08-31-2005 HUCM
Regular Meeting
August 31, 2005
Members present: President Craig Lenz; Vice President Donald Walser; Secretary
David Wetterling; Commissioner Paul Ackland; Commissioner Steven Cook; General
Manager Michael Kumm
Member absent: Attorney Marc Sebora
President Lenz called the meeting to order at 3:00 pm.
Secretary Wetterling made a motion to approve the minutes of the July 27, 2005
Regular Meeting. Commissioner Ackland seconded the motion and it passed
Vice President Walser made a motion to ratify the payment of bills in the amount of
$3,059,157.31 (detailed listing in payable book). Commissioner Cook seconded the
motion and it passed unanimously.
Manager Kumm discussed the financial/budget year-to-date report. On the balance
sheet we have added three new accounts. Accounts receivable - MISO, Accounts
payable - MISO, and Prepaid gas expense that helps with the fuel cost adjustment
With the contracts in place with Utilities Plus for purchased power, we have realized a
substantial savings for our customers. While the energy prices are certainly high,
without these contracts the price would be even higher than they are now.
After discussion Secretary Wetterling made a motion to approve the financial statement
and budget year to date. Commissioner Ackland seconded the motion and it passed
unanimously. We should see a cash flow increase in the next couple of months.
Commissioner Ackland made a motion to approve the change of language in the
Operation and Maintenance Agreement with Great River Energy (tabled from July 27,
2005 regular meeting). Commissioner Cook seconded the motion and it passed
Don Merkins discussed requisition #1407 for stack testing at plant 2. This is an air
permit requirement from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. We will do this in
October before it gets too cold. Secretary Wetterling made a motion to approve
requisition #1407 to Interpoll Laboratories Inc. Vice President Walser seconded the
motion and it passed unanimously.
Manager Kumm discussed having all our insurance renewals on the same date
(January 1,2006 to December 31,2006) enabling us to manage and budget better. Two
options are available for the boiler and machinery insurance renewal:
1. Issue a 4-month extension to the current policy, which would move the
expiration date to 1-1-06. The premium for this extension would be
$36,432 and includes a 15% rate credit.
2. Issue a 16-month policy effective 9-1-05 and expiring on 1-1-07. The
premium for this 16-month policy would be $145,508 and includes at 15%
rate credit. This credit amounts to a premium savings of $19,257. The
advantage to the 16-month policy is that current rates are locked in for the
next 16 months.
Commissioner Ackland made a motion to approve option 2 of the boiler and machinery
insurance renewal. Secretary Wetterling seconded the motion and it passed
Manager Kumm reported on the following:
. R. W. Beck's cost of service study. A meeting is scheduled for September 2,
2005. There will be a presentation on the progress at next month's meeting.
. Budget for 2006 is progressing well
. MISO - transmission member
. Business plan is in process
. Condemnation hearings have started (August 30 & 31)
. General funds transfer to City of Hutchinson - additional 5% Changed to: requested an
additional 5%
. Joint City/HUC meeting to be scheduled
Division reports:
Electric/Production division - Don Merkins
Start date to construct Glencoe transmission line in 2 weeks
HTI second feed
New developments - we're caught up, waiting for developers so we can put new
wires in the ground
Highway 7 - met with City/DOT/DNR/HTC - DOT needs to have 2 ponds for run-
off, but we have duct banks where they want to put the ponds. Until they decide
what they want to do, we will not relocate at this time. That relocation could cost
between $270,000 and $275,000. We will work with the DOT on this.
Business division - Jan Sifferath
Health insurance could go up as much at 20% or maybe more
Recommend 80/20 coverage
Dental plan is doing well - could increase coverage from $750 to $1000
Secured inventory - goal is to have system in place by end of the year
Vending machine - looking into bottled water, bottled pop and sandwiches
Gas division - John Webster (absent)
Manager Kumm reported on the gas prices
Legal reports:
Old Business
Commissioner Ackland asked about the bill from our old cell phone carrier. Jan Sifferath
informed him that the carrier wrote it off.
