07-28-1999 HUCMREGULAR MEETING July 28, 1999 Members Present: President, Michael Carls; Vice President, Roger Gilmer; Secretary, Paul Ackland; Commissioner, David Wetterling; Attorney, Marc Sebora; General Manager, Clarence Kadrmas; and guest Craig Lenz. President Carls called the meeting to order at 3:03 p.m. and welcomed guest Craig Lenz to the meeting. Secretary Ackland made a motion to accept the minutes of June 30, 1999, as written. Vice President Gilmer seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Vice President Gilmer made a motion to ratify the payment of bills in the amount of $1,511,925.99 (detail listing is in payables book). Secretary Ackland seconded the motion which unanimously carried. Joyce Krcil expressed a concern that she was not aware of varied due dates. Late charges will be credited to her account and the back of statements will mention that due dates may vary. After review, Secretary Ackland made a motion to approve the Financial Statements and the Budget Year -to -Date. Vice President Gilmer seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Commissioner Wetterling made a motion to accept the bid from Northern Pipeline Construction Company with the understanding that the amount will be reduced by $10,000.00 to $199,000.00 to compensate us for our back fill and seeding work. Vice President Gilmer seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Power Production Superintendent, Donald Merkins, informed the commission that we need to clean out possible contamination and repair a catch basin around the Unit #9 fuel tanks. Secretary Ackland made a motion to accept a proposal from Erickson and Templin Contracting in the amount of $12,920.00. Commissioner Wetterling seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Secretary Ackland made a motion to approve an Advertisement for Bids for the Building Renovation and Addition. Commissioner Wetterling seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Manager Kadrmas informed the commission that there may need to be a special meeting of the Commission to award the bid. Vice President Gilmer made a motion to approve requisition #12354, to T and R Electric, for the purchase of a 2000 KVA used three -phase transformer. Secretary Ackland seconded the motion which unanimously carried. Secretary Ackland made a motion to approve requisition #12342, to Solomon Corporation, to repair for stock the 2500 KVA transformer which was struck by lightening. Commissioner Wetterling seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. General Manager Kadrmas informed the Commission that a 25.8 MW frame 5 P has been purchased to replace our Unit #9. The unit is being prepared in northern Italy for shipment. There will be a meeting August 10th and 11th to see what can be salvaged or what will need to be modified. Manager Kadrmas and Bill Juaire will be in Illinois, September 27 to 29. Letters will be sent to the media and City to inform them that the Commission will meet on October 1, 1999, for the regular September meeting. MAPP will be restructuring to a regional transmission organization by the end of the century. Vice President Gilmer made a motion to increase the contribution to the City of Hutchinson by $415.00. Secretary Ackland seconded the motion which passed unanimously. President Carls resigned from the Commission and expressed his appreciation to the Commission, Manager Kadrmas, and all utility employees. President Carls was presented with a plaque for his five years for service to the Commission. There being no further business, Commissioner Wetterling made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Secretary Ackland, the meeting adjourned. ATTEST Vice President, Roger Gilmer Paul Ackland, Secretary REGULAR MEETING July 28, 1999 Members Present: President, Michael Carls; Vice President, Roger Gilmer; Secretary, Paul Ackland; Commissioner, David Wetterling; Attorney, Marc Sebora; General Manager, Clarence Kadrmas; and guest Craig Lenz. President Carls called the meeting to order at 3:03 p.m. and welcomed guest Craig Lenz to the meeting. Secretary Ackland made a motion to accept the minutes of June 30, 1999, as written. Vice President Gilmer seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Vice President Gilmer made a motion to ratify the payment of bills in the amount of $1,511,925.99 (detail listing is in payables book). Secretary Ackland seconded the