05-30-2012 HUCMMINUTES Regular Meeting — Hutchinson Utilities Commission Wednesday, May 30, 2012 Call to order — 3:00 p.m. Vice President Lenz called the meeting to order. Members present: Vice President Craig Lenz; Secretary Leon Johnson; Commissioner Monty Morrow; Commissioner Anthony Hanson; Attorney Marc Sebora; General Manager Michael Kumm. Member absent: President Dwight Bordson. Guests: Dave Berg and Kevin Favero (SAIC); Jeremy Carter (City); Miles Seppelt (City); Mayor Steve Cook. Agenda item #3: Approve Financial Statements /Budget Year to Date was moved to agenda # 4; and Agenda item #4: Presentation by SAIC (Dave Berg) — Rate Study was moved to agenda item #3. 1. Approve Minutes of April 25, 2012 Regular Meeting The minutes of the April 25, 2012 regular meeting were reviewed. A motion was made by Secretary Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Morrow to approve the minutes. Motion was unanimously carried. 2. Ratify Payment of Bills for April 2012 The April 2012 payables were discussed. A motion was made by Secretary Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Hanson to ratify the payment of bills in the amount of $4,193,701.37 (detailed listing in payables book). Motion was unanimously carried. 3. Presentation by SAIC (Dave Berg) - Rate Study Dave Berg and Kevin Favero of SAIC were welcomed to the meeting. Mr. Berg gave a presentation on the results of the May 2012 Electric and Gas Cost -of- Service and Unbundled Rate Study. Mr. Berg stated the recommended changes are minimal and HUC is on solid financial footing. HUC may want to consider rate design changes; however, Mr. Berg does not recommend an overall rate increase at this time. Existing rates look favorable through 2016. 4. Approve Financial Statements /Budget Year to Date GM Kumm presented the April 2012 financial statements /budget year -to -date. After discussion, a motion was made by Secretary Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Hanson to approve the financial statements /budget year -to -date. Motion was unanimously carried. 5. Discuss Angel Network /Incubator Assistance /Future EDA Projects Commissioner Hanson stated it was requested at the Joint HUC /City meeting to add this discussion item to the agenda. Miles Seppelt from City of Hutchinson was welcomed. Mr. Seppelt requested HUC's consideration to partner with EDA in 1 future projects such as: the Angel Network, an industrial spec building /small business incubator and the downtown revitalization plan #2 which is an update and refinement project to promote economic development. 6. Discuss City Administrator /Ex- Officio HUC Board Member GM Kumm stated this agenda item is a result of the HUC /City Joint meeting to further discuss the Mayor's request to appoint the City Administrator as an ex- officio board member on the Commission. In the Joint meeting, Mr. Kumm had noted per Commission President Bordson that all HUC meetings are open and public for anyone to attend. The Board had then unanimously agreed it was not necessary to appoint the City Administrator as an ex- officio. Mayor Cook noted he had since spoken with President Bordson who said he had no opposition to an ex- officio position as a non - voting member. Attorney Sebora mentioned there would need to be a change to the City Charter. Mayor Cook suggested removing Council member verbiage and replacing with ex- officio verbiage as a non - voting member. Mayor Cook said it would then be presented to the Charter Commission. The Board would like to discuss this further upon President Bordson's return and also meet with the Charter Commission. 7. Appoint a Commissioner to Committee for Analyzing the Transfer Formula to City Mayor Cook stated this agenda item is also a result of the HUC /City Joint meeting to appoint Commission members to the City Council approved committee which includes Jeremy Carter, Council Member Chad Czmowski and Mayor Steve Cook, to review the transfer formula to City. Mayor Cook would like to see if the transfer could be increased. Vice President Lenz noted a PILOT (Payment in Lieu of Taxes) committee was formed in 2008. HUC will need to absolve that committee at the next regular commission meeting. A motion was made by Commissioner Hanson, seconded by Secretary Johnson to appoint Commissioner Morrow and President Dwight Bordson to the transfer formula committee. Another motion was made to modify the original motion to add GM Kumm to the transfer formula committee. Motions were unanimously carried. 