06-29-2005 HUCM
Regular Meeting
June 29, 2005
Members present: President Craig Lenz; Vice President Donald Walser; Secretary
David Wetterling: Commissioner Steven Cook; General Manager Michael Kumm;
Attorney Marc Sebora
Member absent: Commissioner Ackland.
President Lenz called the meeting to order at 3:00 pm.
Vice President Walser made a motion to approve the minutes of the May 25, 2005
Regular Meeting. Commissioner Cook seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Secretary Wetterling made a motion to ratify the payment of bills in the amount of
$2,750,907.95 (detailed listing in payable book). Vice President Walser seconded the
motion and it passed unanimously.
Secretary Wetterling made a motion to approve the financial statement and budget year
to date. Vice President Walser seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Hutchinson Utilities shares the general liability and automobile insurance policy with the
City of Hutchinson. When City Council approves the insurance premium, which is a
volume discount through the League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust, HUC will be
notified as to the amount of our premium. Secretary Wetterling made a motion to
approve renewal of Hutchinson Utilities general liability and automobile insurance.
Commissioner Cook seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Commissioner
Cook will contact City personnel to get a better understanding of this insurance policy.
General Manager Kumm presented HUC's mid-year report on goals for 2005:
+ Financial monitoring: A business plan is being developed and benchmarks have
been identified. A policy has been drafted for cash management. A five-year
financial forecast will be part of the business plan. Will develop and present 2006
+ Resolve legal issues: Some issues have been resolved regarding the
condemnation proceedings with regard to the pipeline. We are waiting for the
court date regarding the Public Utility Commission Regulation Issue. Legal and
regulatory issues with MISO and FERC are complete.
+ Electrical supply issues: Big Stone 2 power plant project is complete. Will
continue to explore joint action membership with MRES. Have developed a plan
for downtown power plant. Contracts have been secured for long-term and
intermediate term base load power supply.
+ Finish business plan
+ Complete reorganizing HUC: Meter Tech last position to fill, then will update
organizational chart.
+ Develop and maintain a strong positive relationship between customers, labor
and management: Will continue to send out the mid-month reports to
commissioners. President Lenz commended Mike for the informational mid-
month reports.
Secretary Wetterling made a motion to approve changes to the "Explanation of Billing
Procedures" section of the Policies and Requirements booklet. Vise President Walser
seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The wording only was changed to
make it easier to read and understand.
General Manager Kumm discussed the fuel cost adjustment clause. Problems have
been discovered causing the fluctuations in the cost adjustment. HUC will send out
requests for proposals to do a cost of service study for both the gas and electric
divisions. A reallocation of rates may be necessary. This will be brought to the board for
action at the July commission meeting.
We will negotiate a new contract with our largest gas customer after the cost of service
study is completed. That negotiating might start in September. This will be brought to
the board for action at the July commission meeting.
We will establish a fuel cost adjustment stabilization fund, providing a ceiling and a floor
to that fund. This will be brought to the board for action at the July commission meeting.
Imbalance problems have been realized and steps have been taken or are in place to
work off those imbalances.
Vice President Walser made a motion to approve the donation of our used computers to
the local public schools. Secretary Wetterling seconded the motion and it passed
unanimously. There is a resolution adopted by the City to donate computers and
because there is a fee for proper disposal, we will donate them. The hard drives have
been cleaned off.
Hutchinson Utilities received a Safety Award from American Public Gas Association for
our outstanding safety record for 2004. John Webster commended both the gas and
electric divisions for their excellent job performances.
Attorney Marc Sebora reported on changing the date of the Commission Board
reorganization schedule to coincide with the Utility fiscal year, January to January. Each
Commissioners term would be extended from September to January. Attorney Sebora
will draft an amendment to the by-laws to reflect this change.
Division reports:
Electric division - Don Merkins
Conversions are going well - working with the gas division
Will be crossing the river
Luce Line Trail is operational - lines are energized
Gas division - John Webster
Pipeline easements
Gas leak - repaired cracked flange
2 day audit - went very well
Operate & maintain 4 mile pipeline in Mankato - agreement drafted
(will discuss as agenda item in July)
Business division - Jan Sifferath
Using old Consolidated Freightway building - putting in 2 garage doors
"Panic Button" for account coordinators
Trying to promote 'autopay' on utility bills
City survey "Local Traffic Flow & Safety Questionnaire" with billing
Legal reports:
Attorney Sebora attended a workshop at the EOC "Table Top Exercises"
(commended Dave Hunstad on his performance)
Reported on pending cases
Old Business:
The rewording of the 0 & M Agreement is not in place yet. People have been on
vacation, phone calls are missed. When it's all completed it'll come before the
Board for approval.
The new powerstat policy is not in place yet. Discussed requIring a deposit
before customers get the new powerstat installed. When completed it'll be
presented to the Board for approval.
New Business:
Secretary Wetterling made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 5:06 pm. Vice President
Walser seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
David Wetterling, Secretary
Craig Lenz, President
Regular Meeting
June 29, 2005
Members present: President Craig Lenz; Vice President Donald Walser; Secretary
David Wetterling: Commissioner Steven Cook; General Manager Michael Kumm;
Attorney Marc Sebora.
Member absent: Commissioner Ackland.
President Lenz called the meeting to order at 3:00 pm.
Vice President Walser made a motion to approve the minutes of the May 25, 2005
Regular Meeting. Commissioner Cook seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Secretary Wetterling made a motion to ratify the payment of bills in the amount of
$2,750,907.95 (detailed listing in payable book). Vice President Walser seconded the
motion and it passed unanimously.
