04-27-2009 LIBMHutchinson Public Library Board Minutes Monday, April 27, 2009 Present: Roger Vacek, Abby Dahlquist, Yvonne Johnson, Eric Yost, Janet Vacek, John Paulsen, and Mary Henke, Ex- Officio, Members Absent: Guy Stone. Janet called the meeting to order, Abby moved the minutes from March 23 be accepted, Roger seconded the motion. Motion carried. Upon arrival, John chaired the meeting, Report from the Pioneerland Library System Board meeting on A rii 16. Mary reported that the PLS budget is in draft stage and will be discussed in May, approved in June before sending it to cities and counties, No major state of Minnesota cuts are expected to affect public libraries. The 2008 audit was presented. PLS is buying an inventory module to assist in expediting that process, Six libraries in PLS are eligible to receive funds from the Gates Foundation. Mary will investigate whether Hutchinson qualifies for "disaster funding ". Old Business: i . William Kent Krueger author visit - feedback, There was an excellent turnout with 85 attendees. It was an extremely enjoyable presentation with information about all his books. He was very accessible to all the attendees. There was discussion about who to have next year: Lorna Landvik, Vince Flynn, Mary Logue, etc. 2. Library board reappointments - Yvonne Johnson and Roger Vacek, Official letter were received and the reappointments have occurred from the City of Hutchinson. 3. Meeting with McLeod Co. Administrator Pat Melvin on April 3. Mary Henke, John Houlahan - PLS Director and Pat Melvin - McLeod County administrator met for about 1.5 hours. Mary distributed data concerning the Hutchinson Public Library which was shared at the meeting. 4. Adult Winter Reading Program wrap -up. 213 people signed up, 120 people compiefed the entire program with a dessert buffet, Eight more people completed the program this year than last year. New Business: 1. Election of officers - President, Vice President, & Secreta , The follow slate of officers was presented: John Paulsen to be President, Guy Stone for Vice President, Yvonne Johnson and Janet Vacek for secretary, Roger moved to close nominations. Motion carried. 2. Custodian change in hours. Mary is working with the city to provide custodial assistance since Jerry Tews is retiring. Janet suggested contacting Real Deal (senior employees) to determine if there might be someone available. Since our next meeting conflicts with the Memorial Day holiday and there is no pressing business, Roger moved we skip the May meeting and Janet seconded the motion. Motion carried. Our next meeting will be Mon., June 22 at 4:30 p.m. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully Submitted, Yvonne Johnson, Co- Secretary