05-21-2007 LIBMMinutes Hutchinson Public Library Board May 21, 2007 Members present: John Paulsen, Guy Stone, Abby Dahlquist, Janet Vacek, Ann Vance, Bev Wangerin, Pioneerland Library System (PLS) representative, and Mary Henke, Ex -Officio. Members absent: Yvonne Johnson and Kay Peterson Vice - President John Paulsen called the meeting to order. Ann Vance moved to approve the minutes with Janet Vacek seconding the motion. Motion passed. Reports: 1. library Legislative D—W: Mary talked about Library Legislative Day visits on March 28, 2007. A group representing the McLeod libraries and PLS met with Senator Steve Dille and Rep. Ron Shimanski to discuss library issues and the need for additional funding. 2. PLS Board: Bev Wangerin updated us on the last 2 PLS board meetings on April 19 and May 17. Bev who is on the PLS Finance Committee gave an overview of the financial situation facing PLS and feels "the state needs to step up to the plate" with library funding. Old Business: 1. New Board Members: Guy Stone, a retired clergyman, moved here in 2002 and is interested in community involvement with the library. Abby Dahlquist, a Hutchinson native who came back in 1992, works at HTI and has done volunteer work at the library in the past. 2. Will Weaver prom April 19: We had a great turnout of 75 people. Be on the look out for a future speaker for next year. 3. Municipal Benchmarks and Minnesota Library Standards: The Hutchinson library regularly draws people from a 30 mile radius. As Board members, we need to review the materials to given to us and use what's important. John, Mary and Ann will review and report back. 4. McLeod County Commissioners' Presentation on May 22 2007: Mary and the 3 other McLeod County librarians will share information about library usage and financial support needed in a 30 minute PowerPoint presentation. Board members are welcome to attend. New Business: 1. Election of officers: Guy Stone moved that John Paulsen be elected President and Ann Vance, Vice- President. Ann seconded the motion and the motion carried. Janet volunteered to continue as Co- Secretary and Yvonne was elected to share the position. 2. Wireless Internet Access: The PLS IT Department installed wireless access last week. Patrons will register on their laptops and the staff will be able to monitor the number of people accessing it. The wireless access will only be available during library hours and there will be a 2 hour limit /person. Mary will advertise this new service. 3. 20 9 Citv and Coun Bud et Requests: There will be a 67o increase. 4. Children's summer programs: Sherry Lund, the Children's Librarian, will give a report next month. The next meeting will be on Monday, June 25 at 4:30 p.m. The meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Janet Vacek, Co- Secretary