06-28-2010 LIBMHutchinson Public Library Board Minutes
Monday, June 28, 2010
Present: Roger Vacek, Stacey Nass, Guy Stone, Eric Yost, Abby pahiquist, Janet Vacek, John Paulsen, and Mary Henke, Ex-
Officio. No one was absent
Vice President Guy Stone called the meeting to order. John Paulsen, President, arrived and took over. We introduced
ourselves to our new board member, Stacey Nass and she shared her background with us. The minutes from the last
meeting were reviewed. A correction to the date of the meeting was made. Guy moved the minutes be accepted with
the noted change made and Abby seconded the motion. Passed.
Old Business
1. Legacy Funds programs: These programs are bringing the arts to outstate Minnesota with great participation
from the community. The libraries are in a two -year funding cycle and programs are approved through a
Ploneerland (PLS) on -line application form. A report with a % page evaluation filled out by participants is
required after the program, The McLeod County libraries sponsored a chartered trip to the Minnesota History
Center in May. Several families commented that they couldn't have afforded a trip like this on their own.
2. There was no other old business.
New Business
1. Children's Summer Reading programs: Sherry Lund, the Children's Librarian, gave an update on the "Make a
Splash— Read!" program which started on June 7 and ends August 21. The program is set up the same way as
previous years. Children sign a contract to meet a weekly reading goal and receive prizes for each week they
meet their goal. 520 kids signed up this year and 40-50% are expected to complete the program. Sherry
received a 3M grant to cover the program expenses this year. There are also many events for the children to
attend throughout the summer such as Stories in the Park and the Schiffelly Puppets.
2. Legacy Funds programs
A. McLeod County "Bringing Books to Life Program —The Pioneer Trunk ": The McLeod libraries in Hutchinson,
Glencoe, Brownton and Winsted are contracting with the McLeod County Historical Museum to created a
series of programs using Legacy Funds. A trunk with artifacts, books, scripts, teaching guides, and a costume
for the presenter will be created and used for programs at the libraries and any other McLeod organization
that would like to borrow it The programs will be geared toward three age levels -3 years old to P grade,
4"' and 5"' grades, and teens /adults.
B. Minnesota's Greatest Generation: This is a state -wide program which has compiled a catalog of programs
that we may consider for a fall presentation. It is free to us through Legacy Funds. We will discuss this at our
next meeting on July 26. The board members will look through the catalog and choose 2 or 3 topics of
C. Poetry workshop: John Minczeski, an award - winning Twin Cities poet, will conduct a poetry writing
workshop at the library on Saturday, July 24. There will be a 20 person limit and Mary will be able to handle
the arrangements.
3. Presentation to the McLeod County Commissioners on July 20, 2010: Mary and the other McLeod librarians will
make their annual presentation to the commissioners to update them on the libraries and their 2011 funding
request. There will be no increase in the funding request from the previous two years.
4. Election of officers: Guy Stone nominated the present slate of officers for another year. The present officers are
President John Paulsen, Vice President Guy Stone, and Co- Secretaries Janet Vacek and Roger Vacek. Motion was
seconded by Roger and passed.
The next meeting will be on Monday, July 26 at 4:30 p.m. Guy moved the meeting be adjourned with Abby seconding
the motion. Meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Janet Vacek, Co- Secretary