06-30-2010 HUCMRegular Meeting
June 30, 2010
Members present: Vice President Robert Hantge; Secretary Craig Lenz; Commissioner
Donald H. Walser; Commissioner Paul Nordin; Attorney Marc Sebora; General Manager
Michael Kumm.
Member absent: President Dwight Bordson
Vice President Hantge called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
The minutes of the May 26, 2010 regular meeting were reviewed. A motion was made
by Secretary Lenz, seconded by Commissioner Nordin to approve the minutes as
written. Motion was unanimously carried.
The May 2010 payables were discussed. A motion was made by Commissioner Walser,
seconded by Secretary Lenz to ratify the payment of bills in the amount of
$2,714,773.32 (detailed listing in payables book). Motion was unanimously carried.
GM Kumm presented the May 2010 financial statements /budget year -to -date. After
discussion, a motion was made by Secretary Lenz, seconded by Commissioner Nordin
to approve the financial statements /budget year -to -date. Motion was unanimously
Discussion was held on employee community service. Vice President Hantge will gather
information from other organizations on their volunteerism programs and bring it back to
the board next month for further discussions.
GM Kumm presented changes to the organizational chart. The two changes are title
changes only. Dave Hunstad's title is changing from Manager — Electric to Manager
Electric Transmission /Distribution. Dan Lang's title is changing from Manager —
Technical Services to Manager — Engineering Services. There is no change to their job
descriptions. A motion was made by Secretary Lenz, seconded by Commissioner
Nordin to approve changes to the organizational chart. Motion was unanimously carried.
(Organizational chart attached.)
GM Kumm presented changes to the exempt and non - exempt handbooks, sections:
promotions and transfers; layoffs; voluntary leave of absence; and definitions. These
changes are grammatical in nature, and a change to the titles that were just approved in
the organizational chart. A motion was made by Commissioner Walser, seconded by
Secretary Lenz to approve the changes to the exempt and non - exempt handbooks.
Motion was unanimously carried. (Changes attached.)
GM Kumm presented changes to credit card policy. These changes also reflect the title
changes. A motion was made by Secretary Lenz, seconded by Commissioner Walser to
approve changes to the credit card policy. Motion was unanimously carried. (Credit card
policy attached.)
GM Kumm presented requisition #004038 for 3,600' underground conductor for plant 1
transformer (pad and structure) from Border States for $28,872. This is for the
transformer downtown that failed on June 2, 2010. After discussion a motion was made
by Commissioner Walser, seconded by Secretary Lenz to approve requisition #004038
for 3,600' underground conductor for plant 1 transformer (pad and structure) from
Border States. Motion was unanimously carried. (Requisition attached.)
Division Reports
• Electrical Forced Outage — Transformer Failure 6 -2 -10
GM commended staff for their outstanding efforts in coordinating everything that
needed to be accomplished during this outage to get the power back on.
Employees showed unbelievable cooperation.
We are expecting the new transformer around July 13th
• Electrical Forced Outage —Car Accident 6 -4 -10
A car hit our 115 line and snapped the wood laminate pole in half. Again the
coordinating efforts by HUC employees were exemplary.
• Electrical Planned Outage 6 -16 -10
We had to shift load from one feeder to another feeder in order to avoid a
potential outage.
Commissioner Nordin expressed his appreciation in being personally notified of
the planned outage for his place of business.
• AMI (Smart Metering) Progress
The coordinating efforts for this program, has been very good as well. The
meters we've installed are communicating and by the fall of 2010 we could be
reading meters via this system; remotely connect and disconnect; and remotely
read meters for move -ins and move -outs.
By 2011 we could have the ability to support our transformer load management;
by 2013 we could read all the meters on the same day; by 2013 we will no longer
need to estimate meter reads (although personnel does a great job in estimating
them). We could possibly see a payback in 2 -3 years.