8. Discuss Credit Card Payments GM Kumm discussed information on past years' credit card charges and the credit card fees HUC incurs to accept credit card payments as a convenience for HUC customers. The credit card fee amounts have increased substantially over the years due to the majority of the fees coming from businesses charging their bills. Staff will research options to help reduce the amount HUC incurs and present at the next regular commission meeting. 9. Review Policies and Requirements Booklet GM Kumm presented the policies and requirements booklet, sections: meter testing - natural gas; natural gas service work; and locating customer's underground utilities - natural gas. This is part of HUC's policy review and no changes are requested at this time. 2 10. Approve Changes to Exempt and Non - Exempt Handbooks GM Kumm presented changes to the exempt and non - exempt handbooks, sections: Section 6 — health and safety; accidents and injuries; unsafe conditions or practices; and employee right -to -know. The changes to `Section 6 — health and safety' and `accidents and injuries' were to clean up verbiage and to provide clarity on what we currently practice. A motion was made by Commissioner Hanson, seconded by Secretary Johnson to approve the changes to `Section 6 — health and safety' and `accidents and injuries'. Motion was unanimously carried. (Changes attached.) No changes were recommended for section `unsafe conditions or practices'. The changes recommended for section `employee right to know' were to clean up verbiage and the Board recommended changing the word `should' to `shall' in the last sentence. A motion was made by Commissioner Morrow, seconded by Commissioner Hanson to approve the changes to section ` employee right to know'. Motion was unanimously carried. (Changes attached.) 11. Approve Bid Tabulation for Units 3 & 4 RICE Rule Compliance Modifications Steve Lancaster presented the bid tabulation for units 3 and 4 RICE rule compliance modifications to make units 3 and 4 compliant with the RICE ruling. If this work is not done these units would be shut down. This was a budgeted item for $450,000. After discussion, a motion was made by Secretary Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Hanson to approve the bid tabulation for units 3 and 4 RICE rule compliance modifications from Farabee Mechanical Inc. for $270,980. Motion was unanimously carried. (Bid tabulation attached.) 12. Approve Requisition #4884 for Casing Bypass Project John Webster presented requisition #4884 for casing bypass project. GM Kumm mentioned these are the last three casings in the distribution system and the final part of the 19 year project. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Hanson, seconded by Commissioner Morrow to approve requisition #4884 for casing bypass project from Northern Pipeline Construction Co for $73,535. Motion was unanimously carried. (Requisition attached.) 13. Division Reports Electric — Steve Lancaster • New engine on a rail up from Houston. • Mandatory pre -bid site visit last week for plant 1 building modifications for mechanical and electrical. • New switchgear in place. Business — Jan Sifferath • New system controller started today — Larry Mason. • Hiring a summer temporary employee for line crew. • Jon Guthmiller working on CIP report to send to the Department of Commerce • Working on researching credit card payment issue. 3 Gas — John Webster • Received United Farmers Cooperative's (United Natural Gas LLC) resolution from their Board to design and build skids for their interconnect system to only serve their grain facility. Finance — Jared Martig • Sent out bank requests for proposals last week. • Will receive bond refinancing results tomorrow. GM Kumm will be giving a presentation on power supply planning to City Council members at City Center tomorrow. 14. Legal Update Nothing to report Unfinished Business • Discuss Potential Capacity Sale GM Kumm and Steve Lancaster are continuing to work on the potential capacity sale. New Business • Discuss Patent License Agreement for Statistical Model in System Control Discussion was held regarding a patent for the statistical model and software used in system control. • GM Kumm presented a leadership review summary comparing 2005 to 2010 results of a 360 degree feedback survey anonymously completed by all HUC employees anonymously. Summary shows employees overall are satisfied. There being no further business, a motion was made by Commissioner Hanson, seconded by Commissioner Morrow to adjourn the meeting at 5:45 p.m. Motion was unanimously carried. ATTEST: Dwight Bordson, President 12 Leon Johnson, Secretary MINUTES Regular Meeting — Hutchinson Utilities Commission Wednesday, May 30, 2012 Call to order — 3:00 p.m. Vice President Lenz called the meeting to order. Members present: Vice President Craig Lenz; Secretary Leon Johnson; Commissioner Monty Morrow; Commissioner Anthony Hanson; Attorney Marc Sebora; General Manager Michael Kumm. Member absent: President Dwight Bordson. Guests: Dave Berg and Kevin Favero (SAIC); Jeremy Carter (City); Miles Seppelt (City); Mayor Steve Cook. Agenda item #3: Approve Financial Statements /Budget Year to Date was moved to agenda # 4; and Agenda item #4: Presentation by SAIC (Dave Berg) — Rate Study was moved to agenda item #3. 