motion which unanimously carried. Joyce Krcil expressed a concern that she was not aware of varied due dates. Late charges will be credited to her account and the back of statements will mention that due dates may vary. After review, Secretary Ackland made a motion to approve the Financial Statements and the Budget Year -to -Date. Vice President Gilmer seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Commissioner Wetterling made a motion to accept the bid from Northern Pipeline Construction Company with the understanding that the amount will be reduced by $10,000.00 to $199,000.00 to compensate us for our back fill and seeding work. Vice President Gilmer seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Power Production Superintendent, Donald Merkins, informed the commission that we need to clean out possible contamination and repair a catch basin around the Unit #9 fuel tanks. Secretary Ackland made a motion to accept a proposal from Erickson and Templin Contracting in the amount of $12,920.00. Commissioner Wetterling seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Secretary Ackland made a motion to approve an Advertisement for Bids for the Building Renovation and Addition. Commissioner Wetterling seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Manager Kadrmas informed the commission that there may need to be a special meeting of the Commission to award the bid. Vice President Gilmer made a motion to approve requisition #12354, to T and R Electric, for the purchase of a 2000 KVA used three -phase transformer. Secretary Ackland seconded the motion which unanimously carried. Secretary Ackland made a motion to approve requisition #12342, to Solomon Corporation, to repair for stock the 2500 KVA transformer which was struck by lightening. Commissioner Wetterling seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. General Manager Kadrmas informed the Commission that a 25.8 MW frame 5 P has been purchased to replace our Unit #9. The unit is being prepared in northern Italy for shipment. There will be a meeting August 1& and 11th to see what can be salvaged or what will need to be modified. Manager Kadrmas and Bill Juaire will be in Illinois, September 27 to 29. Letters will be sent to the media and City to inform them that the Commission will meet on October 1, 1999, for the regular September meeting. MAPP will be restructuring to a regional transmission organization by the end of the century. Vice President Gilmer made a motion to increase the contribution to the City of Hutchinson by $415.00. Secretary Ackland seconded the motion which passed unanimously. President Carts resigned from the Commission and expressed his appreciation to the Commission, Manager Kadrmas, and all utility employees. President Carts was presented with a plaque for his five years for service to the Commission. There being no further business, Commissioner Wetterling made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Secretary Ackland, the meeting adjourned. ATTEST Vice President, Roger Gilmer Paul Ackland, Secretary 0 f a ti y (D CL L! I C- 0 m cr CD v. m 1 <. CL CT (D m v 0 (D 3 O O 0 z 0 cD 3 v CD 5' m v s CD 0' (D v- (D N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E m 0 c 0 5 0 z 0 03 CL CD cz z y o CD m 3 n 0 o Im -a o S' D 0 c 0 69 .69 N N ca 0 o o lz o ° o a -.AL N le a m D X A cn D W i w 0 CA r O O r z m N cn _n v U) Fa q O z 3 D z D z v m v 0 m m z W m 0 m r z m Q) co v D ca C O z O C 0 _m z CO O z C m CD 0 O 0 z fhapasal Page No ERICKSON & TEMPLIN CONTRACTING (E & T Contracting, Inc.) P.O. Box 430 845 Highway 7 West HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 55350 Phone (320) 587 -6948 FAX (320) 234 -7312 of Pages POSAL SUBMITTED TO HUTCH NSON L.?TII_.TTIES COMM. PHONE 587 -4746 DATE 27 July 1999 STREET JOB NAME 225 Michigan Avenue Hutch. Utilities Tank Farm CITY, STATE and ZIP CODE - ADZ 55350 JOB LOCATION MN ARCHITECT DATE OF PLANS JOB PHONE We hereby submit specifications and estimates for: Haul out 6" of rock and dirt $ 3,300. Haul in and place 1' (average) topsoil 9,420. Repair Catch Basin 200. Total $ 12,920. We propoSP hereby to furnish material and labor — complete in accordance with above specifications, for the sum of: Twelve thousand nine hundred twenty & I 100 --- _--------------------- - - - - -- dollars ($ 12,920. �. Payment to be made as follows: Payment in full within thirty (30) days after work is finished. All