06-21-2007 PLIBMPioneerland Library System Board of Trustees Meeting
June 21, 2007
Summary Notes
Jack Sandberg
New position: Library Assistant IV Board approved pay grade. Details NA.
PLS 2008 RLBSS Grant application: S 366,134. [2007 = $366,123]
Strategic Planning
Preliminary version of PLS Strategic Plan for 2008 --- 2010 to be submitted July 1. Approved by Board.
PLS ad hoc committee to .keep working. Final version due at end of Dec.
PLS will be the recognized leader in providing regional library services to the public in the
format it desires.
Four Main Goal Areas (so far):
• Public relations
• Training
• Technology
• Library Programs for Teens -- in cooperation with SAMMIE and PCLS
Report on Collection Development: Last 12 years => 385,918 items. [Hutch = 29,119 items]
Report on Cooperative project "PSP" PI.&SAMMIIrPCIS
First Consultants Identified Strategic Planning as a good area for cooperation.
2' Consultants ]tired to add insight about areas for sharing resources.
Steering Committee concluded project by suggesting that SAMMIE assume leadership of a cooperative
venture of strategic planning and development of programs for "Youth Development"
PLS Board committed to participate. Also see goal are in strategic plan: Teen Development and
Technology Plan 2008 - 2010 Approved
Discussion about the need for creative ways to ensure and maintain PLS financial viability
Discussion centered on possibility of charging a fee for groups to use the space in Willmar that is leased by
PLS. Director remarked that an important part of the vision for public libraries involves encouraging and
enabling free assembly and free discussion.