1. Approve Minutes of April 25, 2012 Regular Meeting The minutes of the April 25, 2012 regular meeting were reviewed. A motion was made by Secretary Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Morrow to approve the minutes. Motion was unanimously carried. 2. Ratify Payment of Bills for April 2012 The April 2012 payables were discussed. A motion was made by Secretary Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Hanson to ratify the payment of bills in the amount of $4,193,701.37 (detailed listing in payables book). Motion was unanimously carried. 3. Presentation by SAIC (Dave Berg) - Rate Study Dave Berg and Kevin Favero of SAIC were welcomed to the meeting. Mr. Berg gave a presentation on the results of the May 2012 Electric and Gas Cost -of- Service and Unbundled Rate Study. Mr. Berg stated the recommended changes are minimal and HUC is on solid financial footing. HUC may want to consider rate design changes; however, Mr. Berg does not recommend an overall rate increase at this time. Existing rates look favorable through 2016. 4. Approve Financial Statements /Budget Year to Date GM Kumm presented the April 2012 financial statements /budget year -to -date. After discussion, a motion was made by Secretary Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Hanson to approve the financial statements /budget year -to -date. Motion was unanimously carried. 5. Discuss Angel Network /Incubator Assistance /Future EDA Projects Commissioner Hanson stated it was requested at the Joint HUC /City meeting to add this discussion item to the agenda. Miles Seppelt from City of Hutchinson was welcomed. Mr. Seppelt requested HUC's consideration to partner with EDA in 1 future projects such as: the Angel Network, an industrial spec building /small business incubator and the downtown revitalization plan #2 which is an update and refinement project to promote economic development. 6. Discuss City Administrator /Ex- Officio HUC Board Member GM Kumm stated this agenda item is a result of the HUC /City Joint meeting to further discuss the Mayor's request to appoint the City Administrator as an ex- officio board member on the Commission. In the Joint meeting, Mr. Kumm had noted per Commission President Bordson that all HUC meetings are open and public for anyone to attend. The Board had then unanimously agreed it was not necessary to appoint the City Administrator as an ex- officio. Mayor Cook noted he had since spoken with President Bordson who said he had no opposition to an ex- officio position as a non - voting member. Attorney Sebora mentioned there would need to be a change to the City Charter. Mayor Cook suggested removing Council member verbiage and replacing with ex- officio verbiage as a non - voting member. Mayor Cook said it would then be presented to the Charter Commission. The Board would like to discuss this further upon President Bordson's return and also meet with the Charter Commission. 7. Appoint a Commissioner to Committee for Analyzing the Transfer Formula to City Mayor Cook stated this agenda item is also a result of the HUC /City Joint meeting to appoint Commission members to the City Council approved committee which includes Jeremy Carter, Council Member Chad Czmowski and Mayor Steve Cook, to review the transfer formula to City. Mayor Cook would like to see if the transfer could be increased. Vice President Lenz noted a PILOT (Payment in Lieu of Taxes) committee was formed in 2008. HUC will need to absolve that committee at the next regular commission meeting. A motion was made by Commissioner Hanson, seconded by Secretary Johnson to appoint Commissioner Morrow and President Dwight Bordson to the transfer formula committee. Another motion was made to modify the original motion to add GM Kumm to the transfer formula committee. Motions were unanimously carried. 8. Discuss Credit Card Payments GM Kumm discussed information on past years' credit card charges and the credit card fees HUC incurs to accept credit card payments as a convenience for HUC customers. The credit card fee amounts have increased substantially over the years due to the majority of the fees coming from businesses charging their bills. Staff will research options to help reduce the amount HUC incurs and present at the next regular commission meeting. 