09-24-2007 LIBMMinutes
Hutchinson Public Library Board
September 24, 2007 4:30 pm
Member present: Abby Dahlquist, Ann Vance, Yvonne Johnson, Janet Vanck, John Paulsen, Guy Stone, Mary Henke (Ex-
Officio) and Jack Sandberg, Pioneerand Board Representative.
Members Absent: Kay Peterson.
John called the meeting to order. Ann Vance moved to approve the minutes with Janet Vanck seconding the motion. Motion
Report: Mary summarized the report from Jack Sandberg, representative to the Pioneerland Library Board, from their
September 20"' meeting. It included information on budget planning and funding while factoring in possible trends in
demographics and property values, currency of delivery, and other informational items. The Hutchinson Public Library will
receive about $5,000 more in funding than had been requested. This additional funding may be used for summer staffing.
Old Business:
1. Benchmarks.
An explanation of the information provided along with data (by population) for total circulation, total library visits, number of
full -time employee equivalents, and electronic resources use per terminal was prepared by Ann Vance. This information
was presented to the City of Hutchinson. Thanks to Ann for compiling and preparing this document.
2. Community Forum.
Janet spoke with Kate Selseth, Minnesota River Area Agency on Aging - Willmar. The Minnesota Department of Human
Services is sponsoring, "Transforming 2010: Preparing for Minnesota's Age Wave ". They are going out to 13-14 sites to
present this topic. Kate said she or one of her staff could do a presentation on the topic and will do it free of charge. She
gave us a web site to look at concerning this endeavor: www.dhs.state.mn.us /201.0 . The community forum will be on
Tuesday, October 30 at 7:00 pm. We discussed how to publicize the event: radio ads, newspaper, public health, church
bulletins, Ridgewater College - activity director assistant program, senior dining, and senior living facilities. Mary will
prepare a bibliography of materials concerning "Aging Trends" to be available at the community forum.
New Business:
1. "Minnesota Book Awards" money is available for author visits. Libraries are eligible to apply for $500. Suggestions
for a presentation in the spring: Nancy Paddock (Poetry) from Litchfield or William Kent Krueger (Mystery Writer). We
will call to find out if there is still funding for this year and will pursue funding for the spring and/or in the future.
2. Sherry Lund will come to the board meeting next month and do a Wap up- of the summer reading program.
Meeting Adjourned.
Next Meeting: Monday, October 22, 2007 at 4:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Yvonne Johnson, Co- Secretary
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