Other advantages are the ease of completing our regulatory reporting. In
addition, meters are equipped with tampering alarms.
Gas — John Webster
• Next week, Wednesday through Friday MNOPS will be here to do the annual
• We'll be ready to start installing gas to Highway 15 South the week after July 4th
Electric — Steve Lancaster
• Landscaping is completed at plant 1
• Starting July 1St, we'll generate 5 days a week for 2 months.
• HUC sponsored the Midwest Turbine Users group meeting and discussed winter
operating issues
Business — Jan Sifferath
• Our contracted cleaning person, Pat Wright, is retiring. Her last day will be July
16th. Will be contacting cleaning companies for pricing.
Finance — Jared Martig
• Landscaping is completed at MDC building; will be doing some planting next year
• Selling a truck and a wire trailer through GovDeal Auction
Commissioner Nordin mentioned that he will not be able to attend next month's
commission meeting.
Legal Update
Attorney Sebora reported on the garnishment action against Steile Construction;
they are not a valid corporation. They are under contract with us for our
conversion project and we are under order to send their $20,000 payment made
payable to the Court.
A motion was made by Secretary Lenz, seconded by Commissioner Nordin to close the
meeting to discuss labor negotiations. Motion was unanimously carried. The meeting
closed at 3:50 p.m.
A motion was made by Secretary Lenz, seconded by Commissioner Walser to move
from closed meeting back to open meeting. Motion was unanimously carried. The
meeting reopened at 4:02 p.m.
A motion was made by Commissioner Nordin, seconded by Secretary Lenz to approve
the tentative labor agreement. Motion was unanimously carried.
Unfinished Business
Approve Sale of One -Half Acre of Mineral Rights in Oklahoma
(Tabled from April 28th and May 16th Regular Meetings)
- Tabled-
New Business
There being no further business, a motion was made by Secretary Lenz, seconded by
Commissioner Nordin to adjourn the meeting at 4:06 p.m. Motion was unanimously
Robert Hantge, Vice President
Craig Lenz, Secretary
Regular Meeting
June 30, 2010
Members present: Vice President Robert Hantge; Secretary Craig Lenz; Commissioner
Donald H. Walser; Commissioner Paul Nordin; Attorney Marc Sebora; General Manager
Michael Kumm.
Member absent: President Dwight Bordson
Vice President Hantge called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
The minutes of the May 26, 2010 regular meeting were reviewed. A motion was made
by Secretary Lenz, seconded by Commissioner Nordin to approve the minutes as
written. Motion was unanimously carried.
The May 2010 payables were discussed. A motion was made by Commissioner Walser,
seconded by Secretary Lenz to ratify the payment of bills in the amount of
$2,714,773.32 (detailed listing in payables book). Motion was unanimously carried.
GM Kumm presented the May 2010 financial statements /budget year -to -date. After
discussion, a motion was made by Secretary Lenz, seconded by Commissioner Nordin
to approve the financial statements /budget year -to -date. Motion was unanimously
Discussion was held on employee community service. Vice President Hantge will gather
information from other organizations on their volunteerism programs and bring it back to
the board next month for further discussions.
GM Kumm presented changes to the organizational chart. The two changes are title
changes only. Dave Hunstad's title is changing from Manager — Electric to Manager
Electric Transmission /Distribution. Dan Lang's title is changing from Manager —
Technical Services to Manager — Engineering Services. There is no change to their job
descriptions. A motion was made by Secretary Lenz, seconded by Commissioner
Nordin to approve changes to the organizational chart. Motion was unanimously carried.
(Organizational chart attached.)
GM Kumm presented changes to the exempt and non - exempt handbooks, sections:
promotions and transfers; layoffs; voluntary leave of absence; and definitions. These
changes are grammatical in nature, and a change to the titles that were just approved in
the organizational chart. A motion was made by Commissioner Walser, seconded by
Secretary Lenz to approve the changes to the exempt and non - exempt handbooks.
