06-25-2007 LIBMMinutes Hutchinson Public Library Board June 25, 2007 Members present: John Paulsen, Guy Stone, Abby Dahlquist, Ann Vance, Janet Vacek, Mary Henke, Ex- Officio, and Jack Sandberg, Pioneeriand Library System (PLS) representative Member absent: Kay Peterson President John Paulsen called the meeting to order. Yvonne moved to approve the minutes with Janet seconding the motion. Motion passed. Report: PLS Board meeting on June- 21 See attached summary per Jack's highlights. Yvonne asked about the educational qualifications for the newly created position of Library Assistant IV. Jack will check on this. Jack alerted the board that PLS would like to have identical computers in all libraries by 2010. Old Business: 1. Mcleod County Commissioners' presentation on May 22: The PowerPoint presentation about our county library services, usage statistics for 2006 and 2008 budget request was well - received. However, Grant Knutson cautioned that our 6% increase will be examined In light of the increases other departments are given. We also asked that the commissioners give the libraries the $2,541 shortfall from our 2007 request. 2. 2008 cify and county budget re uest : The PLS board has approved our budget which asked for a 6% from the city and the county. Mary has submitted a budget worksheet to the city which includes that request and the county was notified at the May 22 presentation. PLS administration will be sending out official notification to the city and county also. 3. Municipal benchmarks: Ann, Mary and John met with Mayor Steve Cook and City Administrator Gary Plotz to find out what should be done. They would like us to establish 4 -6 benchmarks, identify them and track them. Mary needs to submit a draft of the benchmarks. John, Ann and Mary shared a list of 11 benchmarks that they compiled and asked the board to review them and prioritize them. They will take the prioritized list and discuss how to present the information. 4. Wireless Internet access update: Mary asked Beth Lunn, PLS IT staff, about usage figures for Hutchinson but hasn't received a response yet. Staff -wise, it's seamless. PLS will provide a sign indicating WI-Fl service availability. New Business: 1. Children's summer reading program: Sherry Lund, the Children's Librarian, explained this summer's program, "Go Bananas at Your Library" which uses the artwork of Minnesota Illustrator Derek Anderson. Children from ages 2 -14 sign up to read at least 20 minutes a day, five days a week and are eligible to receive prizes for each week they meet their goal. Citizens Bank, 3M and many local businesses have contributed funds or prizes. As of today, there are 477 children participating. The next meeting will be on Monday, July 23 at 4 :30. Ann moved to adjourned the meeting and Janet seconded the motion. Motion passed. Respectfully submitted, Yvonne Johnson, Co- Secretary , FARM