02-25-2013 LIBMHutchinson Public Library Board Minutes
Monday February 25, 2013
Present: Guy Stone, Roger Vacek, Jon Ross, Stacey Nass, Abby Dahlquist and Mary Henke, Ex- Officio. Dianne Wanzek
and Mary Christensen were absent.
Guy Stone called the meeting to order. The minutes from the last meeting were read. Jon Ross made a motion that the
minutes be approved and Roger Vacek seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Roger was not able to give a report on the February 21, 2013 PL$ Executive /Finance Board meeting as it was postponed
to Feb. 28 due to expected weather conditions.
Old Business:
I. Meet the author program. Mary has scheduled the author Julie Kramerfor the program on Monday, April 15.
2. Term expirations. Guy Stone & Abby Dahlquist will finish their terms on the board after the March meeting. Mary has
made contact with one possible candidate as a replacement. Mary is considering putting an ad in the paper or possibly
writing a letter to the editor to find more interested parties to be considered. Current board members are encouraged to
also search for suitable candidates.
3. Legacy program funds. Mary told us that new grant proposals are still not being received at this time as possible
changes in the procedure are being considered.
4. Bev Wangerin. Mary read a letter from Bev Wangerin to the library board thanking us for the gift she received from us
for her retirement as a county commissioner.
New Business:
1.0verdue notices go green. Patrons of the library will soon only receive a printed bill when books are 30 days overdue
and no longer receive a print notice for books 10 days overdue. Patrons will be encouraged to use the email option of
receiving PL5 notices and be able to receive a remi rider by email of books soon to be due. The change is being made to
reduce expenses. Currently it costs PLS about $20,000 /year with Hutchinson Library share approximately $3000 /year to
send notices under the present system.
2. Mary's retirement. Mary has formally given notice to PL5 of her upcoming retirement effective June 7, 2013.
Roger Vacek made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. Stacey Nass seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned.
Our next meeting will be March 25, 2013.
Submitted by Abby Dahlquist, Secretary