Manager Kumm discussed the presentation given by Commissioner Ackland to the City
a while back regarding putting a limit on HUC's contribution to City. Commissioner Cook
will relay that information to the City Council.
Commissioner Ackland discussed Manager Kumm's performance review. Manager
Kumm was commended on cutting expenses for 2005. His concern for the bottom line
of HUC is very much appreciated. The monthly reports are very informative with issues
always being addressed. The improved employee moral with Manager Kumm's
leadership is realized.
Manager Kumm's biggest disappointment is the pipeline. That was a problem when he
arrived, and it is out of our hands now.
Manager Kumm has strengthened our relationship with the regulatory agencies and has
been very responsive when dealing with the fuel cost adjustment clause issues.
Commissioner Ackland recommends a 6% one-time only performance pay. Secretary
Wetterling supports the 6% performance pay.
Commissioner Cook informed the board that the City of Hutchinson offers 5% through
the step program as performance pay.
Vice President Walser agrees to a greater than 5% performance pay because of
Manager Kumm's diligence in working through all the issues he's been faced with in the
past year.
President Lenz agrees to the 6% performance pay given the growth and opportunity
afforded to HUC.
Commissioner Ackland made a motion for a one-time 6% of the original base pay as a
performance payment for outstanding performance, effective immediately. Secretary
Wetterling seconded the motion. Manager Kumm reiterated that this is the best job he
has ever had and appreciates the ease of working with the commission board and he
appreciates the fact that his opinion has mattered. Commissioner Cook asked about a
step program, but HUC only has a cost of living increase. Motion passed unanimously.
Commissioner Cook reported that City Administrator Gary Plotz apologizes for not
getting back to us regarding the meter reader position. Understanding the sense of
urgency, Commissioner Cook will talk to Gary Plotz to see what his decision is.
Commissioner Ackland asked about the small outages we've had. Feeder 5 is an old
overhead line and with morning dew on the lightning arrestor, it shorts out and trips the
breaker. Feeder 22 was struck by lightning and took out the secondary and primary,
causing the outage for the hospital.
Don Merkins reported on the conversions on the west side of Adams Street. The wire is
in but the transformers are not set. All the funds are going into the Highway 7 project.
Commissioner Cook asked if it's possible to hire a temp for the position of meter reader
given the urgency in this matter. Manager Kumm said because City had an interest in
in-house meter reading no thought has been given to a temp or to an independent
New Business
Commission Ackland made a motion to adjourn at 4:48 pm. Vice President Walser
seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
David Wetterling, Secretary
Craig Lenz, President
Regular Meeting
August 31, 2005
Members present: President Craig Lenz; Vice President Donald Walser; Secretary
David Wetterling; Commissioner Paul Ackland; Commissioner Steven Cook; General
Manager Michael Kumm
Member absent: Attorney Marc Sebora
President Lenz called the meeting to order at 3:00 pm.
Secretary Wetterling made a motion to approve the minutes of the July 27, 2005
Regular Meeting. Commissioner Ackland seconded the motion and it passed
Vice President Walser made a motion to ratify the payment of bills in the amount of
$3,059,157.31 (detailed listing in payable book). Commissioner Cook seconded the
motion and it passed unanimously.
Manager Kumm discussed the financial /budget year -to -date report. On the balance
sheet we have added three new accounts. Accounts receivable — MISO, Accounts
payable — MISO, and Prepaid gas expense that helps with the fuel cost adjustment
With the contracts in place with Utilities Plus for purchased power, we have realized a
substantial savings for our customers. While the energy prices are certainly high,
without these contracts the price would be even higher than they are now.
After discussion Secretary Wetterling made a motion to approve the financial statement
and budget year to date. Commissioner Ackland seconded the motion and it passed
unanimously. We should see a cash flow increase in the next couple of months.