material is guaranteed to be as specified. All work to be completed in a workmanlike Authorized manner according to standard practices. Any alteration or deviation from above specifications Signature tl nvolving extra costs will be executed only upon written orders, and will become an extra harge over and above the estimate. All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents Note: his proposal may be r delays beyond our control. Owner to carry fire, tornado and other necessary insurance. ur workers are fully covered by Workman's Compensation Insurance. c�nn withdrawn by us if not accepted within 1999 Seasnn days. C Arrephinrr of Proposal— The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted: You are authorized Signature to do the work as speciifiieed ?ayment wilily made as outlined above. /bed Date of Acceptance: /. A �7 SinnaturP __ ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR Addition /Renovation of Utility Center at 225 Michigan St SE HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA Notice is hereby given that the Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson, Hutchinson, Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the Owner, will receive sealed Bids at the Hutchinson Utilities office until 2:00 p.m. on the 26th day of August, 1999, and will publicly open and read aloud such Bids on the following work and equipment: "Addition /Renovation of Utilities Center at 225 Michigan St SE" Proposals shall be properly endorsed and delivered in an envelope marked, "Addition /Renovation of Utilities Center at 225 Michigan St SE" and shall be addressed to: Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson, 225 Michigan Street, Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350. All proposals shall be submitted in duplicate on the Bidder's own letterhead in facsimile of the Proposal Form enclosed in the Specifications, or by utilizing the Proposal Form enclosed with the Specifications by typing the official name of the Bidder at the top of the form. Each proposal shall be accompanied by a Bid Bond, made payable to the Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson, Hutchinson, Minnesota, in the amount of five per cent (5 %) of the Bid, as a guarantee that the Bidder will enter into the proposed Contract and provide a Performance Bond after his Bid shall have been accepted. The successful Bidder shall furnish a Performance Bond in an amount equal to one hundred per cent (100 %) of the Contract price to the Owner prior to the approval of the Contract. No Bidder may withdraw his Bid or Proposal for a Period of thirty (30) days after date of opening of Bids. At the aforementioned time and place, or at such later time and Place as the Owner then may fix, the Owner will act upon Proposals received and with its sole discretion may award Contract(s) for the furnishing of said equipment. The work shall be started within ten (10) days after award of Contract(s). Specifications and Plans are available at the office of the architect, Korngiebel Architecture, 45 Washington Avenue East, Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350. The Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson, Hutchinson, Minnesota reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By Mi a Ckls, President Date July 28, 1999 ATTESTED ? /� By Z--9- c Paul Ackland, ecretary Date July 28, 1999 f t 0 60 3 I� Q �D N v 9: O 0 a a 9 m O 7 Z v v t_O 9 cr I � r N 0 Cl) 40 t0 +� � O W W cn O O D 3. c 7 "0 .0 CD I f�D 3 O ca 4 0 y b 00 0 I C n M Z c C in .y z i z y n R Z CD c v D Ti in 7 _n fl 2 I .Q I� N W i D tk C O Z x j � N GO O X m n a = L m T a o m v -i v CO) � T O G m Z m 70 N W O O O 0 w 40 V O O O D EA V f0 O O O O D 3. c 7 "0 .0 CD I f�D 3 O ca 4 0 y b 00 0 I C n M Z c C in .y z i z y n R Z CD c v D Ti in 7 _n fl 2 I .Q I� N W i D tk C O Z x j D 3. c 7 "0 .0 CD I f�D 3 O ca 4 0 y b 00 0 I C n M Z c C in .y z i z y n R Z CD c v D Ti in 7 _n fl 2 I .Q I� N W i m X y W Q, n v O Z D N o d i O o Z s� O Z Ch y v v i j m i O O O O O t0 D N i O o Z � O N O Z Ch i i m cDn m Z z M v A O m m D � w °o C) w D � a v 0 c Z O N 0 N °a 40 llh V 0 0 O i A V O O O D Ok D 7 5 3 D 5 3 '0 b 3 O N N vs 0 a N Ah cn C 0 mawk y m O c � y z y � y 3 � 3 y y O c v a tD AA� r, J i Z 7 Z .n rt 7 N N N i O o Z � O N O Z Ch Ok D 7 5 3 D 5 3 '0 b 3 O N N vs 0 a N Ah cn C 0 mawk y m O c � y z y � y 3 � 3 y y O c v a tD AA� r, J i Z 7 Z .n rt 7 N N