Secretary Wetterling made a motion to approve the financial statement and budget year
to date. Vice President Walser seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Hutchinson Utilities shares the general liability and automobile insurance policy with the
City of Hutchinson. When City Council approves the insurance premium, which is a
volume discount through the League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust, HUC will be
notified as to the amount of our premium. Secretary Wetterling made a motion to
approve renewal of Hutchinson Utilities general liability and automobile insurance.
Commissioner Cook seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Commissioner
Cook will contact City personnel to get a better understanding of this insurance policy.
General Manager Kumm presented HUC's mid -year report on goals for 2005:
+ Financial monitoring: A business plan is being developed and benchmarks have
been identified. A policy has been drafted for cash management. A five -year
financial forecast will be part of the business plan. Will develop and present 2006
+ Resolve legal issues: Some issues have been resolved regarding the
condemnation proceedings with regard to the pipeline. We are waiting for the
court date regarding the Public Utility Commission Regulation Issue. Legal and
regulatory issues with MISO and FERC are complete.
+ Electrical supply issues: Big Stone 2 power plant project is complete. Will
continue to explore joint action membership with MRES. Have developed a plan
for downtown power plant. Contracts have been secured for long -term and
intermediate term base load power supply.
+ Finish business plan
+ Complete reorganizing HUC: Meter Tech last position to fill, then will update
organizational chart.
+ Develop and maintain a strong positive relationship between customers, labor
and management: Will continue to send out the mid -month reports to
commissioners. President Lenz commended Mike for the informational mid -
month reports.
Secretary Wetterling made a motion to approve changes to the "Explanation of Billing
Procedures" section of the Policies and Requirements booklet. Vise President Walser
seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The wording only was changed to
make it easier to read and understand.
General Manager Kumm discussed the fuel cost adjustment clause. Problems have
been discovered causing the fluctuations in the cost adjustment. HUC will send out
requests for proposals to do a cost of service study for both the gas and electric
divisions. A reallocation of rates may be necessary. This will be brought to the board for
action at the July commission meeting.
We will negotiate a new contract with our largest gas customer after the cost of service
study is completed. That negotiating might start in September. This will be brought to
the board for action at the July commission meeting.
We will establish a fuel cost adjustment stabilization fund, providing a ceiling and a floor
to that fund. This will be brought to the board for action at the July commission meeting.
Imbalance problems have been realized and steps have been taken or are in place to
work off those imbalances.
Vice President Walser made a motion to approve the donation of our used computers to
the local public schools. Secretary Wetterling seconded the motion and it passed
unanimously. There is a resolution adopted by the City to donate computers and
because there is a fee for proper disposal, we will donate them. The hard drives have
been cleaned off.
Hutchinson Utilities received a Safety Award from American Public Gas Association for
our outstanding safety record for 2004. John Webster commended both the gas and
electric divisions for their excellent job performances.
Attorney Marc Sebora reported on changing the date of the Commission Board
reorganization schedule to coincide with the Utility fiscal year, January to January. Each
Commissioners term would be extended from September to January. Attorney Sebora
will draft an amendment to the by -laws to reflect this change.
Division reports:
Electric division — Don Merkins
Conversions are going well — working with the gas division
Will be crossing the river
Luce Line Trail is operational — lines are energized
Gas division — John Webster
Pipeline easements
Gas leak — repaired cracked flange
2 day audit — went very well
Operate & maintain 4 mile pipeline in Mankato — agreement drafted
(will discuss as agenda item in July)
Business division — Jan Sifferath
Using old Consolidated Freightway building — putting in 2 garage doors
"Panic Button" for account coordinators
Trying to promote 'autopay' on utility bills
City survey "Local Traffic Flow & Safety Questionnaire" with billing
Legal reports:
Attorney Sebora attended a workshop at the EOC "Table Top Exercises"
(commended Dave Hunstad on his performance)
Reported on pending cases
Old Business:
The rewording of the O & M Agreement is not in place yet. People have been on
vacation, phone calls are missed. When it's all completed it'll come before the
Board for approval.
The new powerstat policy is not in place yet. Discussed requiring a deposit
before customers get the new powerstat installed. When completed it'll be
presented to the Board for approval.
New Business:
Secretary Wetterling made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 5:06 pm. Vice President
Walser seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
raig Lenz r dent
Proposed changes to HUC's Policies and Requirements booklet
A bill for services is sent to the address provided by the customer approximately
1 te-3 3 to 5 days after the meters have been read. The customer then has
approximately 10 days to pay the bill in full on the due date. Bills paid after the
due date will incur the following charges:
• a 1 % per month late payment charge on any unpaid balance.
• A _$15 processing fee for payments received after the due date.
An NSF charge will also be assessed if a check is returned to us for non -
sufficient funds: plus:
a. Trip charge to deliver a door hanger, giving customer 24 hours to
make check good.
b. Trip charge to disconnect.
C. Trip charge to reconnect after payment has been received.
A oustomer with an inadequate payment histery, inoluding but not limited te
payments, diSGenneGilen fnr nonpayment isGe'nn eGtionn fe
+ss anGe of a non_GUffinient Ghe& ever the last 12 menths, may also be
$16 f� eXGuse l if the GUStnmer icy late for the first time after one yeaF of
0 HUG FeseFves the right in its diSGretien te impose the 1 However, per rne
late payment nh^rge desnrihed above
,uaa+ payment n
At the bottom of the next monthly bill and by separate letter, a late notice
warning of pending disconnection is geneFall given which allows the
customer approximately 10 -20 days to pay the bill or contact the Customer
Service Department to make other arrangements. Examples of other
arrangements may include agreement to a budget plan or payments by
other agencies. Failure to make payment by the stated date and time will
be considered a violation of the notice of pending disconnection. If full
payment or other arrangements have not been made by the deadline,
HUC personnel are sent to the meter location to disconnect utility services
fernenpayment (see disconnection of services section). HUG is not-a
nredit agennae
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