Commissioner Ackland made a motion to approve the change of language in the
Operation and Maintenance Agreement with Great River Energy (tabled from July 27,
2005 regular meeting). Commissioner Cook seconded the motion and it passed
Don Merkins discussed requisition #1407 for stack testing at plant 2. This is an air
permit requirement from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. We will do this in
October before it gets too cold. Secretary Wetterling made a motion to approve
requisition #1407 to Interpoll Laboratories Inc. Vice President Walser seconded the
motion and it passed unanimously.
Manager Kumm discussed having all our insurance renewals on the same date
(January 1, 2006 to December 31, 2006) enabling us to better budget and manage. Two
options are available for the boiler and machinery insurance renewal:
1. Issue a 4 -month extension to the current policy, which would move the
expiration date to 1 -1 -06. The premium for this extension would be
$36,432 and includes a 15% rate credit.
2. Issue a 16 -month policy effective 9 -1 -05 and expiring on 1 -1 -07. The
premium for this 16 -month policy would be $145,508 and includes at 15%
rate credit. This credit amounts to a premium savings of $19,257. The
advantage to the 16 -month policy is that current rates are locked in for the
next 16 months.
Commissioner Ackland made a motion to approve option 2 of the boiler and machinery
insurance renewal. Secretary Wetterling seconded the motion and it passed
Manager Kumm reported on the following:
• R. W. Beck's cost of service study. A meeting is scheduled for September 2,
2005. There will be a presentation on the progress at next month's meeting.
• Budget for 2006 is progressing well
• MISO — transmission member
• Business plan is in process
• Condemnation hearings have started (August 30 & 31)
• General funds transfer to City of Hutchinson — ladditional 5%
• Joint City /HUC meeting to be scheduled
Change made: added 'requested an' additional 5%
Division reports: See September 28, 2005 minutes
Electric /Production division — Don Merkins
Start date to construct Glencoe transmission line in 2 weeks
HTI second feed
New developments — we're caught up, waiting for developers so we can put new
wires in the ground
Highway 7 — met with City /DOT /DNR/HTC — DOT needs to have 2 ponds for run-
off, but we have duct banks where they want to put the ponds. Until they decide
what they want to do, we will not relocate at this time. That relocation could cost
between $270,000 and $275,000. We will work with the DOT on this.
Business division — Jan Sifferath
Health insurance could go up as much at 20% or maybe more
Recommend 80/20 coverage
Dental plan is doing well — could increase coverage from $750 to $1000
Secured inventory — goal is to have system in place by end of the year
Vending machine — looking into bottled water, bottled pop and sandwiches
Gas division — John Webster (absent)
Manager Kumm reported on the gas prices
Legal reports:
Old Business
Commissioner Ackland asked about the bill from our old cell phone carrier. Jan Sifferath
informed him that the carrier wrote it off.
Manager Kumm discussed the presentation given by Commissioner Ackland to the City
a while back regarding putting a limit on RUC's contribution to City. Commissioner Cook
will relay that information to the City Council.
Commissioner Ackland discussed Manager Kumm's performance review. Manager
Kumm was commended on cutting expenses for 2005. His concern for the bottom line
of HUC is very much appreciated. The monthly reports are very informative with issues
always being addressed. The improved employee moral with Manager Kumm's
leadership is realized.
Manager Kumm's biggest disappointment is the pipeline. That was a problem when he
arrived, and it is out of our hands now.
Manager Kumm has strengthened our relationship with the regulatory agencies and has
been very responsive when dealing with the fuel cost adjustment clause issues.
Commissioner Ackland recommends a 6% one -time only performance pay. Secretary
Wetterling supports the 6% performance pay.
Commissioner Cook informed the board that the City of Hutchinson offers 5% through
the step program as performance pay.
Vice President Walser agrees to a greater than 5% performance pay because of
Manager Kumm's diligence in working through all the issues he's been faced with in the
past year.
