rd Mark reported that he was unable to contact the 3 grade liaison at Park Elementary in regards to the 2008 Arbor Day program. He did say he thought he would hear from them soon in order to help set up the event. The board did agree to go ahead and promote the Ð find the biggest tree contest Ð again this year. Dale Redetzke suggested that the selected tree for 2008 should be an Ash tree. The board agreed. The tentative rd date for the event is the 3 week in May 2008. 5.Other Discussions/ New Business The board had some questions on the Emerald Ash borer and Mark indicated that the Minnesota Dept. of Agriculture did in fact utilize some ash trees as trap trees in 2007 and then returned to survey them for EAB. No EAB was found and they will again come back in 2008 to set purple pheromone traps to monitor for the presence of the insects. The idea of an Environmental board was again discussed and Mark stated he will put the concept on the next agenda for the February meeting. The idea is to expand the areas of citizen involvement to include all areas of environmental concern to help discern how those issues affect this community. At _6:00 p.m., the meeting was adjourn. NEXT MEETING: February 25, 2008