9. Review Policies and Requirements Booklet GM Kumm presented the policies and requirements booklet, sections: meter testing - natural gas; natural gas service work; and locating customer's underground utilities - natural gas. This is part of HUC's policy review and no changes are requested at this time. K 10. Approve Changes to Exempt and Non - Exempt Handbooks GM Kumm presented changes to the exempt and non - exempt handbooks, sections: Section 6 — health and safety; accidents and injuries; unsafe conditions or practices; and employee right -to -know. The changes to 'Section 6 — health and safety' and 'accidents and injuries' were to clean up verbiage and to provide clarity on what we currently practice. A motion was made by Commissioner Hanson, seconded by Secretary Johnson to approve the changes to 'Section 6 — health and safety' and 'accidents and injuries'. Motion was unanimously carried. (Changes attached.) No changes were recommended for section 'unsafe conditions or practices'. The changes recommended for section 'employee right to know' were to clean up verbiage and the Board recommended changing the word 'should' to 'shall' in the last sentence. A motion was made by Commissioner Morrow, seconded by Commissioner Hanson to approve the changes to section ' employee right to know'. Motion was unanimously carried. (Changes attached.) 11. Approve Bid Tabulation for Units 3 & 4 RICE Rule Compliance Modifications Steve Lancaster presented the bid tabulation for units 3 and 4 RICE rule compliance modifications to make units 3 and 4 compliant with the RICE ruling. If this work is not done these units would be shut down. This was a budgeted item for $450,000. After discussion, a motion was made by Secretary Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Hanson to approve the bid tabulation for units 3 and 4 RICE rule compliance modifications from Farabee Mechanical Inc. for $270,980. Motion was unanimously carried. (Bid tabulation attached.) 12. Approve Requisition #4884 for Casing Bypass Project John Webster presented requisition #4884 for casing bypass project. GM Kumm mentioned these are the last three casings in the distribution system and the final part of the 19 year project. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Hanson, seconded by Commissioner Morrow to approve requisition #4884 for casing bypass project from Northern Pipeline Construction Co for $73,535. Motion was unanimously carried. (Requisition attached.) 13. Division Reports Electric — Steve Lancaster • New engine on a rail up from Houston. • Mandatory pre -bid site visit last week for plant 1 building modifications for mechanical and electrical. • New switchgear in place. Business — Jan Sifferath • New system controller started today — Larry Mason. • Hiring a summer temporary employee for line crew. • Jon Guthmiller working on CIP report to send to the Department of Commerce • Working on researching credit card payment issue. 3 Gas — John Webster • Received United Farmers Cooperative's (United Natural Gas LLC) resolution from their Board to design and build skids for their interconnect system to only serve their grain facility. Finance — Jared Martig • Sent out bank requests for proposals last week. • Will receive bond refinancing results tomorrow. GM Kumm will be giving a presentation on power supply planning to City Council members at City Center tomorrow. 14. Legal Update Nothing to report Unfinished Business • Discuss Potential Capacity Sale GM Kumm and Steve Lancaster are continuing to work on the potential capacity sale. New Business • Discuss Patent License Agreement for Statistical Model in System Control Discussion was held regarding a patent for the statistical model and software used in system control. • GM Kumm presented a leadership review summary comparing 2005 to 2010 results of a 360 degree feedback survey anonymously completed by all HUC employees anonymously. Summary shows employees overall are satisfied. There being no further business, a motion was made by Commissioner Hanson, seconded by Commissioner Morrow to adjourn the meeting at 5:45 p.m. Motion was unanimously carried. L on Johnson, Secretary ATTEST: 4Dt ord n, President EXEMPT SECTION 6 - HEALTH AND SAFETY The Util+tyL UC is very concerned about the safety of its employees and the public the Wt+l+ty! UC serves. All employees are required to follow all Utilit y-HUC safety rules and make the safety of themselves, their co- workers, and the public