President Lenz agrees to the 6% performance pay given the growth and opportunity
afforded to HUC.
Commissioner Ackland made a motion for a one -time 6% of the original base pay as a
performance payment for outstanding performance, effective immediately. Secretary
Wetterling seconded the motion. Manager Kumm reiterated that this is the best job he
has ever had and appreciates the ease of working with the commission board and he
appreciates the fact that his opinion has mattered. Commissioner Cook asked about a
step program, but HUC only has a cost of living increase. Motion passed unanimously.
Commissioner Cook reported that City Administrator Gary Plotz apologizes for not
getting back to us regarding the meter reader position. Understanding the sense of
urgency, Commissioner Cook will talk to Gary Plotz to see what his decision is.
Commissioner Ackland asked about the small outages we've had. Feeder 5 is an old
overhead line and with morning dew on the lightning arrestor, it shorts out and trips the
breaker. Feeder 22 was struck by lightning and took out the secondary and primary,
causing the outage for the hospital.
Don Merkins reported on the conversions on the west side of Adams Street. The wire is
in but the transformers are not set. All the funds are going into the Highway 7 project.
Commissioner Cook asked if it's possible to hire a temp for the position of meter reader
given the urgency in this matter. Manager Kumm said because City had an interest in
in -house meter reading no thought has been given to a temp or to an independent
New Business
Commission Ackland made a motion to adjourn at 4:48 pm. Vice President Walser
seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
( "Agreement "), made this day of July, 2005, between Great River Energy, a
Minnesota Cooperative Corporation, on behalf of itself, United Power Association
( "UPA "), and Cooperative Power Association ( "CPA ") hereinafter called "GRE ", and
Hutchinson Utilities Commission, an agency of the city of Hutchinson hereafter called
"HUC ", such parties being hereafter referred to individually as "Party" or collectively as
"Parties ",
0.01 WHEREAS, UPA and HUC are Parties to an Interconnection and
Interchange Agreement dated February 17, 1982, hereinafter referred to as
the "Interconnection and Interchange Agreement ", which provides in
Article 8.04 thereof that one Party may operate and maintain the
interconnection facilities of the other Party; and
0.02 WHEREAS, GRE and HUC maintain a number of interconnections; and
0.03 WHEREAS, UPA, HUC and Southern Minnesota Municipal Power
Agency ( "SMMPA ") are Parties to an Integrated Transmission Agreement
dated July 24, 1983 and amended by Amendment No. 1, dated July 24,
1983 and by Amendment No. 2, dated November 24, 1986, and by
Amendment No. 3, dated December 27, 1989; and
0.04 WHEREAS, UPA and HUC are Parties to an Operation and Maintenance
Agreement, dated December 27th,1989, and
0.05 WHEREAS, HUC sold the Blaine 230/69 kV substation, including
60/80/112 MVA transformer, circuit switcher, and four 69 kV circuit
breakers to GRE on January 24, 2003.
0.06 WHEREAS, UPA and CPA merged on January 1, 2000 to become GRE;
0.07 WHEREAS, HUC desires to contract with GRE to perform the operation
and maintenance on certain HUC facilities.
NOW THEREFORE, the Parties agree as follows:
1.01 Operation — Switching and Substation GRE shall have operational
authority of HUC Switching and Substation Facilities listed in Exhibit A,
attached hereto as amended from time to time with mutual agreement of
GRE and HUC. This requires that any device listed in exhibit A may only
be operated at the direction of GRE system operations.
Operation provided hereunder shall include, but not necessarily be limited
to routine and emergency switching as required to operate the ITA.
Scheduled and emergency switching may be done by either party as
mutually agreed to by both parties on a case -by -case basis. All switching
will be done under the direction of GRE system operations.
