09-24-2007 TBMTree Board Minutes
September 24, 2007
Members Present: Newt Potter, Dale Redetzke, Laura Poser,
Steve Cook
Members Absent: Corey Stearns
Also attending: = Mark Schnobrich, City Forester
The meeting was called to order at 5:PM and the minutes of the August 27,2007
meeting was approved.
Items of Discussion:
Cost associated with boulevard tree maintenance and removal
Mark discussed the proposal to share the costs of boulevard tree maintenance with
adjacent property owners. It was proposed at the last Tree Board meeting that costs of
tree removal be shared on an 80/20 basis with adjacent property owners with the City of
Hutchinson paying 80% of the tree removal costs and the adjacent property owner
paying 20%. U.S. Forest Service studies have shown that boulevard trees increase
property values by 1% or more in those neighborhoods that have well maintained trees.
The program is being proposed as a more responsive and responsible way of sharing the
true costs of tree ownership on the boulevards. An example given was an average 18 inch
diameter boulevard would tree would cost the adjacent property owner $108.00 or $6.00
a diameter inch to remove. These costs would include removing the tree, grinding the
stump and planting a new tree on their boulevard. As being proposed now, the adjacent
property owner would be billed quarterly for the removals with replanting taking place
either in the same year as the tree removal or the following spring.
Tree removal petition
Mark presented a petition received August 30 from Heather Kvale of 317 Circle
Dr SW requesting that a 16 inch diameter Honey Locust tree be removed from her
boulevard for health reasons. The petition was signed by 10 of the 15 residents
living on that street. Discussion followed with Mark stating that the tree was a
healthy locust tree and that he had discussed the trees removal with the resident at
317 Circle Dr SW earlier this summer. Mark stated that he told Heather Kvale
that the city was reluctant to remove the boulevard tree based solely on the
adjacent property owner’s request. Mark told Heather that if she could wait to see
if the health problem diminished over the summer that maybe the tree was not the
health problem and it would then not need to be removed. Nothing was heard
from the 317 Circle Dr SW resident until the petition was received on August
30, 2007. Newton Potter questioned why all 15 residents did not sign the
petition. Mark did not know the answer to that. Newt asked Mark to contact one
resident , Steve Bailey, as to why he did not sign the petition. After further
discussion the board voted in favor of removing the tree if in fact a health
problem was caused by its presence on the boulevard.
Find the Biggest Tree Contest
Dale Redetzke said he had contacted the 3 Grade coordinator Nisha Withers and
she requested that we wait until next spring to hold the contest. The board all agreed to
wait until spring 2008.
Energy Tree Report to the Utilities Commission
Mark stated that the date had been set for October 31, 2007 at 3:00PM for the
Tree board to present the 2007 Energy Tree Report to the commission. Mark will contact
each member to remind them of the date and time prior to the meeting. Mark will have
the report completed and ready for review by the next Tree board meeting.
Other Business
Tree Contractor Certification;
Mark discussed the pro and cons of requiring tree contractors to be certified by the City
in order to conduct business within the city limits of Hutchinson. Currently tree
contractors just submit a certificate of insurance to the City verifying that they have
minimal liability coverage. This assures that both public and private tree owners are
covered for damages should they occur.
Mark stated that some communities go much further than that and not only require proper
insurance but also require that at least one member of the tree firm be an ISA \[
International Society of Arboriculture \] Certified Arborist. Some communities also
require that tree firms show evidence of continuing education within their field and that
they follow standard safety precautions in respect to personnel protection equipment and
Mark talked about the importance of having reliable contractors in the community during
extreme conditions such as tornados and storms to protect citizens from fly-by-night
operations that do not conform to current arboricultural and safety standards.
The board discussed the need for such a program here in Hutchinson and suggested that
maybe such a requirement as certification would be called for when a tornado or other
situation arose. They also requested that Mark look into what other contractors in town
are required by the City of Hutchinson to have a license.
The Meeting was adjourned at 6:10 PM.
Respectfully submitted
Mark Schnobrich
City Forester