a priority. To encourage a safe workplace, the Commission has adopted the APPA – Utilities Safety Handbook. All non - exempt employees are required to read the APPA safety handbook. Compliance with the APPA is "mandatory and is considered a requirement for employment ". (Pp. 20 and 23 APPA Safety Handbook). ACCIDENTS AND INJURIES Employees must immediately report to a Director, Manager or Supervisor all accidents and injuries that occur during the course of employment with the kAi 4t UC. The Supervisor must fill out and sign an accident report. See Q, 1°�TCustomer /Human Relations Manager for form. Pursuant to Minnesota Law, the UltesHUC, on GenjunGtion with the Gity ef HutGhinseR, have has established a je+r- labor- management safety committee that investigates or reviews all accidents to identify causes of the accidents and suggest ways to prevent reoccurrence of the accident. The safety committee may request to interview any employee involved in an accident or any employee who may have knowledge of an accident. All employees are required to cooperate with the safety committee. EMPLOYEE RIGHT -TO -KNOW Minnesota's Employee Right -to -Know law requires the - Ut4ityt UC to inform employees when they may be exposed to hazardous substances, harmful physical agents, or infectious agents. The UtilityHUC has adopted a written Employee Right -to -Know program. The -U 4i#3FHUC has evaluated and reevaluates the work sites to determine the presence of hazardous substances. Employees should shall become familiar with the location of MSDS sheets in their work area. NON - EXEMPT SECTION 6 — HEALTH AND SAFETY The Ut*!*tyHUC is very concerned about the safety of its employees and the public the Util+tyHUC serves. All employees are required to follow all Ut+l+t}-HUC safety rules and make the safety of themselves, their co- workers, and the public a priority. To encourage a safe workplace, the Commission has adopted the APPA — Utilities Safety Handbook. All non - exempt employees are required to read the APPA safety handbook. Compliance with the APPA is "mandatory and is considered a requirement for employment ". (Pp. 20 and 23 APPA Safety Handbook). ACCIDENTS AND INJURIES Employees must immediately report to a Director, Manager or Supervisor all accidents and injuries that occur during the course of employment with the UtilitjfHUC. The Supervisor must fill out and sign an accident report. See R� ��iRess Customer /Human Relations Manager for form. Pursuant to Minnesota Law, the lultoletee6HUC , ' , have has established a jeiRt labor- management safety committee that investigates or reviews all accidents to identify causes of the accidents and suggest ways to prevent reoccurrence of the accident. The safety committee may request to interview any employee involved in an accident or any employee who may have knowledge of an accident. All employees are required to cooperate with the safety committee. EMPLOYEE RIGHT -TO -KNOW Minnesota's Employee Right -to -Know law requires the -U# Wyt UC to inform employees when they may be exposed to hazardous substances, harmful physical agents, or infectious agents. The tpHUC has adopted a written Employee Right -to -Know program. The Utilit HUC has evaluated and reevaluates the work sites to determine the presence of hazardous substances. Employees should become familiar with the location of MSDS sheets in their work area. Uits 3 &4 RICE Rule Modifications Company Name Bid Price Bond 4� Fairbanks Morse Engine `� I �•0v Exline Inc. Peaker Services, Inc. Energy Systems Midwest, Inc. P S Farabee Mechanical Inc. Opened By: Witnesses B `j Recommend: Farabee Mechanical Inc. Date 5/0 ao rZ .D C a CD C. c CD- CL co n � � � 1 cn m -VM1I i v � o c Z (D �D Z (D Q fD 0 0 Z3 w v c+ m m v UD v` o CD ff ' o Ul 0 W N �J --I cn cn fl1 CD N v � C7 v �X m Un CD cn co Ul N p O o 000 O O O cn c CD „ter - n,Z X 0 D oo mX o r mo N N r m m m m cD co 6rv�o ;oZT� iz O C 4m 0 x 0 C -4 C CD o o WW?�= O O Z =_ z Ul Ul in CC) ou0D0 � Z Z Z Z C Ul m Ul cn C) 0 ig ig cn U) z O C_ N O D z 0 0 0 4P 00 00 2 C 0 2 /z/� Vn O z m cn n O / �/� VI O z m p _U) z -n CD 3 O m 0 am m a O v o;a o -o l< m -0 o o' a 3 0 CD 0 m O C p Cocoa ac va - m ;L Z) xx ccn c z c v c 3 a� n CD CD ,: 3 N 0 N (D Cp O 5 O 0 0 a°a0 -o v Z� o �rCD cn m - Do -m o 0Qo o C� c� o� N C N O y N 0 v 0 CD of 0 0 N C O O V W C 3. N O n CD O m v CD co CD 3 c N O 0— U7 O � o - cn c CD „ter - n,Z X 0 D oo mX o r mo N N r m m m m cD co 6rv�o ;oZT� iz O C 4m 0 x 0 C -4 C CD o o WW?�= O O Z =_ z Ul Ul in CC) ou0D0 � Z Z Z Z C Ul m Ul cn C) 0 ig ig cn U) z O C_ N O D z 0 0 0 4P 00 00 2 C 0 2 /z/� Vn O z m cn n O / �/� VI O z m p _U) z -n