03-27-2006 TBM
Hutchinson Tree Board
~arch 27, 2006
Members present:
Marv Nissen, Tim Smith, Laura Poser, Dale Redetzke, Mark
Newt Potter
Members absent:
Future Enen!:v Tree Plantill!!: Pro2:ram
The Tree Board reviewed and discussed the energy tree program of 2005 after which the
Tree Board unanimously agreed to have Mark Schnobrich draft a letter to Michael Kumm,
Hutchinson Utilities manager outlining the boards view on future energy tree projects in
Hutchinson. The Tree board feels the City of Hutchinson should continue to provide
dollars for the purpose of planting trees on private property for energy conservation.
Miller Woods
Schnobrich reported to the board that extensive progress was made this winter in Miller
Woods in regards to non-native removal. All non-native trees have been removed and the
results are quite remarkable. What was 30 years ago an over grown wood lot is now an
open savannah like expanse. The next phase of the oak savannah restoration will involve
preparing the soil for the planting of more prairie grasses this summer. This will culminate
in creating the oak savannah with numerous flowers and grasses that we have been trying
to achieve for that last 13 or more years. The ability to complete this project has been
attributed to two Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Conservation Grants that
were awarded in 2003 and 2005.
2006 Arbor Dav with 3rd Grade Class of Park Elementary
Schnobrich explained to the new board members the past Arbor Day programs that have
been undertaken with the schools over the last number of years. Each year a "Find the
Biggest Tree" contest has been carried out with the students along with a lyceum presented
by the Tree Board. Mark stated he would get in contact with Dan Holberg the Park
Elementary Principal to set up a date in May for the Arbor Day program.
Tree Ordinance
Mark stated that maybe the board should meet at City Hall where a power point
presentation and full discussion can be undertaken in regards to revising the tree
ordinance. The topic is quite lengthy and really needs to be the only item on an agenda for
the meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 7 :pm
Respectfully Submitted, Mark Schnobrich, City Forester