1.02 Maintenance of Metering Facilities. GRE will maintain the meters listed
in Exhibit A. Maintenance service provided hereunder shall be on both a
routine and emergency basis, using GRE's standard practices, and shall
include but not necessarily be limited to:
a. Testing,
b. Removal,
C. Repair and /or replacement, and
d. Programming.
1.03 Emergency Maintenance. HUC may contact GRE to request emergency
maintenance. Emergency Maintenance shall be mutually agreed upon on
case -by -case basis.
1.04 Materials and Supplies. Materials and supplies required for the
maintenance of the meters listed in Appendix A shall be as follows:
a. All parts pertaining to meters shall be furnished by GRE unless the
Parties agree otherwise.
b. All materials and supplies furnished by GRE in providing the
maintenance service hereunder shall become the property of HUC.
C. In providing the maintenance service hereunder, where materials and
supplies are removed and replaced, such removed materials and
supplies shall become the property of GRE. The billing rendered to
HUC for such maintenance service shall be reduced in the amount of
the salvage value, if any, of such materials and supplies removed.
d. When GRE chooses a new standard of equipment, GRE shall notify
HUC in writing and HUC shall make arrangements to change -out the
equipment or provide GRE with replacement parts.
1.05 All maintenance performed by GRE hereunder shall be performed in
accordance with sound engineering practices. A report on the
maintenance performed shall be submitted by GRE to HUC with the
invoice for service.
1.06 Determination of Charges.
a. Costs for Testing and Maintenance. The costs associated with meter
testing and maintenance, and emergency maintenance, shall be based
on actual costs. Such costs shall include overhead, administrative
and general expenses.
b. Costs for Operation. These costs are negligible and are recovered in
a System Control Agreement.
1.07 Payment. In consideration of the services provided hereunder, HUC will
pay GRE within thirty -days.
1.08 Right of Access. GRE shall contact HUC control center to request the
right to enter HUC facility property for the purpose of performing any
work incident to rendering the operation and maintenance services under
this Agreement. HUC shall make available and accompany GRE
employees for any and all work in the 3M substation.
1.09 Limitations of Liability.
a. The charges hereunder do not include any provision for contingent
liabilities on the part of GRE for defective equipment, materials,
supplies, or installation. No warranties of any kind, whether
statutory, written, oral or implied, shall apply, except that GRE will
provide HUC with the benefit of any manufacturer's warranties
which may be applicable to the equipment. Any repair or
replacement of equipment, materials, and supplies, or correction of
installation, and operation in connection therewith, shall be deemed
to be the performance of operation and maintenance pursuant to all
terms of this Agreement.
b. Neither party shall be liable to the other for any direct, special, or
consequential damages, and each party shall defend, indemnify, and
save harmless the other against any and all claims for injury or
damage to persons or property occasioned in any manner from any
activities of GRE in performing maintenance in fulfillment of this
1.10 Term. This Agreement shall become effective on the date first above
written and shall remain in full force and affect until a 30 -day written
notice of intent to terminate is delivered by either Party to the other Party.
1.02 This Agreement, as of its effective date, amends and restates the
Operations and Maintenance Agreement between HUC and UPA, dated
December 27, 1989, as amended. This Agreement, from its effective date,
supersedes and has merged into it all prior oral and written agreements on
the same subjects by or between the Parties hereto, with the affect that this
Agreement shall control, except as the Parties otherwise agree in writing.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed
by their respective duly authorized representatives as of the day and year first above
Its Manager, Field Services
Its General Manager
HUC's facilities to be operated by GRE are as follows:
McLeod Substation (C38) 38WB1* Breaker
38WB2* Breaker
(* - Pending a possible upcoming interconnection by the City of Glencoe to the
McLeod Substation, GRE will operate the 38WB1 breaker until the City of
Glencoe's interconnection and then instead GRE will operate 38WB2 after the City
of Glencoe has completed the interconnection to the McLeod Substation.)