Motion was unanimously carried. (Changes attached.)
GM Kumm presented changes to credit card policy. These changes also reflect the title
changes. A motion was made by Secretary Lenz, seconded by Commissioner Walser to
approve changes to the credit card policy. Motion was unanimously carried. (Credit card
policy attached.)
GM Kumm presented requisition #004038 for 3,600' underground conductor for plant 1
transformer (pad and structure) from Border States for $28,872. This is for the
transformer downtown that failed on June 2, 2010. After discussion a motion was made
by Commissioner Walser, seconded by Secretary Lenz to approve requisition #004038
for 3,600' underground conductor for plant 1 transformer (pad and structure) from
Border States. Motion was unanimously carried. (Requisition attached.)
Division Reports
• Electrical Forced Outage —Transformer Failure 6 -2 -10
GM commended staff for their outstanding efforts in coordinating everything that
needed to be accomplished during this outage to get the power back on.
Employees showed unbelievable cooperation.
We are expecting the new transformer around July 13tH
• Electrical Forced Outage — Car Accident 6 -4 -10
A car hit our 115 line and snapped the wood laminate pole in half. Again the
coordinating efforts by HUC employees were exemplary.
• Electrical Planned Outage 6 -16 -10
We had to shift load from one feeder to another feeder in order to avoid a
potential outage.
Commissioner Nordin expressed his appreciation in being personally notified of
the planned outage for his place of business.
• AMI (Smart Metering) Progress
The coordinating efforts for this program, has been very good as well. The
meters we've installed are communicating and by the fall of 2010 we could be
reading meters via this system; remotely connect and disconnect; and remotely
read meters for move -ins and move -outs.
By 2011 we .could have the ability to support our transformer load management;
by 2013 we could read all the meters on the same day; by 2013 we will no longer
need to estimate meter reads (although personnel does a great job in estimating
them). We could possibly see a payback in 2 -3 years.
Other advantages are the ease of completing our regulatory reporting. In
addition, meters are equipped with tampering alarms.
Gas — John Webster
• Next week, Wednesday through Friday MNOPS will be here to do the annual
• We'll be ready to start installing gas to Highway 15 South the week after July 4th
Electric — Steve Lancaster
• Landscaping is completed at plant 1
• Starting July 1St, we'll generate 5 days a week for 2 months.
• HUC sponsored the Midwest Turbine Users group meeting and discussed winter
operating issues
Business — Jan Sifferath
• Our contracted cleaning person, Pat Wright, is retiring. Her last day will be July
16th. Will be contacting cleaning companies for pricing.
Finance — Jared Martig
• Landscaping is completed at MDC building; will be doing some planting next year
• Selling a truck and a wire trailer through GovDeal Auction
Commissioner Nordin mentioned that he will not be able to attend next month's
commission meeting.
Legal Update
Attorney Sebora reported on the garnishment action against Steile Construction;
they are not a valid corporation. They are under contract with us for our
conversion project and we are under order to send their $20,000 payment made
payable to the Court.
A motion was made by Secretary Lenz, seconded by Commissioner Nordin to close the
meeting to discuss labor negotiations. Motion was unanimously carried. The meeting
closed at 3:50 p.m.
A motion was made by Secretary Lenz, seconded by Commissioner Walser to move
from closed meeting back to open meeting. Motion was unanimously carried. The
meeting reopened at 4:02 p.m.
A motion was made by Commissioner Nordin, seconded by Secretary Lenz to approve
the tentative labor agreement. Motion was unanimously carried.
Unfinished Business
Approve Sale of One -Half Acre of Mineral Rights in Oklahoma
(Tabled from April 28th and May 16th Regular Meetings)
- Tabled-
New Business
There being no further business, a motion was made by Secretary Lenz, seconded by
Commissioner Nordin to adjourn the meeting at 4:06 p.m. Motion was unanimously
Rol ert ntg ice President