05-17-2007 PLIBMPIONEERLAND LIBRARY SYSTEM BOARD May 17, 2007 Meeting Minutes Willmar Public Library Multipurpose Room I., Call to Order. The May 17, 2007 meeting of the Pioneerland Library System Board was called to order by Chair Paul Setzepfandt at 7 :30pm- 11. Roll was taken and there was a quorum. III. Approval of Agenda. Dille requested that a section E be added to Committee Reports. Three items needed action: the Interlibrary loan policy, the Intrrlibrary loan policy, and the Confidentiality of Patron data- Also, the revised Collection Development Policy manual was to be read for the first tune. Wilde motioned for approval of the agenda as amended, Schweiss seconded. Passed, IV. Approval of minutes. Wangerin motioned and Fagnano seconded for approval of April 194' minutes. Passed - V- Audit Deport- Van Buren reported that the opinion of the auditor was that PLS conformed wish USA-accounting standards. Highlights of the report were discussed_ comparative financial analysis (p.4). summan, of revenue (p.5), revenue sources (p -6), government fund balance sheet (p.16), statement of revenue /expenditures (p.12), noted that there was $153,000 more in revenue than expenditures (p.13), budget comparisons (pp 15 -16), and independent community fiord balances (pp22 -23). No questions were presented to the auditor, McKim motioned to accept the audit. Wangerin seconded. Passed - VI. Committee Reports 1. Finance. a. Wangerin motioned and Wilde seconded that the April financial report be approved. Passed. b. Wangerin motioned and Reigstad seconded for the approval of the bills and check registers. Passed. c. 2008 Budget, Houlahan handed out an informational sheet on 2008 budgets. d. Automation costs are being revised by a convnittee and will be brought fbmsrd when completed. e. Computer replacement costs are being revised by a committee and will be brought fonvard when completed. f- 'Meals /mileage policy, Policy has had its first reading. Wangerin motioned for approval and Reigstad seconded. Passed. g. Appletree's Agreement Addendum. Wangerin motioned and Setzepfandt seconded the addendum which allows PLS checking other insurance companies for bids at any time. Discussion followed on the history. of Appletree and our inability to check other companies- Passed- 2. Personnel a- New hires. Reigstad motioned and Schweiss seconded the approval of two new employees: 5arw Thele- Glencoe `a; Lib. Asst 1; and .Jonathan Boesche- Glencoe @,Lib Asst. 1.' Passed. b. Library Assistant [V job description. Reigstad introduced the new job description and exT:ained the reason for it. Because libraries are combining and head librarians oversee multiple libr- ,,ries_ the person just below the head librarian may assume more duties than the current job destiription lists. The new library assistant 1V job description should cover those additional dut_es. There was also discussion on: budget concerns, and qualifications,. The job description wiL be sent to the finance committee for a pay grade - c. Sick Leave (non - union) retirement policy. First reading was given to a slight change in the slck leave (non- union) retirement policy. Upon retirement, if sick leave funds are less than $500. b (CA� � the employee would have the choice of a payout or putting the amount into a medical savings account. 3- Technology Committee— Dilley introduced the Technology Plan prepared Jvor the State of Minnesota and due July I' -- PLS also uses this plan for goals and vision. The plan will be acted upon at the next meeting. At this time, the Interlibrary Loan Policy was motioned for approval by Dille; seconded by Reigstad. Passed. The Intralibrary Loan Policy was motioned fvr approval by Dille-, seconded by McKim. Passed. The Confidentiality of Patron Data Police was motioned for approval by Dille-, seconded by Schweiss. Passed - 4. Strategic Planning Committee for the FY 08 -FYI0 Plan. Sandberg discussed the plan: summary of mission and values, the tables of geographical census data, the summary of accomplishments, and the goal and activities for FY08 -FY10. This plan should tie into the Technology Plan. Wry should keep this plan in front of us as we go through the years. 5 - Collection Development Manual - Revised. Dille introduced the newly revised manual and highlighted the different sections.. It was noted that Appleton was listed in the wrong size category. A question was raised on the category qualifications. VII- Old Business, None VIII. New business. Board members that attended a meeting on the changes in the Joint Powers Agreement commented on the information gained at the meeting. Changes in the state law charge that legal rights to sue be limited to one entity. Stacking liability is no longer legal. The PLS Board should check their JPA Agreement to verify that it is properiv drawn. Board members must be duly appointed by their city council or county. IX. Director's Report- 14oulahan requested that the board approve the four }Tear extension of the Gateway Server contract. From this agreement, annual funds of $4300 will be realized. Wangerin motioned and Qverlander seconded- Passed. Houlahan reported that the MN House and Senate agreed on the increase of funds for regional libraries- He wanted to thank Sen, Ville and th ?, county commissioners for their work. The Senate had suggested a 5300,000 increase for libraries while the House moved for a $5 million increase. Both houses agreed on the higher amount. It is part of the K12 bill - Spicer Public Library is expanding from 2500 -5000 square feet. Groundbreaking will begin in September. X. Schvv,eiss moved for adjournment at 8:38pm. Setzepfandt seconded. Adjourned. Respectfully submitted Jean Holles Clark 6 (u)