Hutchinson Substation (0) C3NB1
C3WCS 10
C3 WB 12
3M Substation (C214) 214WSM1
Circuit Switcher
Motor Operated Switches
Motor Operated Switches
HUC's meters to be maintained by GRE are as follows:
McLeod Substation (C38) McLeod meter (1) (Siemens 25 10)
Hutchinson Substation (0)
3M Substation (C214)
C3NB3 /C3NB7 (1) (Siemens 25 10)
C3NB9 (1) (Siemens 25 10)
3M meter (1) (Siemens 25 10)
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P.O. Box 68 • 135 Third Avenue Southeast
Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350
We have been provided 2 options for renewing the Hutchinson Utilities boiler and
machinery coverage, which expires on 9/1/05. These options take into account the
commissions desire to eventually get to a January 1" date for all insurance coverage.
Limit of Liability: $50,000,000
Issue a 4 month extension to the current policy, which would move the expiration date to
1/1/06. The premium for this extension would be $36,432 and includes a 15% rate credit.
Issue a 16 month policy effective 9/1/05 and expiring on 1/1/07. The premium for this 16
month policy would be $145,508 and includes a 15% rate credit. This credit amounts to a
premium savings of $19,257. The advantage to the 16 month policy is that current rates
are locked in for the next 16 -months.
Inspection & Engineering Fee: Propose to perform boiler surveys and jurisdictional
inspections. Annual Engineering Fee is $9,125.
TRIA — The premium charge is $4,900 for Certified and $1,845 for Non Certified
Terrorism coverage for the 16 month policy.
Telephone 320 - 587 -2299
1- 800 - 535 -1669
Fax 320 - 587 -0808
Hutchinson Utilities Commission
Item #
Description, Location & Occupancy of Covered Pro erty
Power Plant #2, Unit #1 (Gas — 43500kw)
1100 Industrial Blvd., Hutchinson MN
Power Plant #2, Unit #1 (Steam — 11500kw)
1100 Industrial Blvd., Hutchinson MN
Power Plant #2, Unit #9 (27600kva)
1100 Industrial Blvd., Hutchinson MN
Power Plant #2, Cooling To
$ 800,000
1100 Industrial Blvd., Hutchinson MN
Power Plant #2, Unit #1 (Transformer)
$ 884,000
1100 Industrial Blvd., Hutchinson MN
Plant #2, Substation (42mva &5mva &3 VR)
$ 1,434,000
1100 Industrial Blvd., Hutchinson MN (Controls &SG)
$ 637,000
Power Plant #1, Unit #2 (2500kva)
$ 1,823,000
Ave NE., Hutchinson MN
Power Plant #1, Unit #3 (5000kva)
444h Ave NE., Hutchinson MN
$ 3,700,000
Power Plant #2, Unit #4 (5000kva)
44-4h Ave
$ 3,700,000
NE., Hutchinson MN
Power Plant #1, Unit #5 (2675kva)
44 -4"' Ave NE., Hutchinson MN
$ 1,823,000
Power Plant #1, Unit #6 (2670kva)
44 -4t' Ave NE., Hutchinson MN
$ 1,823,000
Power Plant #1, Unit #7 (6250kva)
44-4' Ave NE., Hutchinson MN
$ 4,219,000
Power Plant #1, Unit #8 (17265kva)
$ 8,600,000
Ave NE., Hutchinson MN
Power Plant #1, Cooling Tower
444x' Ave NE., Hutchinson MN
$ 615,000
Power Plant #1, Fuel Storage Tank
44-4' Ave NE., Hutchinson MN
$ 450,000
Hutchinson Substation (84mva &9 Bkr &ICS)
$ 30,000
$ 2,419,000
125 East Gate Drive, Hutchinson MN (Controls)
$ 415,000
McLeod Substation (187mva &4Bkr)
$ 4,380,000
13689 Page Ave., Hutchinson MN (Controls)
$ 350,000
HTI Substation (28mva &ICS)
$ 622,000
40 West Highland Park Dr., Hutchinson MN (Controls&SG)
$ 380,000
Plant #1 Substation (36mva &ICS)
$ 1,076,000
Ave NE., Hutchinson MN (Controls &SG )
3M Substation (47mva&1CS)
$ 861,000
905 Adams St SE., Hutchinson MN (Controls &SG)
$ 468,000
Total All Values
Schedule of Locations
Named Insured; Hutchinson Utilities Commission
Policy Number ................ STA 410 28 37 Issue Date...... 09/01/2005
Effective Date ................. 09/01/2005
Location Number Item No. Location Address Location Value
Location No. 001 1&2 Power Plant 2 /(Gas- 43500kw) $ 41,374,840
(Steam- 11500kw)
