03-26-2007 LIBMMinutes
Hutchinson Public Library Board
March 26, 2007
Members present: John Paulsen, Ann Vance, Yvonne Johnson, John Hassinger,
Janet Vanck. and Mary Henke, Ex- Officio
Members absent: Kay Peterson and Julie Jensen
vice - President Jahn Paulsen called the meeting to order. February 2b, 2007 minutes
were approved.
Report: Mary reviewed the report submitted by Jack Sandberg regarding the
Ploneerltand Library System (PLS) Board Meeting on March 15, 2007. See enclosure.
Old Business:
1. New Board Members --Two names, Guy Stone and Abbie Dahlquist, have
been submitted to the City Council for approval.
2. Plans continued to be developed for Will Weaver's visit to the Library on
April 19 at 7:00 p.m. His visit is being undertaken in partnership with
Ridgewater College. Would like the Board members to arrive at 6:15 -6:30
p.m, to help set up.
3. The nomination for the PLS Hall of Fame award will be put off for one year
because of schedule conflicts.
New Business:
1. Our presentation to the McLeod County Board of Commissioners will be
Tuesday, May 22 at Glencoe. The time will be forthcoming.
2. A publication entitled iylunicipal Benchmarks was passed out. This
information will be reviewed of later Board meetings. Our focus is on
establishing community standards, specifically for libraries, and will be
addressed by the Hutchinson Library Board.
The Library Board thanked Julie Jensen and John Hassinger for their dedicated work
on our Library Board as they leave the board after their six years of service.
Next meeting will be on April 23, 2007 at 4:30 p.m. Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted.
Jahn Hassinger, Co- Secretary