03-23-2009 LIBMHutchinson Public Library Board Minutes Monday, March 23, 2009 Present: Boger Vacek Abby Dahlquist Yvonne Johnson, Guy Stone, John Paulsen, Janet Vacek, Eric Yost, and Mary Henke, Ex- Officio. John called the meeting to order. The minutes were corrected to change Eric Johnson to Eric Yost. Roger moved the minutes be accepted as changed, with Guy seconding the motion. Motion carried. Old Business: 1. William Kent Krueger author visit on 4/14/0„9 7 , 00 om Help is needed from the library board at 6:30 pm to move chairs. Mary will ask author to bring books to sell and sign. Kay Johnson will be doing an interview to appear in the Thurs. April 91h Issue of the Leade. Flyers are up. 2. Burich Foundation grant re uest for gornguter replacements we are fookfng of replacing our 14 computers and adding 4 more and printers. We are requesting $5,000, The Foundation had a question about why we can't use old computers and hand -me- downs. The new computers need to be compatible to the rest of Pioneerland Library System (PLS) plus sophisticated usage by patrons for graphics requires up-to -date technology, Mary will respond at the Bunch May meeting. The question of what will happen to our old computers came up, 3. PLS budget for 2010 PLS is starting early because the cities and counties need figures by June or July. Direction has been given to not Increase arrj6unts requested. LGA amounts are cut and the future is uncertain. Mary submitted her budget which was reviewed at the 3119 PLS meeting. A budget worksheet from the city will arrive soon to request funds for utilities, custodian and other building expenses. New Business: 1. City Council meeflog with r esentatives from all boards there were 6 basic goals which were broken down into subgroups. Twenty people attended and John and Janet gave input can the goals. They will be reviewed and rolled 'out to selected people within the city. The goal is to give direction to city staff as to what results they should be working toward and what priority. The goal areas are public safety; health and recreation. transportation and mobility, economic development, the environment and good government. 2. Library board appointments Yvonne and Roger's 3 year terms expire in April. Both agreed to serve another term. Mary will complete the forms and turn them into the City. 3. Meeting with McLeoo Co, Administrator Pat Melvin Pat and John Houlahan, PLS director, scheduled a meeting on Friday, April 3 with the McLeod county librarians. Merry handed out statistics from Brownton, Glencoe, Hutchinson, and Winsted libraries, We agreed that it was a good Idea to acquaint the new county administrator with fibrary information. 4. New staff, Marilynn Bauer s Marilynn was the best qualified person to replace Linda Thompson who went over to the Dassel library, Marilynn states that her husband travels with his job and she needed to find a job which interested her. Her background is in the legal field and as assistant to a CEO and corporate staff. 5. Friends of the Library Mary described the group's activities and their fundralsing efforts on behalf of the library. The next meeting will be Monday, April 27 at 4:30 pm, Guy motioned the meeting be adjourned with Abby seconding, Motion carried. Respectfully submitted Janet Vacek, Co- Secretary ('r, (-0—) 1