1100 Industrial Blvd.
Hutchinson, MN 55350
Location No. 002 4 Cooling Tower at Plant #2 $ 800,000
1100 Industrial Blvd.
Hutchinson, MN 55350
Location No. 003 3 Power Plant #2, Unit #9 $ 12,350,000
1100 Industrial Blvd.
Hutchinson, MN 55350
Location No. 004 5 Power Plant #2,Unit 1 $ 884,000
1100 Industrial Blvd.
Hutchinson, MN 55350
Location No. 005 6 Plant # 2, Substation $ 2,071,000
1100 Industrial Blvd.
Hutchinson, MN 55350
Location No. 006 7 Power Plant #1, Unit #2 $ 1,823,000
444h Ave NE
Hutchinson, MN 55350
Location No. 007 8 Power Plant #1, Unit #3 $ 3,700,000
44 -4' Ave NE
Hutchinson, MN 55350
EUN SCBLOC 12/1997 Page 1 of 3
Named Insured
Policy Number.
Effective Date.
Schedule of Locations(cont.
Hutchinson Utilities Commission
STA 410 28 37 Issue Date 09/01/2005
Location Number Item No.
Location No. 008 9
Location No. 009 10
Location No. 010 11
Location No. 011 12
Location No. 012 13
Location No. 013 14
Location No. 014 15
Location No. 015 16
Location Address Location Value
Power Plant #2, Unit #4
$ 3,700,000
44 -4 ' Ave NE
Hutchinson, MN 55350
Power Plant #1, Unit #5
$ 1,823,000
44 -4a` Ave NE
Hutchinson, MN 55350
Power Plant #l, Unit #6
$ 1,823,000
44 -4t'' Ave NE
Hutchinson, MN 55350
Power Plant #1, Unit #7
$ 4,219,000
44 -4' Ave. NE
Hutchinson, MN 55350
Power Plant #1, Unit #8
$ 8,600,000
44 -4`t' Ave NE
Hutchinson, MN 55350
Power Plant #1, Cooling Tower
$ 615,000
44 -4' Ave NE
Hutchinson, MN 55350
Power Plant #1, Fuel Storage Tank
$ 480,000
44 -4' Ave NE
Hutchinson, MN 55350
Hutchinson Substation
$ 2,834,000
125 East Gate Drive (Controls).
EUN SCHLOC 12/1997 Page 2 of 3
Named Insured:
Policy Number,
Effective Date.
Schedule of Locations(cont.)
Hutchinson Utilities Commission
STA 410 28 37 Issue Date 09/01/2005
Location Number
Item No,
Location Address
Location No. 016
McLeod Substation.
13689 Page Ave. (Controls)
Location No. 017
HTI Substation
40 West Highland Park Drive
(Controls & SG)
Location No. 018
Plant 41 Substation
44 -4'h Ave. NE
(Controls & SG)
Location No. 019
3M Substation
905 Adams Street S.E.
(Controls & SG)
EUN SCHLOC 12/1997 Page 3 of 3
Location Value
$ 4,730,000
$ 1,002,000
$ 2,756,000
$ 1,329,000